Grave Grange [Solo]

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Notnasty, Jan 28, 2023.

  1. Notnasty Member

    I just had to have help completing "Just Deserts: Grave Grange [Solo]. Asking for help is hard because then you have to put up with sarcastic remarks such as ' read the wiki.' Yeah, like I didn't do that at least 5 times. And then the insults start. Well, I died at least 8 times trying to get past the very first boss, the scarecrow. I don't consider my Wizard a light weight, I have all expert and master spells and upgraded equipment from doing the signature quest line in RO. I also did the sig line in Chaos and have my epic spells. In doing the Signature line for RO I've killed a lot of bosses, but this one was beyond me. AND, this is a replica of a cheap app. What is it doing in EQ2? I don't pay to play cheap apps. So have at it. Let the sarcasm and insults fly.
    Mowse and FuRiouSOne like this.
  2. Svenone Well-Known Member

    Are you setting the defensive plants up before the named pops? I recommend either two shooters for each row, or a shooter and a freezer for each row. You may also need to help knock down the zombies during the named fight if your dps isn't quite where it needs to be for the fight.
    I have done this fight with my coercer, who still had some old (read useless in this expansion) adornments. It wasn't super easy, but it was doable. If you don't have one, a good healer merc is very useful.
  3. Bramdar Active Member

    In my experience, the first named is the most difficult since there are fewer plants shooting at the various mobs and you also have to get out of the way of his "Shoo!" attack.

    You mentioned that you've done the signature questline, but have you completed the music box and key quests as well? Those will reward some 410 resolve gear, and they're repeatable every 18 hours if you do want to redo them. Personally, I didn't bother with Grave Grange until I'd done those quests too. Getting a few upgrades from those quests isn't guaranteed to make Grave Grange simple, but it can help.
  4. FuRiouSOne Well-Known Member

    Dont let him "Shoot" you ;)
  5. Notnasty Member

    Yes, I read the wiki and set the shooters up. Then I run to the opposite end of the field with my merc (The celestial Jollinor Firefall - level 10. My mount is also level 10 and both are fully equipped.) When the boss appears, he rushes me and if my back isn't against the water tower or rocks, he kicks me over the cliff and I died several times that way. Someone said, "get behind him when he emotes." I tried, but that puts my back to the cliff and he turns around quickly and kicks me off again. Someone said, "Push forward when he hits you." I tried to go forward when he hits me, but I fly into the air backwards and pressing forward seems to be disabled and I end up over the cliff. So, I wedged myself next to the water tower and the wall. He rushes me, hits me, I fly into the air and get trapped in the water tower and can't move. Then, three wacks and I'm dead again. Setting up the plants and killing the skeletons and zombies are the easy part. That first boss is a very big problem because he either sends me over the cliff or I wacks me with way more damage than I can deal. I try the strategy of hit and run, but that constantly gets me tossed over the cliff because I can't keep my back against the wall. I also can't seem to mezz or DPS him fast enough. I got help getting through it, (after I endured the sarcasm and insults, a kind soul did come in and help me). But I'm done with the weeklies if the cornfield game is part of it. I'm going to press on with the last few quests and then do the music boxes. Love the game, but sometimes I picture the developers sitting around a table rubbing their hands together and laughing gleefully at us players as they deliberately scheme to make these quests more and more complicated. Yes I understand the boredom of a straight up fight, but not every player is skilled in multi-tasking, remembering answers to questions, running off to hit something that deactivates a buff, or when to use what item when, while a boss beats on you. Multitasking is great for a group, but in a solo quest it really takes the fun out of the game when you die over and over again. I have over 6,900 days on my account, so I'm not some newbie that doesn't know how to play.
    Buggabug likes this.
  6. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    If you are talking about Arena, ACT triggers make it a breeze:

    <Trigger R="descendants did not need to go on bearing the scars" SD="Turning the Elddar Forest" ST="3" CR="T" C="Takish&apos;Hiz Arena: Renewal of Ro [Solo]" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    <Trigger R="defying ancient draconian law" SD="The Ring of Scale" ST="3" CR="T" C="Takish&apos;Hiz Arena: Renewal of Ro [Solo]" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    <Trigger R="score of events carried out, orchestrated, or utilized" SD="Providing the coalescence" ST="3" CR="T" C="Takish&apos;Hiz Arena: Renewal of Ro [Solo]" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    <Trigger R="the last vestige of the Bloom of Growth" SD="Seed of Growth" ST="3" CR="T" C="Takish&apos;Hiz Arena: Renewal of Ro [Solo]" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    <Trigger R="worn a great many titles during her long life" SD="Chosen of Growth" ST="3" CR="T" C="Takish&apos;Hiz Arena: Renewal of Ro [Solo]" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />
    Tyger likes this.
  7. Benj Well-Known Member

    For the first named in Grange, the kick can be avoided. Right before he does the kick, he emotes two lines, both of which are visible in the chat window. (It can be easy to miss the second line. It's not a popup message.)

    The advice you previously received about standing behind him is (in my opinion) the easiest way to avoid the kick. The other way is to stay in front of him, but joust out more than 10 meters. Either way, you avoid both the kick and the damage from the kick.

    IMPORTANT: Mungo will root himself while he is casting Shoo!. He does not root until the cast bar has started. The emote triggers before he starts casting. Wait until you can see the cast bar before trying to stand behind him.
    Tyrval likes this.
  8. Tyrval Active Member

    Only thing that might have been missed is his nox is a snare, so you wanna cure that to be able to joust, just using a nox cure potion. With it cured you should have no problem clearing enough distance to dodge the kb, and if you are getting hit by later ones that's probably why.
  9. Buggabug Active Member

    I still have been unable to complete this instance on any character other than conj on my own. I have followed the wiki, the advice I've seen in the forums and endured the stupidity of responses in the channels about how much I suck. The only reason I keep trying is for the weekly because I need the no-trade collectables (which is imo also stupid).
    The plants are decidedly unhelpful and I can't see anything through all the cornstalks so I'm missing the mobs that need the extra hits.
    On a side note, if any zone requires me to use a third party trigger (ACT) it's not designed very well, outside programs should NEVER be essential to complete an instance.
    Mowse and Twyla like this.
  10. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    No ACT is required. There is no shame is going with another person! I help people with grange and arena whenever someone asks and I am available. I have toons I still haven't run thru the sig line because I am not very good soloing with them LOL.
    I just keep hitting my tab button to target the adds and seems to work fine in grange.
  11. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    He casts 'shoo' or something like that, just back up over 10 range, as he is casting, he does NOT follow you, no need to put your back against anything, you just need to get away from him when he casts that.
    Twyla likes this.
  12. Ghost2K New Member

    Move behind the Mop

    <Trigger R="bereitet sich darauf vor, alle innerhalb von 10 Metern nach vorne zu werfen" SD="10 Meter Front ae" ST="3" CR="F" C="Sandstone Delta: Grave Grange [Solo]" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />
  13. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author


    <Trigger R="prepares to throw everyone within 10 meters in front of him out of the cornfield" SD="joust 11 meters" ST="3" CR="F" C="Sandstone Delta: Grave Grange [Solo]" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    You could change the TTS to "Get behind mob" as well. Whatever floats your boat.
  14. Taled Well-Known Member

    Name one zone in this game that *requires* ACT.

    The only thing ACT does is make it so you don't have to focus on chat for messaging. Auditory cues are easier than chat cues.
    Cusashorn likes this.