Advantageous Bug: Lvl 80 mobs are easier than their 79 counterparts

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Greene, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. Greene Active Member

    It looks like, through a weird combination of less HP and less mitigation that level 80 mobs die about 3-4x faster than the same mobs as level 79 versions. I parsed a few fights, and looks like I hit harder and they have half the health. Just FYI!
  2. Greene Active Member

    Noticed that too, doesnt affect anything above a single up arrow.

    That said, because lvl 80 experts are once again not able to be made (happens every expansion), I have to farm the crap out of level 80 stuff and hope for adepts (do masters even still rarely drop from non-named? They used to..)
  3. Livejazz Well-Known Member

    I don't know about TLE, but on Skyfire masters do occasionally drop from overland non-nameds ... I just got one in the Lower Moors a few minutes ago, & for the last week or so I've been getting an exquisite chest every day, sometimes more, from overland non-nameds.
  4. Goremarr Member

    It seems to affect at least overland ^^'s. Eldrig the Old, is it? In Skyfire. He's nestled in a little gully near Veeshan's Peak. Anyway, he fell over pretty quickly. Far faster than an 82/3 ^^ probably should.

    The more you know!
  5. Caith Developer

    The issue is with a global system that was adjusted back just after Kunark went live, to decrease the Hp on mobs above level 80 due to more of them being heroic triple up encounters. Unfortunately, that means when an NPC is level 79, it would have way more Hp then the same NPC at level 80. Not ideal to say the least. We've made a change to smooth that progression out, so there won't be any more weird valleys like that. Level 50-79 stuff will have less HP, and level 80-94 stuff will have a bit more. This won't change any of the stuff below or above those level thresholds.
  6. Adevil Well-Known Member

    Uh, oh. Hopefully it goes smoother than the adjustments for KoS. I still have this painful memory of testing the change on the beta server and finding my level 60 warden took about 5 minutes to kill one of those greyed out bandits on the beach in Sinking Sands.
  7. Greene Active Member

    Thanks for the explanation!
  8. Caith Developer

    The issue came up three weeks after Kunark went live. In 2007. Across all npc tiers.
    Spindle likes this.
  9. Oofalia New Member

    My impression was that this was a particularly big problem in DoF era content, so it's great this is being looked in to!
  10. Caul Shivers Active Member

    Just don't take it too far. :p

    Think everyone would rather have solo mobs have too little HP as opposed to too much,

    Heroic and raid mobs were okay, so certainly hope no changes there.
  11. Greene Active Member

    Looks like this issue was fixed this patch. If we all log in and it now takes people 5 minutes to solo lvl 80 solo mobs, please send all hate mail to Greene Korvan. Tks!
  12. Poofe Active Member

    Ha! Korvan didn't ask for this. When I mentioned thinking Chelsith had low HP, he essentially told me to shut my trap.
  13. Monotone Active Member

    So looks like this affected raid mobs too. Checking last night in VP on live with Detect Weakness Silverwing went from 14 mil to 20 mil HP. I imagine this is true across the board and all the raid mobs got huge HP buff. Is this true and intended?

    Sooooo I can see timed fights like Trakanon gonna be fun seeing we do less DPS raidwide compared to original RoK and not much room to improve based off current gear available in game, and due to TLE mechanics. So it Trak is also buffed 40% HP which I imagine it is we gonna be chilling in lava long before it is dead!
    Meneltel likes this.
  14. Caul Shivers Active Member

    So... Any chance the increased HP on raid mobs will be looked at?

    And hopefully, reversed back to the way it was.
  15. Poofe Active Member

    Oh joy, my first night raiding RoK and it's with HP buffed raid mobs...

    Devs, no more feedback. You get nothing! Good day! /Wilder
  16. Monotone Active Member

    Only about 40% buff on the ones I looked at!
  17. Satyr Well-Known Member

    On the flip side hopefully labs trash now has less than the 8.5 million health it had on RTT which will allow people to actually finish 32 HQ's without a soul destroying raid of doom. Has anyone tested it on content like DoF instances and KoS raids, or is that stuff not fixed and just more stuff broken?
  18. Caul Shivers Active Member

    AoAx4 trash was awful, a snooze fest - don't think we had that many issues with Labs trash (unless it's different on RTT?).

    Either way, I'm not sure we should really be interested in mobs that were being killed just fine two expansions ago.


    I'm not gonna go into any conclusions before we do the next raid, but if mobs like Nexona were indeed buffed by 40%, I don't see how that's a good call.
    It took the best and most dedicated guild a while to do it - it was hard enough.
    The others were gonna have a serious fight on their hands (which I'm fine with); but now they have to chew through 40% more HP AND broken TLE potency percentage based heals (more HP, bigger heals)?

    Raid mobs were fine.
    Tier 1 mobs are easy, yes - but if there's no gear progression (and there is not) if tier 1 raids were hard and then the difficulty increased with every tier but gear remained the same - then VP would've been undoable.
  19. Caul Shivers Active Member

    40% is a lot though. A lot of HP and a lot of time in which your tank can get splattered by a 60k hitting mob.
    Having to fight something for 25 minutes or 35 is entirely different.
    And if the heal is increased as well, then it's even worse.
    But anyway, can post something after a go at her.

    I agree 100%, but unfortunately the odds of the gear progression getting fixed are basically non-existant at this point. IMO anyway.

    If they fix certain mythicals and their procs and just make the VP-gear non-rubbish, I'll be happy.
    But that means keeping the raid mob HP in a pre-patch state.

    Also, nameds aside, a 40% buff to trash mob HP (if it did occur) simply makes for some super boring trash fights.
    Nobody wants to face AoAx4-like trash mobs again.

    Nimrael, Europa, Stormhold
  20. Arandar Well-Known Member

    When I think trash mobs, I think of Poets Palace: Return. And I, for one, would welcome the return of our bovine overlords!

    Okay, maybe not.