could we please get some neat dungeon maker effects?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by suka, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. suka Well-Known Member

    like a way to turn down the lights in an area, haunted footsteps to hear as we enter certain areas, spiderwebs, things that make a haunted dungeon spookier
  2. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    I'd love it if they added more effects, especially lighting wise. (The weird void beasts have a negative-light kind of effect. There is a house pet one, but it's not available until they fix the pet arena, and it doesn't have the same dark-shine effect like the mobs and pets. :\) I use a lot of black marble or stary tile for night time area, plushies that make sounds, and the crates that let you emote like a magic mouth sign. (like you could have it say "You kear hollow footsteps passing nearby, but see nothing.")
    Spiderwebs you can make with NOTD recipes. 2 different ones, i think. If you didn't grab the recipes last year, it's coming back in a few weeks. ^_^
  3. suka Well-Known Member

    yeah i can't wait- i wasn't on last year but the event we are decorating for is after NOTD gets started so people should have time to make their stuff
  4. Kerrthunk Member

    Don't forget to stock up on screeching noise boxes and fog during NOTD.

    Trick with the can turn it upside down and raise it to the ceiling to make clouds.

    Misty tiles and Wispy Mirrors can help with some effects.

    Here is an example of mine. It also sinks some items below the floor that have blue fire effects.
    Raeven and suka like this.
  5. Kerrthunk Member

    What plushies make noises?
    suka likes this.
  6. suka Well-Known Member

    yes do tell
  7. suka Well-Known Member

    nice- good ideas. But i am making a haunted house theme- or i should say haunted castle. i would like to hear chains rattling, haunted footsteps, and the like
  8. Airos Active Member

    I know for sure the Blue Frog plushie makes noise, and I'm fairly sure the Owlbear plushie hoots every once in a while, much like the fluff pet. They're both easy enough to grab during the Moonlight Enchantment quests. I think they were only 1 token each. I think I've got one or two others that make noise, but I'm not 100% on that. I'll need to check my inn room tomorrow when I log in.
  9. Kerrthunk Member

    Ohhh, an owl hoot would go great here. Made this last year for NotD.
    Raeven and Feara like this.
  10. Airos Active Member

    Very nice! A well hidden owlbear plushie would go perfect in there. I can confirm they do hoot.

    I popped into my inn room, and the other "noisys" are my Enchanted Lasher plushie and my Darklight Growler Plushie. Again, I do believe I got those for 1 token each durning the Moonlight Enchantment. The growler makes the standard barking noise, while the lasher makes a kind of rat squeeking noise.
  11. suka Well-Known Member

    that is a dungeon? which one and on what server? i would love to see this one
  12. Kerrthunk Member

    It is on Antonia Bayle, Crushbone layout, title is "A Norrathian Nightmare". May be in the hall of fame listing.