Planes of Prophecy Expansion Stream - Tues, Oct 17 at 10AM PT

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roxxlyy, Oct 10, 2017.

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  1. Scrappyz Well-Known Member

    So we ARE getting golf clubs to toss gnomes across the zone? :D
    Earar likes this.
  2. Ysonoko Member

    Kittybock likes this.
  3. DAXX New Member

    QUESTION: Will there be a contested zone?
  4. Laaw Well-Known Member

    What is in store for Tradeskills?
  5. Laaw Well-Known Member

    Will There be an upgrade for daily rares from the Plant in homes
  6. DivineShade New Member

    What's in store for the inheritance system from Fallen Gate? Will the gear be given a new max level version? If not, players like me who only play that server for the perks on all servers will probably be deleting characters and killing the server population.
  7. Kittybock Well-Known Member

    not sure, that would be sweet. I am working on a new housing project, named "Gnome World", so I can finally do my gnome bowling and I am adding "Whack-a-gnome" ;)
    Scrappyz likes this.
  8. Sudoxe New Member

    they need to worry less about the stream and more about getting this game back up before there are no expac sales
  9. Robb Member

    I am getting an error on the video on Facebook for the expansion stream. Is there a link to buy the expansion? Thank you.
  10. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    Nothing of real substance was touched.

    Seriously, twenty five times people asked actual substantive questions and they were ignored in favor of pre-order fluff questions.
  11. Nelie Well-Known Member

    Glad to know they confirmed solo content will be there to those who asked. /majorfacepalm
  12. Nelie Well-Known Member

    Was so much more important to confirm solo content will be in PoP.
  13. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    What I found most amusing is pretty much the whole 15 mins of the stream wasn't an intro to the expac, or new content etc. it was simply "LOOK AT THIS SHINY STUFF, BUY IT NOW, NOW NOW NOW!!!!".

    It's become pretty clear the focus is no longer on the actual content, but purely in the $$$ to be made.
    Arclite, Armageddoux and Mizgamer62 like this.
  14. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    I actually kinda want true solo content gone after that stunt, honestly. Who the heck even thought there wouldn't be solo content, and why was their question addressed over actual substantive ones?

    @Errrorr yeah, that too. It really makes it hard to put any faith in the expansion itself, considering how average/bad the past few expacs have been.
    Mizgamer62 and Nelie like this.
  15. Earar Well-Known Member

    yeah a bit disappointed about that.

    what they showed is rather nice ... but I was more interested in class balance honestly ... and interested in armor loot .. I want nice arors .; I wished they showed more :/
  16. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    What really needs to be addressed, in my opinion, is:

    --What's going on with the spell consolidation and AA changes that were mentioned previously? We really need some examples of that for a variety of reasons, the main one being how much role adjustment we're going to need to make.
    --State of tradeskilling, which was brought up several times in the stream comments, because we saw no harvesting nodes of any sort and quite frankly, we don't want a repeat of KA in that regard.
    --Adjustments to stats/stat weights due to the fact that everyone is basically an Ubermensch with 300000000000 potency, 300000000 crit bonus, and 30000000 resolve/fervor making all other stats useless (numbers are obviously exaggerated here).

    Hilariously, questions about all of these came up in the comments section AND on the forums, but their addressing was omitted.
  17. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    I saw what appeared to be a harvest node from Thalumbra during the live stream.
  18. NrthnStar5 Well-Known Member

    Watched the steam... I'm sorry EQ2 team, but you didn't really give us any substance here. Yea, it's nice to see some of the new visuals and toys, but that's pretty much all you gave us. That, and the constant push to "pre-order now!".

    What about the concerns of ability bloat? An already obvious issue with this game that appears will continue with ascension and adventure classes increasing. They say some abilities will be combined, but that's too vague. Give us specifics so we have an idea on what you are planning.

    Weapons that will level? Can't say it excites me and will all depend on execution and implementation. It's been done in other games.

    More islands? Really? World building skills do not appear to be a strong point.

    This expansion will be more of the same, with possibly some easing off on the strict pre-reqs and alt-unfriendliness of KA. For players happy with that, then it'll probably be an enjoyable expansion. For players looking for something more fresh, with more quality of life changes, system enhancements, new game play elements, etc I feel will be disappointed.

    Unfortunately, this stream did not get me excited. And your live streams could use some polish. Felt a bit amateurish.
  19. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    While I do agree with the folks here who are saying that the live stream was grossly - at times hilariously - short of information, the real thing we need to know is this: NDA or no.

    If there is an NDA, then I think the live stream was not appropriate for those with questions about what the new expansion will offer. On the other hand, if there is no NDA, then we can all be assured that information will be forthcoming from the beta test community.

    I would argue that an NDA is frankly counter-productive. Access to the beta is gated by money, and as such, I should be able to tell others what my money is purchasing. Honestly, an NDA isn't going to stop that information from flowing with Internet anonymity being what it is. All it does is stifle the flow of generally positive information, because those folks who are happy will try to follow the rules. Those who are unhappy will use anonymity to vent their frustration.

    I would even go so far as to say that in the world of a non-NDA "beta", the live stream shouldn't be large on details. It should be a tool to entice your interest - a marketing tool. Colored that way, what they did made a lot of sense. Let's hope that we find ourselves on this road. It would be pleasant for a change.
  20. Earar Well-Known Member

    well they don't do enough live streams anyway to be pros ... like everything .. u need practice :)
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