Can one Class do both of these things?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Dragontamer, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Dragontamer New Member


    I like to MT in dungeon runs (not raids), and I like to heal teammates in group-PVP battles.

    Is there one class that can do both of these things reasonably well?

    Thank you!
  2. Kerrthunk Member

    Paladins are tanks, and they do have heals. With an AA build set up for it, you can be a spot healer that is good for "oh-shoot" moments. You won't ever be THE main healer with a tank class.
  3. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    Insane-geared Inquisitors can tank heroic gear, and then be the healer when they want.
  4. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Except that, unless they don't have any dpsers ever close to their gear-level, they'll have a very hard time holding aggro.
  5. Ucala Well-Known Member

    what you are looking for is an SK of course.
    but in all honesty if you are talking tanking group zones but healing pvp battles (pvp battles being far more intense than group zones are). than you want something like a warden/inq
    having tanked a few of the group zones (from during the SF expac to the current CoE zones) on my chanter. group zones are super easy
  6. Snoops Member

    The simple answer is no.

    While some healers could take the hits from PvE content there's no way you will hold aggro off of any decent dps with half the gear. You'd be hard pressed to find any group wanting to invite a heal class instead of a real tank for tanking unless you're playing with friends.

    You don't want to attempt to heal PvP matches as a tank either. You might be able to save someone with your lay hands as a pally but the rest of heals are pretty useless for healing anyone but yourself and you're far more useful spending your time taunting/doing damage.
    Ladymist likes this.
  7. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    You kind of want a WoW Paladin, sad to say. There is no EQ2 class that can swap between Tank and Healer roles.
  8. Atan Well-Known Member

    The answer is no.

    However you can play a healer that tanks in bgs and heals on raids :p
  9. Ucala Well-Known Member

    you could totally hold aggro as a warden in a group zone if you want.
    just make sure to have a dirge for hate buff. and have good hate transfers
  10. Cisteros Active Member

    Adorn for hate gain as if running the advanced duo zones that drop the crafted ring materials and have a transfer Scout. Coercer and Dirge hate. Could perhaps also bring a Troub, and have the Inq click off the troub hate reduction song (That's just a theory, not sure if the song would come right back or not, not that familiar with song mechanics)

    Warden could do all of the same. Probably a Mystic as well
  11. Mermut Well-Known Member

    The chances of you getting a group that is specifically set up so a healer can hold aggro to tank are slim to nil... at best.
  12. Cisteros Active Member

    Really? Ya think? . Some things like this are an intellectual exercise in what is possible, not what is likely
    Hawkes likes this.
  13. Deago Well-Known Member

    One does not simply walk into is full of orcs, demons, the foulest air in your face...not with a hundred templars could you do this...

    Wirewhisker likes this.
  14. slippery Well-Known Member

    You could just adorn / reforge for hate gain on the healer.