Please turn on xp/vit pots

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Dixa, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. KhaineUK Active Member

    That and the... hammer I think it was for tradeskilling? There was 1 for each, and it was a pretty low requirement to get as well.
  2. Ajjantis Well-Known Member

    Please ignore OP.

    NO exp pots ever, please!


    Because at some point there will be an expansion release and then we need to level slowly again to keep the server and population healthy.

    There are server for people who want exp pots, go buy them there.
  3. Wulfhammer Active Member

    I have zero wish to catch up to anyone.. Get out of this f******g mindset where you have to keep up with the jones's.
    Me on the TLE server is about my journey and stories being shared with others in no rush at all. This is not a competition, ****** contest or who can piss the furthest. This is a world that deserves to be explored at leisure.

    TLDR; Who gives a flying f**k what the racers are doing up ahead. They'll be the 1st to leave and go back to live and leave the rest of us real players in peace.
  4. Rhodris EQ2Wire Ninja

    And if DBG are going to release the pots anyway in a couple of weeks, why the big rush to have them now? If you're not in the 50s club and want to be, pull your finger out and work harder. Or be patient for a couple of weeks.
    Wirewhisker and HaphazardAllure like this.
  5. Hammdaddy Active Member

    I got level 41 with about 2days 18 hours play time since tuesday, the xp is fine (this is with no vitality/pots...)
  6. Mondego Active Member

    Basically OP has it in his mind, no matter what anyone says, that people rushing to 50 are somehow a personal assault on his well being and he'll be damned if he will let them get away with such treachery unless he is also level 50 at least the same time as them (I'm assuming here that if he made it first before anyone else there would be no major issues with that, intended gameplay, awesomeness confirmed). He has watched their progress with great interest from afar, as envy and hatred ate at his heart.

    OP is well aware it will come across as him just being a whinger, so as sort of a contrived dishonest way he has constructed this whole fallacy that people being at max level is going to ruin the game for everyone else who isn't. He also hates veterans of the game because those players already are far more advanced than him on regular servers (I'm detecting a theme here) and because they're trampling all over his noob rights to know more about these servers than they do, or something. His entire argument is based around some mysterious pseudo knowledge that he obtained from playing World of Warcraft or Eve, or some other game that taught him to be painfully belligerent every time he speaks, especially when he has very little knowledge of the topic (I'm assuming that's to compensate for lack of said knowledge).

    So until this guy is level 50 we get to hear him cry incessantly about how content he probably has never even played before is irreparably ruined by the fact someone got there before him.

    That about cover it then, or did I miss something?
  7. Wulfhammer Active Member

    You got it spot on..
  8. Dixa Active Member

    some will. those that continue to gain an economic advantage or enjoy lording early accomplishment over others will not.

    and just as many new players or ancient returnees will leave due to the slow advancement. these folks will not join the live servers. the barrier to end game there is actually a lot larger unless you are willing to buy krono and sell the for plat, whether you are plevelled or not.
  9. Hammdaddy Active Member

    Can someone explain how people that are "rushing to 50" are missing content? I have done more heritage quests so far than most of those "non-rushers" will do leveling up. I have done the questline in every zone (EL,Zek,Ferrot, Lavastorm,Everfrost,Nek forest) i have done every contested possible. Ran every instance so far up to my level. And killed raid content (that those casuals will not) what am i missing.
    P.S. Yes we know reactants/channeler/beastlord/adornment books are in game for ***** sake stop linking the stuff every like hour going OMG LOL GUYS DB
    Breta likes this.
  10. Dixa Active Member

    posts like his are equally hilarious.

    if there was no outside means of moving krono to this server, I really would not care who was 50 first. but the fact is that the economic viability of veteran players from live will have an impact here, just as it does in eq1. these rushers were offering 2 plat for a krono on Wednesday in general chat barely 24 hours after it launched.

    and i'm sure i'll find something to complain about at level 50, or someone else will and I shall chime in on that too. I don't agree with your opinion - I believe that those without the time but with the money should have access to a pre-existing tool that will help them catch up. not instantly - xp and vit pots are not going to be a sudden huge gain in momentum for anyone other than the vets who know where to go, what to grind or have always available, pre-set groups when they log on. if you fall into one of those latter groups then you need to understand that your experience is going to be vastly different from someone who is new or who has not played in 6-8 years.

    quite frankly given the fact that vit pots are about 1/3 as effective as they are on live they are very, very expensive for what they give. if my inquisitor only got levels 8-11 grinding out 97% vitality that's a pretty poor return given their cost. but people will buy them. and that money goes to these devs. and maybe that means more content faster. or maybe it means they can now dedicate the man hours to create an authentic launch day experience for some of you. it's unfortunate so many of you can't even grasp that concept.
    Dread1313 likes this.
  11. Dixa Active Member

    if these guys had spent 30 seconds on eq2u they would have seen that the rushers have done quiet a few heritage quests. one is even a 20 woodworker as well. besides the insane amount of time spent in only 6 days of it being live, they clearly had a plan - possibly practiced in beta or on live - as to the most efficient way to get there.

