PSA for new players making a tank

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Venser, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    If a dps class dies, it's always the tanks fault.

    Either the tank is bad at holding agro, or let a mob aoe auto them.
  2. Venser Active Member

    Game is hard
  3. Carynn Well-Known Member

    I thought it was: if the tank dies, it's the healer's fault; if the healer dies, it's the tank's fault; if dps dies, we laugh at them.
    FatherOfJedi and Breanna like this.
  4. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    No. It's actually impossible to steal agro at the moment assuming your tank has even a pulse, until like timewarp. Then you have access to stuff like AV.
  5. tbmroark Member

    I'll just add this to what's already been said: as a tank who likes challenging the group and big pulls, things happen that disrupt the pace and it should be expected (especially if I'm running around grabbing every mob I see). Particularly, if I stop in an awkward place or am standing in the middle of a giant circle of mobs AoEing suddenly, it's most likely that I'm rooted (or stunned). I will reposition them when I'm able to, but depending on healers/mages curing, it may be a little while before that happens (and the roots always come right as I'm pulling the mobs back to the group, of course). Also, my priority will always be to turn the mobs away from the healers/priests. If you're a scout, I don't care about your positioning because I need to be able to rely on you to manage on your own (my second "main" character is a Brigand, and I always work around my tank with the expectation that they'll be doing what they need to and I'll figure my own positioning out). So don't get upset if you're in the middle of your rotation and it's 10 seconds into the fight and I'm finally repositioning the mobs facing away from the rest of the group. It's not because I'm trying to screw you over, it's because I was rooted and didn't get cured.
  6. Surgeon Active Member

    If you're a tank and not hindered and don't turn mobs you suck, that's the truth.
    There are times when you're swarmed with mobs and can't do it, no problem.
    But generally if you don't turn mobs you suck at playing a tank.
    And it doesn't matter if a scout's in group or not.
    Likewise the group should announce adds in group chat, because tanks are not all seeing all knowing.

    And something else. If a mob is hitting you and you're not the tank, don't run away from the tank, run towards the tank.
    Fight the instinct, tank's here to save you if he's not braindead.

    Oh and when you're playing a tank, for the love of god don't be a slacker. Don't take 1 minute breaks between pulls.
    Chain pull unless you need a mana break.
  7. Earar Well-Known Member

    just LOL
    Sixgauge likes this.
  8. Fistpower Well-Known Member

    Its true though. Aggro is a non issue and have been a non issue for more than a decade.
  9. Sixgauge Well-Known Member

    Yes it's the tank's fault dps can't joust AoEs, cure themselves, aggro adds, and wear level 30 armor. lol come on dude...
    Sigrdrifa likes this.
  10. Earar Well-Known Member

    it's not all about aggro though

    and please stop infantilizing DPS classes. saying it's someone's fault and u never learn
  11. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    That falls nothing into tanks letting dps die. Nice strawman argument.

    The words I described were clearly saying revolved around tanks. Failing to joust aoes is typically a healer failing to preward the scout in question, or aoe blocking them. Curing is a healer's job.

    Seeing as how every raid should only realistically have one scout, a Brigand. Who always has amazing reflexes. Your mages are always at 10+. I'm not seeing the connection here. If you are one of those melee scout guilds you aren't gonna get very far on bosses that actually require jousting anyway. Nothing needs to be jousted really until TSO. Prior to that either nothing one shots, just stuns you if you fail to joust, or can be tortoise shelled/burned in which case you need to be within 10 meters of the druid anyway, who is meleeing.

    Any other questions/irrelevant arguments you guys wish to discuss?
  12. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    Not true, in ToV if you didn't have AV on pull it was actually impossible to hold agro because Xelgad decided tank's weren't dps classes and therefore didn't need potency and/or any kind of increase to threat procs to account for the 14x more damage dps classes were doing.
  13. Earar Well-Known Member

    not an argument .. just take responsibilities for your actions :)
  14. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Aggro management is everybody's job.
    • The tank needs to pay attention, use taunts, snaps, etc. as required.
    • DPS needs to use any aggro transfer they may have.
    • DPS needs to NOT attack when the tank doesn't have solid aggro, as in pre-pull or if the mob mem-wipes or mem-blurs.
    • DPS needs to use any deaggros they might have while running to the tank if they catch aggro.
    This is not advanced gameplay, it's class basics.
    Rosyposy and Breanna like this.
  15. Pixistik Don't like it? You're not alone!

    What is PSA?
  16. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Public Service Announcement
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  17. Pixistik Don't like it? You're not alone!

  18. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    With vanilla being what it is, you really don't need more than the basics to be successful in a group. If you're not raiding you can get by with basic adequacy in any role until Castle Mistmoore in EoF. I mean, you'll annoy some folks, but you'll get through it ok.
  19. Sixgauge Well-Known Member

    What you said was clearly silly and wrong. Apparently you don't understand what the word "always" means and how to use it.
    Not until you can make a consistent argument. Have you even played a tank?
  20. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    ....its a test they use to find cancer, innit? prostate something antigen

    On a lighter note, as a DPS kinda guy, I simply LOVE tab-targeting willy nilly (see previous image) just to add chaos to the otherwise monotonous 6 minute turn / burn.

    heh. j/k... or am I..