Changes to the launcher.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Cusashorn, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    It's always the little things that REAAAAAALLY annoy you whenever something gets changed. The new launcher is largely functionally unchanged... except the character select is now a teeny-tiny tab on the top part of the launcher instead of the HUGE CLICK HERE BUTTON IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER!

    Just feels weird.
    Yenk, Cyrrena, Argosunited and 2 others like this.
  2. Zylara Well-Known Member

    I HATE the new look launcher, its BLAH and where our character select button is now is UGH cant even put it into words
  3. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Odd change that feels like it didn't get even a eye-ball look by somebody that actually uses the launcher on a semi-regular basis.
  4. Merriel Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I do NOT like having a NEXT button on the Character Select List on the launcher. I would rather just have a list of my character's names there than have icons that shorten the list to a few characters at a time.

    I haven't actually launched it though. Do we no longer go to character select if all we do is select the account? I liked being able to see my characters in the full screen splash page before launching them, and if that is missing now, I'm not going to be happy about that. It gave me the best view of my characters after switching them into new appearance gear to be able to see them well.

    As long as we can still view and select our characters there, then I'm fine with the changes they made to the launcher.
    Cyrrena and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  5. Laita Well-Known Member

    People will complain about anything, lol.

    and Merrill.. you don’t have to select a character from the launch pad, you can just let it patch, hit launch and select the toon from the title screen still.
    Cyrrena, Prox and Breanna like this.
  6. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Change for no (apparent) reason and without warning generally makes people grumpy.
  7. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    The character select is on the upper left now and a drop-down menu.
  8. Zylara Well-Known Member

    Lol Kuulei I didnt say where is it, I said where it is now is UGH
  9. FracasKrusher Active Member

    What I don't understand is
    if the developer team is so strained that buggy material keeps being introduced into the game that breaks things,

    WHY are they spending time and resources to "beautify" the launcher???

    It is like me taking my car in to get the oil changed, I come by and see no oil changed, but a new paint job????

    /boggled by DPG
  10. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    I never use the launcher lol.. always the EXE file.. only use the launcher when they push updates and then i exit out and just use exe again to actually log in..
  11. Tkia Well-Known Member

    The dev team have nothing to do with the launcher. that's handled by the platform team who have nothing to do with game content.
  12. Praylor New Member

    Stop complaining. I like the design of the new launcher :)
    Semperfifofum, Cyrrena and Raff like this.
  13. Raff Well-Known Member

    I like it as well :)
    Semperfifofum and Cyrrena like this.
  14. Playz4fun Active Member

    I like it.

    The only things guaranteed in life are death, taxes, and change. (Thank you Ben F. for the first two, the last is a contemporary update).
    Semperfifofum and Cyrrena like this.
  15. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    I hate the move of the big character select drop-down. I really didn't have any problems with it where it had been (and, to my mind, SHOULD still be).
  16. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Ah! And here I thought I was the only one who didn't like anything about the new launcher's appearance... :)

    Cyrrena and Breanna like this.
  17. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Well, it always was a drop-down menu; it's just now not reflecting usual reading eye placement here in the "left-to-right" neck of the woods. Yes, we start at the left, but our eyes will track to anything big and eye-catching off to the right. :-/

    Cyrrena and Breanna like this.
  18. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Amen! :-/

    Cyrrena and Breanna like this.
  19. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    And never the twain shall meet and discuss anything with each other. X-P

    knightowl, Cyrrena and Breanna like this.
  20. Hydraulics Member

    Oh no they moved the character window from the right to the left! How will we survive!? The launcher loads faster now. How anyone can see this as anything but an improvement is baffling.