Tradeskilling and Broker.

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Valsten, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. Valsten New Member

    With this new expansion and the ability to craft multiple items at a time seriously expect Broker prices to drop tremendously. There is no way to keep up with people who are able to make 100s of an item in the span of 15 minutes when it normally took an hour. I've noticed on all of my crafters that it would take me about 2 hours to restock. Now, with this new expansion the time has sunk to nearly a third of that. There are also tons of competition now from people who never crafted who found it boring and annoying. There are a lot of new names on the broker who are selling 10,000+ of some items. Broker prices are going to plummet just as the rare prices have plummeted. Crafting will probably no longer be a serious source of income for myself and others with the under cutting done by casual crafters. I seriously like the thought of it not taking so long to craft anymore, but the end result is not a good one.

    Between all of my crafters I would haul in about 100-150 plat a day. Now, its more like 8. Its a huge profit loss, and now I have to constantly at least 4 times a day adjust prices. I'm not sure if I am going to bother to craft anymore with how this is going. Most people hated crafting, and how long it took but the ones who took the time used to be able to make money I don't see how this going to be possible any longer. Its a sad thing I enjoyed crafting and running my little shop, but I don't think its worth my time anymore.
  2. Taubin New Member

    The prices of EVERYTHING are dropping on the broker, what do you need 100-150 plat a day for? If the prices of everything drops, the need for excessive amounts of money also drops. It's supply and demand, there is more supply for everything than there is for demand of everything. Prices drop, period. If you craft for enjoyment, what's stopping you from continuing to craft for enjoyment. Does the money = enjoyment?
    Calthine and flameweaver like this.
  3. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I think it's a great thing. We'll see a little market correction. Those that only got into crafting because it was cheaper to do everything themselves will probably stop. No one needs to be making over 500% cost for stuff anyway :p
  4. Leiela New Member

    I have to admit i agree.

    Tradeskilling has taken alot of hits over the years and from some of them we never really recovered. Now im not a doom and gloom type person but i am primarily a tradeskiller then enjoyment i get from the game is on the broker watching prices rise and fall knowing when and what to buy.

    But let us be clear the price of all things wont drop only the price of crafted items. The key here is that crafting as a valid earning form is dead, the price of all things won't drop....tbh this hit mostly effects consumables.

    This won't effect how much adventurers can earn out in the field, it won't effect the price of raid items in auction. But it will effect my abilty to compeate with adventureres in 'buying' items as i will be earning significantly less than them.

    As for the question as to why we need the money, need is a strange word, i don't NEED it.. but i get my enjoyment from crafting and trading and now the 'effort' needed to craft is minamul therefore the prices will reflect this.
  5. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm a carpenter, and we haven't been able to make much more than fuel costs (sometimes not even that, when some people sell things for less than they could get from a vendor) for some time now. My suggestion is to find another source of income (perhaps selling shinys like me) or perhaps branch out into the secondary tradeskills. (Especially adorning.)
  6. Meirril Well-Known Member

    I'd like to make two points. First point is this is exactly what we've been saying would happen if any kind of mass production went into the game. What is happening now is what I'd fully expect to happen. Personally I'm glad to see it happen because it evens the playing field between people who like to craft for an hour and call it a day and those that use bots to craft. With mass-production anybody can flood the market.

    My second point is: Crafting just became intersting and novel to a lot of people that just gained these wonderful abilities. Let them streach their legs, dabble in the market, and settle back down to adventuring. Once the novelty wears off most people will go back to adventuring full time and the markets will start to have room for dedicated crafters again. True the profits will be smaller, but each person can service more of the market than they can now.

    If your looking to make higher profits now I'd recommend you avoid mass-production and instead focus on specialty markets. Not just experimentation and refining, but actually carving out a nitch like being a professional decorator or earning a reputation as a commission crafter.
    Alarra and Pijotre like this.
  7. Leiela New Member

    Now while i agree that most of those that didn't craft before won't craft in the new world, im in agreement that there are alot of dabbler's on the server right now people who arn't really crafter trying it out because some new and shiney stuff has been added.

    However when things return to normal and those people disappear we are still going to have a supply and demand issue.

    Firstly there are alot of people who didn't make thier own food/drink/arrows yadda yadda in the old world because making enough took a few hours and they would rather adventure. With mass production they can make them in a fraction of the time and therefore having to log in a crafter for 1-2 combines is more likely than buying off the broker.... hence there is a whole player base of customers will disappear.

    Secondly, when things settle... we are still going to have the same number of crafters able to make things as we had before but the demand for our stuff won't have increased. Honestly i think people are abit nut's if they think refining or experimentation are going to make people buy mastercrafted armour and weapons. They are still rubbish... just slightly less so than they where before and gear in instances or questing is significantly easier to get/better.

    Now talking about supply I genuinly can easily spend 12 hours at the weekend crafting, before that would perhaps stock up my adornment merchant, potions and perhaps my provisioner then i would run out of time. New world im not going to spend any less time crafting... i will still spend 12 hours but now i have stocked 9 crafters merchant boxes full to bursting and i have cut into someone else markets. Therefore in the new world im not only continuing to fight my own niches but im treading on the toes of other crafter in area's i simply didn't get time to dabble in the old world.

    Honestly i think supply and demand is gonna be screwed :/
  8. Seiffil Active Member

    Supply and Demand will probably not to recover to where they were before COE launch. You'll recover some of the market, but it will never return to what it was. Being someone who's played a ranger since 2006, while the combination of ammo consumption rates and mass production may have been over the top, it's about time they fixed something there.

