Producer's Letter: August 2015 Updates

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Windstalker, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    It might not be someone with a toon on the same account on the opposite side. They could have 2 monitors and 2 accounts, one account just AFK on the opposing side with the chat window maxed out on the side monitor, waiting to go screw someone over. Let's face it, PVPers are more aggressive than your average player. That aggressiveness and opportunistic behavior drives people away. The irony of PVP.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you have a new server and are revitalized, and I hope they make lots more new stuff for PVP to keep PVPers interested (not at the detriment of the rest of the game, mind you), but I always have to facepalm and shake my head when PVPers complain about lack/loss of other PVPers. :\ I tried PVP, I really did, had my hubby with me to try and back me up. It's too frustrating, aggravating, and annoying for me to ever touch again with a pole that passes through multiple planetary orbits. If I wanted to meet people that made me miserable, I'd go outside more, not play games. XD (/mumbles "and my ignore list would be a heluva lot shorter too.)
    IMHO, to make PVPers happy, just turn a bunch of dumbed down bots loose and let them think a PVE server got merged in. That's what some of Nagafen people were requesting any way, a PVE server dumped into them. It was like a cat looking at a cage full of mice. XD Make a PVP version of the house actors! Ahem.. sorry... in my little imaginary world, aggression and the enjoyment of tormenting others is weeded out, not encouraged. >.>
  2. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    The guild halls, houses, and banks go intact. Don't worry. ^_^ The guild name is the only thing you'll need to worry about, if another, older guild has the exact same name as yours. (I'm not even sure if capitalization makes a difference or not.)
    Shared banks that get merged go into the overflow of the last toon logged into, IIRC. Dungeons I'm a bit worried about, since they didn't exist in the last 2 mergers, and if you transfer a toon you have to have them emptied and deleted before going to a different server. :\ That's a HUGE nightmare for me since I'm a decorator and packrat. >.> I am pretty sure I have more items in my published DMs and storage DMs than I have space in houses, banks, or bags. /..\ Lets just say I'm the type of person who fills an entire 2000 item DM with one type of holiday tile because I HATE running out of a particular item mid-project, and I REALY hate buying them for 500+ times the original cost just because I didn't buy enough during the holiday. >.>

    The new bug reporting thing is actually pretty cool. People can vote on bugs that are "bugging" them (wakkawakka) rather than just hoping the devs know which bugs are really affecting people. It's a looooooong list in any game, and yah, the number of GMs got pretty severely slashed from what I've heard. /..\ How can you complain about something that gives the players more of a voice? =P (And how can you say the game is more about fun than work if you've ever raided? XD)
  3. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    Including Dungeon Maker dungeons that aren't published? /hope hope hope
  4. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    the problem with having 2 or more people with the same name is the mail
    Instead of adding an X to the name you could have them ad A B C and so on
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    3rd party sites are still up when idiots decide to DDOS for lack of a life or friends.
    Also, people can vote for the bug they want fixed, letting us prioritize what gets fixed, which, IMHO, is pretty awesome.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    You can click their name in /general /LFG and invite or tell to them from there. Profit UI has those functions on the friends list too (I forgot weather or not the standard UI had that. >.>)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Alenna Well-Known Member

    it is not set in stone my guess is you haven't gotten to Holly's 2nd post in this thread yet.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. Malleria Well-Known Member

    The thing is: we shouldn't be able to vote for fix priority. Players don't have all the variables, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes or how one bug affects other systems. The devs are in a far better position to determine what should be fixed and when. They'll know which are quick and easy, which are long and involved, and which are gamestopping.
  9. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    I have to disagree. If something is bothering the customer, that should get priority.
    Was anyone else irritated when the hair on illusionists pets got fixed, but other bugs were left untouched? I'm guessing there were, but that was what was on the list for the day.
    There are also bugs that have been long forgotten that people can cast their vote on now. for example, the score keeper on the Pet Arena has been broken since 2006 or so, leaving anyone who didn't get the 1000kills/1000wins required to purchase most of the items (during the few months it functioned properly) from the Pet Arena merchant in Maj'Dul unable to earn the ability to purchase said items for years. Now the decorators and completionists who've been told there were no plans to fix this bug can cast some votes and hope it gets queued up for repairs. (Personally, I've been going a bit crazy over some of the house items only available from that merchant!)
    They can't read our minds. This line of communication is a wonderful idea! :\
    I'm sure they have a "game breaking" priority list that takes precedent over what we vote on.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Juraiya like this.
  10. Justaplayer Member

