Is it really necessary to stand on top of the quest giver?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by santargria, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. santargria Well-Known Member

    I realize based on someones graphic card and/or settings they may not appear as close to the quest givers/merchants etc. but come on now...

    You can always take a step back and give a bit of room, specially if you have an intrusive flying mount such as the new Phoenix and be considerate of others trying to get to that crafting station/merchant/quest giver etc.

    Oh, and why you would need to have your pack pony visible in Obulus is beyond me - feel free to dismiss them after you get your harvests. They also get in the way of the crafting stations/merchants/quest givers.

    Thank you for being considerate of others.
    Lateana, Mycenia, Malombra and 2 others like this.
  2. Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr Well-Known Member

    ...from their point of view, yes, since it is ALL ABOUT THEM; they only think about themselves, and with as much of an entourage following them like the Paparazzi, they think themselves important.
    They base themselves on what they have, instead of who they are; which is why they get defensive when asked to put away the pack pony or dismount, they feel their self-worth was just asked to be disemboweled,....

    This is one of the reasons why I choose to game in the o'dark thirties, WAY less people online.....
  3. Xerikton Active Member

    a few times I had to turn off see mounts and when you confront these wowtards they will tell you to do such.

    at least it isn't rift when on day of release players PARKED their turtle mounted toons on quest givers and then went afk. there was no way to get nor turn in quests. the problems in this game in nothing as to the wow based mmo's out there.
    Cyrrena and santargria like this.
  4. Drusi_EQ2 Well-Known Member

    I was traveling through Freeport yesterday and went to use the South Freeport bell, and I felt bad for the people trying to use the tradeskill stations as there was someone standing in there on a mount, and the mount was so huge that it completely FILLED the entire area and the character sitting on the mount was literally through the ceiling. I'm guilty of keeping pets and mercenaries out and sometimes remaining mounted depending on the location and how crowded it is there, but this was beyond ridiculous! There wasn't any way whatsoever this character could have been positioned and not been entirely in the way of everything and everyone trying to function in that enclosed area.
    Cyrrena and santargria like this.
  5. KoboldCoterie New Member

    Press C, click the Mounts tab. Set Render Mounts to 'Never Show'. Problem solved.
  6. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    All I can suggest is report them and the reason why. Maybe a kind GM or CS person will teleport them to a neighboring town... opposite faction town!
    Malombra, d1anaw, Cyrrena and 3 others like this.
  7. Cheesenabber Active Member

    /suspend_mount_mode 0Always show mount

    /suspend_mount_mode 2Always hide mount

    You could make a macro for those to turn them off when you need to and turn them back on when you are done. I don't think there is a similar thing for mercs/pets/Aerakyn wings though. It also won't help if they decide to hover just above the ground, but IMO hovering just above the ground right over something someone may need to use for an extended time is trolling.. Otherwise they may just have mounts off and not think about it. Out of sight, out of mind
  8. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    The GM would tell you to turn your mounts off because the other person wasn't actually doing anything wrong. Flying mounts are huge in this game, especially if you're a large race. It's just the way it is. Chances are the person blocking the NPC or TS station has their mounts off and aren't even aware there is an issue.
  9. Lasai Well-Known Member

    The fact that we can turn mounts off does not absolve those who cannot control using them rudely. Same flawed logic that is used defending chat abuse on the grounds that we can ignore/use profanity filter.

    The easy to use mount toggle is there for a reason.

    The problem lies with people who demand that they can act as they wish on the argument that others have a means of filtering out such behavior. Lame excuse for poor manners.
    Lateana, Dude, Febrith and 10 others like this.
  10. Cragfire Well-Known Member

    Yup, had to set my mount visibility to off except while in flight.
    santargria likes this.
  11. santargria Well-Known Member

    I don't seem to have this feature in the UI - C is character and there is no Set Render Mounts
  12. Cheesenabber Active Member

    I use DarqUI and it does have that feature; I've had mounts off since scourge keep though, as it just made it easier to navigate that zone.
    Lateana and santargria like this.
  13. Katz Well-Known Member

    I toggle off mount visibility when needed. You cannot cause everyone in the game to comply with what you want. You may want them to do what you want but they will not do so. You can either be upset and frustrated permanently by it or you can do what was suggested above. Set up a macro and not see their mounts.

    Sadly, I can't even stand my own phoenix's constant flapping. It makes me nauseous watching it when they are at rest. I've never had that problem with any other mount. I'm going to just put them in a house somewhere as decoration.
    Xakrein and Cheesenabber like this.
  14. santargria Well-Known Member

    Lateana likes this.
  15. santargria Well-Known Member

    I use my wings as my appearance mount so I get the bonus from the phoenix mount.

    But, yes those wings are annoying as heck and the mount is so HUGE!

    Seems to work fine for me with the wing appearnace
    Svenone likes this.
  16. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    I do not believe that Santargria is asking for anything above and beyond common courtesy. Why do parents not teach their children to be courteous, use please and thank you, and when utilizing an obnoxiously large mount that there is no need for, dismount when entering a building or when attending guide events like Nebulous Newsies.

  17. Evilnok Active Member

    this goes for vendors/bankers/broker as well in cities like Neriak in the tunnels,in the past I have seen races like ogres staying on the mounts while visiting them
    Lateana and santargria like this.
  18. Mermut Well-Known Member

    What I wonder, is why some of the people who tell others to turn off mounts, saying they do, frequently have the largest possible mounts in their appearance slots....
    santargria likes this.
  19. Cheesenabber Active Member

    I turned my mounts at launch on for the phoenixes, then off again a little later and forgot. I wish I could say all of them are just forgetful and send them a (Polite!) request to dismount or move and the response would be to (Politely!) do so, but I know people too well.. Kinda wish they'd just hide mounts in non instanced, non-dungeon buildings.
    santargria likes this.
  20. Jumpity Member

    I have said this before. Anytime you get within some radius of a quest giver or merchant you should auto dismount and the mount goes poof... Problem solved. :)