Inspection window is stuck off screen

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Taubin, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Taubin New Member

    When I click inspect on a person, or right click an item and inspect it, the inspect window is off-screen. If I inspect a second item it shows just fine. I've tried both the default UI and Profit which is what I normally use, however I can't find a way to get the first inspect window back on screen. Any suggestions? Preferably without having to fully reset all of my windows? Thank you.
  2. Taubin New Member

    No one?
  3. SgtPmpkn Well-Known Member

    Had this issue for some time where I either try to inspect a person or an item and no window pops up, but if I right click the item I get the option to "Close Examine" which tells me its up but not sure where.
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    There is an option to allow windows to be limited to the screen. I don't know the exact name but it should be under "window options"
    Taubin likes this.
  5. Taubin New Member

    Thank you, I'll take a look!
  6. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    Once a window gets wedged completely off the screen, sometimes you just have to reset that window to defaults. Turning off "Allow Windows Offscreen" prevents you from moving new windows offscreen, or partially offscreen. But rarely wrangles a wedged examine window back from offscreen.

    DrumsUI has supposedly put in a tweak for this, where any examine window that would pop offscreen is caught, and brought back to the middle. I cannot validate that it works, because I have not lost an examine window since it went in (so it may well be working, as it used to be a common occurrence).

    To fix it manually, close the game. Make a backup copy of your .xml user configuration (something like servername_charactername_userdata.xml) file in the game directory. Open it in a text editor, and delete the stanzas related to examine windows. I don't have the file in front of me, so I can't tell you exactly what to nuke, or the exact file name. But it's semi-obvious.
  7. sugarmetender New Member

    darqui has a finder on the window settings, has about 30 or so different windows in the list to show/hide/center/default including the one where you inspect players
  8. Lordebon Active Member

    Like Ynnet says, just open your Server_Charname_eq2_uisettings.xml file for that character and delete all the Window tags with "ExamineItem_clone_" in them (it'll start at clone_0 and count up). That'll reset the location for your item examine windows. You want to make sure you delete the complete line, everything from
    <Window Name="
    FuRiouSOne likes this.
  9. Taubin New Member

    Thanks! Deleting the <Window Name=*> to </Window> worked great. Thanks again for the help