Returned player, 92, would love some lvling suggestions!

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Rozyn, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Rozyn Well-Known Member

    I have returned to the game after exactly 2 years. I bought ToV and hit 92 on my three "mains" and have been slowly and working on the Shades of Drinal quest on one character, but I'm not really sure if I want to do that with my other two. I don't mind doing it on one, but 3+, I'd rather try out some other forms of game fun. Since it seems like the CoE content is locked behind the sig quest, I'm mostly SOL on CoE I guess?

    So I'm wondering if there are other options for hitting 95? I'm assuming I can't really do ToV content until then. If nothing else, I'm just curious what all is out there for me to do. I always hate that feeling when returning to a game that you might be missing out on some good stuff. I did read the EQ2Wire FAQs on the expansions and those were immensely helpful, but I still feel like I'm missing some things.

    Any advice is appreciated!
  2. Charlice Well-Known Member

    With my second one I mentored down to I think level 80, and smashed stuff up in Sebilis. I got 2 levels and a heap of AA. It also made me feel like a warrior princess so was well worth it.

    The first one I did what you've done, then found a Skyshrine group at 93. I was 95 after an hour or so in there.

    The solo instances in umm ... the jungle? are level 92+, I did them a lot too.
  3. Rozyn Well-Known Member

    So the options are pretty much sig quest and advanced solo dungeons in CoE or grinding previous content? And it sounds like CoE is entirely skippable, which I guess is good considering the signature requirement, but kinda sad since it's not that old...
  4. Charlice Well-Known Member

    I did the quests and sig quest in CoE, I still wear the cloak :/

    You can start the ToV sig quest, I did that as well but got to admit I got sick of questing and just wanted to be 95. It's just a shame the quests don't give more xp.
  5. Estred Well-Known Member

    The Sig Cloak is worth it, you can activate it's clicky and then take it off. That alone is a reason to do it if your a min/max type player.

    CoE also has some very beautiful zones. You can also just grind in Skyshrine if your class can solo the Contested Area.
  6. Finora Well-Known Member

    There's also a fair amount of quests and things to do in Cobalt Scar. If you really just want to grind it out, I hear skyshrine is still a very good place for it.
  7. Rozyn Well-Known Member

    Oh yes, I was curious what Cobalt Scar was all about. Was that a game update? Honestly, my playstyle is a little of this and a little of that. Quest some, grind some, group a bit, solo some instances, whatever keeps it fresh.
  8. Estred Well-Known Member

    Cobalt Scar was a game update that added Siren's Grotto and Tavalan Abyss. Sadly for groups both of these zones were very heavily scripted and boring in terms of the script execution. More time spent waiting to damage a boss than actually dealing damage.
  9. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Oh forgot about those, the quests there are quite good. I did those for the house items. :oops: I share your playstyle.

    I liked the Sirens instances, I didn't use the walkthroughs and I felt real intelligent after I'd worked them out. :p I think you can get yellow adorns for your cloak in there too ... again I may be wrong.
  10. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    I like Cobalt Scar a lot: good scenery, lots to do, and the overland quests have deco and armor rewards as well as a quick paced story. Well worth it to do the crafting and adventuring quest lines there.
  11. Snowhaze Active Member

    If you like questing I would finish the CoE and the CS quests, I think they were pretty entertaining, I especially like the dungeons the first time around trying to figure the scripts and other things out. Unfortunately, the quest rewards won't last long once you hit ToV but that is how things are. The ToV signature quest line is very similar to the others in that you do a lot of running around, then you hit the dungeons.

    When I'm in a hurry to hit 95, I do Skyshrine with a group first choice (xp is still insane there) and if I can't find people just mentor and do places like Sebilis, The Clefts of Rujark, Chelsith and Mistmoore. Might want to hit them all up for exploration xp, shinys and just something different.
  12. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    You might refer to EQ2i's handy Solo Quests Timeline for any quests that you may have missed. The daily chronomage quests are also fun.
    Shmogre likes this.
  13. Rozyn Well-Known Member

    Awesome, thank you all so much for the tips!! I definitely have a better understanding of what's going on up to 95 now!
    Avahlynn and Charlice like this.