What's Up with Station Cash?

Discussion in 'Station Cash' started by ARCHIVED-Uwkete-of-Crushbone, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Uwkete-of-Crushbone Guest

    I tried to purchase a new character slot from the character select screen, and got as far as the next to the last screen with the Station Cash process (I have a good, generous balance, so affording it wasn't an issue), when it said Station Cash "wasn't available at this time" or something to that effect. If it's getting a system-wide fix for us recurring account folks, that would be great! If it's something known and being worked on, that's also cool...guess I can wait a little longer for my brainchild. Sigh. ;->
    EDIT: "Never mind..." --Emily Latella
    Was a temporary glitch, thankfully (at least for me). ;->