    Eventually, even with mass production making it easier, you'll still find people who will just choose to not bother crafting and still purchase stuff. For myself, I've primarily just worked on a commission basis for my crafters, I didn't stock stuff up on the broker, I would just respond to people looking for things to be made.
  9. Juraviel Active Member

    I really like the new changes and before you cry foul because I do, let me point out that I have one of each and even a few duplicate crafters at the 92-95 level range. Ive spent the time and hours over the years going back to 2004 working on my characters, in both crafting and adventuring. These changes do not affect me in any way that I could complain about. If anything I would like to praise the changes. It's about time.

    Sure the market will have to adjust and it will not be what it has been as of late and that is perfectly fine with me. So far, my broker sales have been better, not worse, for my crafters. As far as supplying my own army of alts with things from potions to arrows - that too has become so much easier to do. Both positives as far as I am concerned.

    My decorator is more than thrilled being able to mass produce tiles, dividers, bushes, trees, you name it. I built a custom house inside of the Thurgadin Grand Hall earlier this year and had to use nearly 500 of the same divider for the layout.. I would have killed to have the mass production back then.

    I am overall very pleased with the changes to crafting in CoE. Only way to make it better would have been to have given us some crafting quests and storyline to follow.
  10. Tylia Well-Known Member

    I'm happy with the mass production addition. Instead of having to spend so much time making totems, and making arrows for my hubby's scouts and tanks and my scouts, I can just do one run through and have enough to last a while. Mass production on my alchy will mean less wasted time making potions and poisons. It will mean less time wasted making food / drink on my provisioner. I think the changes are great and were sorely needed.
  11. Alenna Well-Known Member

    I think they have too much in the mass production 10 or 20 combines at once would have been reasonable not 100 they have now. It still would have given me less time to fill my eucalyptus weapons rack and my own quiver to do adventuring so I could enjoy both aspects of the game again. With the change done to arrow use by rangers this does cut into profit margin for my arrows. I was charging enough to make back fuel costs and cost of my own arrows and then just a little extra and doing pretty with the demand being less I will barely be able to make up fuel costs much less cost of my own arrow use.

    don't' get me wrong the arrow use for rangers was a needed change as was some sort of mass production but 100 combines with them changing the amount needed to be used is overkill in my mind? they should have maxed combines out at 10 or 20 the top quiver I can get now only holds 96 stacks.
  12. Malachy Well-Known Member

    With CoE, honestly each server only needs one or two active crafters. All of the fabled/mastercrafted food I used to put on the broker (and a few other specialty drinks) are barely above fuel cost now.

    Throw into this the massive drop in value of rares due to the prestige goblins and there's just no money to be made with crafting. To be honest, unless you want to fly or get the character traits early on, there's absolutely no benefit in it outside of the grind. Or, in my case, the alternative to Lunesta.

    Pretty much everything is handed to people for free now.
  13. Sucuri Active Member

    100 items in 1 combine was a stupid stupid stupid idea.....
    The most that AA with 5 points in it should mass produce should of been 5.
    At least they are fixing the goblin so rares wont be completely worthless (might take a few months to recover that market).

    Sony has ruined the market forever for crafters / harvesters GG!
  14. Lucus Well-Known Member

    Please explain how 5 equates to "mass production"

    if anything mass production will drive competition and make it less tedious for those that make their own consumables such as arrows etc.

    If you still want to make oodles of coin you still can if one guy can make 100x the normal yeild then why dont you craft the same amount you usually do x100?
  15. Sucuri Active Member

    100x 1 item in 1 combine is overkill reguardless.
    How is 500 arrows in 1 combine still not considered mass? its 5x more then the normal 100 you would of gotten without the AAs.

    Being able to make 100x of 1 item in 1 combine makes it way to easy to flood the market with items, driving prices down to worth less then the damn cost of raws / fuel at this point.... You might as well just put all the crafted items on a damn vendor for a set price and delete crafting from the game!
  16. Tylia Well-Known Member

    Well it beats having to pay over inflated ridiculous prices, or trying to stay awake long enough to craft enough arrows or potions or food/drink for all my characters. I'm thrilled with the change and the amounts that can be mass produced. ;)
  17. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    There. Fixed that for you. It is easy to get the 'G' and 'Q' letters mixed up, but the 'Q's match the tone of your post better.:D
  18. Sucuri Active Member

    I am sorry that not everyone enjoys whatever aspect of the game you are enjoying famring for playt (I asusme mindless PR / Hate runs is it?) Some of us enjoy harvesting and crafting.....
  19. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    No, but I don't get all verklempt when my chosen source of income dries up (as it did when they started offering house items in the market place), I just analyze the market and find another source of primary income (in this case, selling collectibles). I still harvest and craft, but I do so primarily for my own toons. (I have 12 or more crafting apprentices going at any given time, and when those max out, I'll work on the crafting for my other toons.)

    tl;dr - conform to the market; don't expect the market to conform to you.
  20. Leiela New Member

    I agree mass production pretty much killed the market.

    Personally i don't have a problem with mass production per say but 5 items should have been max.

    Why couldn't they have made the 'results' of mass production automatically tagged hierloom, allowing people to provide for themselves easily but still allowing a market?? surely that would have kept the market stable and those that like mass production for the time it personally saves them crafting for themselves happy??