SLR Issue solved!

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Borlim, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Seiffil Active Member

    If he does have evidence he shouldn't be posting it here, he should be reporting the information to SOE. I just doubt that's the case.
    Neiloch and Kraeref like this.
  2. Thalador Active Member

    Again, it all depends on the person. I am a plat horder. I have a ton of it myself and have bought 1 item I think for like 200pp. I am very stingy. Others, not so much. So, to each their own
  3. Atan Well-Known Member

    On a few servers you don't have to look very hard to find that evidence.
  4. Salavar Active Member

    Agreed, anyone that pays attention on AB knows what is going on with this as well.
  5. HappyHealin New Member

  6. Druantia Member

    I play on Unrest. There's plenty of grouping for non raid geared toons. Sounds like maybe you don't know your class as well as you could and people you've grouped with in the past know this? IMO xfer to another server or join a guild with a higher online population that groups the instances. My ranger often out DPS's the same class or other classes in the next higher tier gear because I have an understanding of the mechanics of how to play my class unlike alot of the PLed and bought gear toons out there. If you suck you'll be labeled as so, geared or not, and people will be unwilling to group with you.
  7. Wirewhisker Well-Known Member

    There is no SLR issue to be solved. The Heirloom flag needs to be eliminated except for very specific things like Obols and the 280AA item, etc...the No-Trade flag needs to be removed except for quest loot.

    All other items, including raid gear, need to be able to be brokered. The goal of the game is not to be splendiferously armed and armored and roaming the world, proclaiming your greatness. Rather, it's about doing something WITH that gear and conquering content.

    And as we have all seen, you can be clad in the best armor with the best adornments and still be an inept player and incapable of conquering the toughest content. THAT is the true goal of Everquest, overcoming the challenges that the devs have put in front of us. And THAT, is a measure of player skill and teamwork -- not necessarily one of loot.

    Let the market decide the loot.
    Seiffil and Neiloch like this.
  8. Davionx New Member

    There is no issue with SLR.

    Someone kills the mob
    Someone buys the loot

    Nothing is created out of nothing and everyone wins.

    The only reason people are against it is because they do not benefit from either the buying opr selling.
    Wirewhisker, Neiloch and Salavar like this.
  9. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    There's an SLR problem? Seems to be working fine to me.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  10. Onorem Active Member

    It's hard to begin to describe how much I hate this 'solution' to the SLR 'problem'
    You don't like SLR, so you want to give SOE more cash to make it happen? What the...
    Wirewhisker likes this.