    Thanks :)

    Then it probably wouldn't work on the new server since it's the same server not cross-server. And keeping track who came from where is troublesome enough for the dev, wouldn't be fair to ask this of the players.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and suka like this.
  11. Justaplayer Member

    I have basic UI and I like. It doesn't let me click on names in a lot of situations, like when a friend logged in or just people in my friendslist, only when they sent a tell or appeared in my searched list. It's not a huge bother BUT it would be if you would add a new name too.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  12. suka Well-Known Member

    if they decide we need to move dungeon items in our bags, i do hope they will decide to let them stack. it is the only way we could possibly hope to move our dungeons - especially mine. i am the type to have dungeons full of one or two types of items, and then several dump dungeons as well- looking at around 20 dungeons between my toons, most full to the brim
  13. suka Well-Known Member

    actually, regarding that particular pet merchant, i think he should simply be able to sell his pets to anyone who wants them at this late date. too bad the arena got broken. an opportunity lost
  14. Lodrelhai Well-Known Member

    It seems to me that the best way to tell which bugs are bothering customers the most is how many /bug reports are filed about it. Everyone and anyone who is in the game and experiences a bug is able to do that instantly. The bug is fresh on their mind, they don't have to log into anywhere else (especially a third-party site!) to tell the devs about it, and the character data is immediately accessible to the devs to check what happened.

    But I also am ticked off about this bug report site because this is the 4th third-party site we've been advised to check and give feedback, the others being Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. Add to that the one time I did check the site, bugs were still showing as reported but not confirmed when the update notes here already showed the fix. Doesn't give me much confidence that either they will stick with it long or they are actually keeping up with it the way they say they are.
  15. Moonpanther Well-Known Member

    Great question Griffon Lady! Can we get clarification on dungeons, as I'm one of the decorators that stocks dungeons and have one for each holiday and festival...and some are completely full. How will that work on a merger???
    Thanks in Advance.
  16. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    I see we got a "sleep" emote.
    With all the changes that are going to be made. . are there any plans in the makings for some new updated hairstyles?? Our hairstyles are quite outdated. I know alot of female humanoid players have been vying for LONGER hairstyles for quite some time. Are we finally going to see some new hair!!!???? PLEASE??
  17. Moonpanther Well-Known Member

    Yes!!! Long flowing hair!!
  18. Aivet Well-Known Member

    One suggestion I have is that if a character name is unique across all servers, then that name should be reserved and assigned to that character, without having to login. Aivet, for example, is unique according to eq2wire (I realise that not everyone allows the census and so forth, but it will suffice as an example). This would prevent a knock-on effect from causing more problems, as well as reducing the amount of name-griefing possible.

    For example, let's suppose that someone logs on, finds that their character "Alice" is taken, and decides to rename their character "Aivet" before I've logged on. I'd then have to rename my character something else, hoping the name I've chosen doesn't belong to a character from another server that is also unique. Knowing my luck, I'd choose a name that belonged to someone who has a reputation for actually being good at playing a dirge.

    I also think that all characters that get transferred should get a claimable no-trade amnesia potion, like the ones we get when creating heroic characters, outside of any forced renaming. It'd mean we don't have to try and come up with a name we like on the first login.
  19. Juraiya Well-Known Member

    I'm seeing a lot of really good ideas from people on this thread. The question is: Will Daybreak consider any of them seriously? I really hope that they do. They have all this free creativity working for them - they should take advantage of it! ;)
  20. Belenos Well-Known Member

    No,no,no,no,no! No way are they rolling every server other than AB together! The population would be at least 3X AB's current population. Some of us do not care to have to fight over every spawn when harvesting, and spend more time running through areas stripped of nodes than we do actually harvesting.

    I played for a while on the TLE (blue) server, and I freaking hated harvesting there!

    Seriously, PLEASE do not get all whacky and over-do it on these merges! Some of us were (and still are!) just fine with things now, so please do not go overboard with this!
    Some of us have been screaming from every mountaintop against server merges, but I guess they are coming anyway.

    Not everyone complained, and not everyone asked for server merges--just those who think merging servers will force people to group with them--and it won't. I still won't play with them, no matter what their momma says, because despite server merges, they still smell bad, and their momma still dresses them funny! :p