SOE Development Suggestion

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Suefeo, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. Suefeo Member

    I have been talking with players in the game and would SERIOUSLY like to see 2 Brand New Tradeskills added to the game. Right now on our server, there is a VERY heavy market and players are having a hard time earning money for their accounts. With the current TS achievements, mass production has lowered the cost on a lot of items. The goblins are cutting into market prices on rares and harvests. I am also being told that the purified ores do not give a lot of incentive to purchase because the benefit on gear stats is not in line with the price. A lot of playes have the crafting apprentices and can make their own Fabled Gear for alts.
    We would like to see 2 tradeskills that have components that cannot be combined unless you chose that as your profession. We feel this would even out the burden on current broker pricing and allow players to compete.
    As an idea, we were thinking something like botany/skinning where you would skin corpses for parts or break down new plants to do combines and make special stones that would give players time limited benefits.

  2. SteelPiston Active Member

    Something new would be nice to keep me amused. I already have level 95 in all the tradeskills plus 475 Adorning, Tinkering and Transmuting.
  3. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    So basicly implement the same trade skill requirements as there was in 2004?
  4. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    I didn't mind some of those requirements, and was actually sorry to see tradeskilling go from being interesting and intricate to easy-mode. There must be some middle ground between having to depend on other crafters (as it was in 2004) and mass production now.
  5. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    the majority of playes did - like my ex - thank god and greyhound they are gone
  6. Onorem Active Member

    Who is "We"?
  7. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    My guess is that the OP has a mouse (or possibly a newt) in his/her pocket.:D
  8. Skwor Active Member

    Just bring back the old system it was very intricate and player dependent. I would love to see the old system re-implemented. Crafting would be a serious investment again and they could add real end game items to the crafters list given what it would take to make them :D.

    Bring back the original crafting system!
  9. Arieste Well-Known Member

    This suggestion sounds like the equivalent of SOE adding Beastlords to fix Rangers.
  10. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    err no, it was the worst idea since ford brough out the edsel and chevy had the corvair and about as reliable as the pinto's with the built in exploding gas tanks. Would rather be dragged over gravel for 10 miles then dumped in a salt water bath - that would be more enjoyable
    Emms likes this.
  11. Skwor Active Member

    But I really miss seeing a pile of dead bot crafters at the forge :(.
  12. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    that was the only saving grace of the old style of crafting - instant death, expierence debt and armor repair if you blew a combine. Was amusing to say the least and always good for a few hours of making fun of the crafter in guild chat
  13. Regolas Well-Known Member

    As someone who only has one TS (adorning), but 6 max level characters that have needed stuff from many friends and strangers, I would not like anymore tradeskills that I have to pay someone to combine if I can't get friendly enough with someone to get it done for free
  14. SteelPiston Active Member

    Or, as Raj would say "I would rather swim butt-naked across the Ganges, with a paper cut on my n*$ple and die a slow agonizing death from a viral infection than go back to the old method of trade skilling".