    they aren't the problem though. I am actually quite surprised we didn't have 50's on Friday. there will always be rushers. the problem is that outside sources can be used to influence this servers economy thanks to the krono mechanic, while a key service that allows those with money but not as much time attempt to keep up or catch up is still disabled after enough a raid-sized force hits end game.

    of the post 40 only a couple are still wearing level 20 gear, and they are playing classes that are not that gear reliant in the first place (casters. spells only scale off int so far and there are no other spell casting mods available on the server)
  12. Galatea Member

    It's time locked expansion, we are getting content that's been out for years, statement does not help your argument. This helps an argument for live servers which people claim that's what you think this is.
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  13. Mondego Active Member

    I stopped reading right there to be perfectly honest with you, you're a P2W guy, you're in the extreme minority here and you may as well just accept that. And I wish I could say I disagree with your opinion, but it's so convoluted it's just not even worth taking seriously, much less attempting to work out what you're on about.

    All I can gather is you want to have some economic method to get ahead in the game, but you have a massive problem with hardcore players buying krono from players who don't have time to play, and then presumably selling later at an inflated price. Clearly you aren't shy about spending money to compensate for lack of time to play, so all your concerns about the economic stability of the server can be offset by spending your real money, using those exact same methods now or later on.

    The only thing you can logically be angry about is "rushers got their krono for cheap now and sell high later, while I will have to spend my real money later to get them and they didn't have to." They simply profited in game using their time rather than their wallet. It's not some doomsday scenario that you're making it out to be, you're just upset that they can get krono, early, for cheap.

    And if you knew anything about in game economies you'd understand the amount of krono that one person has very little impact on the game economy. Those players who bought cheap now will most definitely profit in plat later, but it will be plat that other people brought into circulation via normal gameplay, the funds simply change hands. The effect of some people being level 50 a couple of weeks earlier than everyone else is minimal at best. The amount of time most players will spend at or near max level will quickly offset any gains that were made during that several weeks. Eventually, players will spend nearly all their time on a max level toon and accumulate a lot of plat into circulation and that is when the most inflation occurs. The first couple of weeks, which you seem to think is the most critical point for an in game economy, has the least impact. Because that's when the lowest amount of plat possible is being produced. Any gains made during this time period will be quickly trivialized.
  14. Ajjantis Well-Known Member

    This is just perfect. It sums it up to 1000%.

    I don't get the OP tbh. Let anyone, who wants to rush to 50, do it. Who cares if they farm things in advance? Or make money faster than other?

    Everyone has the same equal ways to farm something later. Glad some reached lvl 50 within a week. I hope they are happy with their decision. And seeing people get to lvl 50 just tells me that the experience gain is still too high. If other people can do it within a week, im sure you can do too. I'll be playing from time to time and it will take a few days more, but eventually i'll end up also at 50 with zero intention to rush. Im happy to see all the noob and mid lvl zones filled with life. I hope it stays like that for more than a month.
  15. Braiz Member

    dixa post irrelevant stuff since he's on tle, posted irrelevant stuff even when he was on beta, dont listen to him it's all crap.

    also summoners are OP dixa, it's probably you who dont know how to make it shine.
  16. Peak Nagafun

    Making varying pots. Release some for the current content that only work from 1-49. Problem solved.
  17. Dixa Active Member

    I believe the devs posted about the adventure packs aimed at those level ranges will be tied to later expansions, even though they came out before previously? you'd have to hit the dev tracker for those specifics

    have 20 necro/sk 21 fury on tle. sk/fury trumps necro/fury hardcore in all but single target killing speed. the pets have 4 times the health, but my 20 sk have 70% physical mitigation whereas the tan pet has 10% and the mage pet since it benefits from the fury group physical mit buff has 18%. both pets are masters, but grade of spell does not affect their physical mitigation - no matter what that base number says whether it's 600 or 1200 their effective base physical mitigation with no outside buffs will always be 0%. effective health is a thing that comes into play, especially when heals at this level can't deal with 4.5k health vs a 1.7k health tank. I think it may be you who overestimates many things. a 1.7k health tank with 70% physical mitigation has an effective health of 2.8k not factoring in avoidance.
  18. Dixa Active Member

    you make some excellent points I had not considered here.

    I will answer to the p2w thing though - i'm not really looking for a paid advantage over anyone. I have a full time job, so rushing to endgame is not something that is possible as it was when I was younger.

    There has been no explanation given as to why the devs stated pots would not be available for the first couple of weeks, so an assumption is being made that it is another way to slow down progression so we don't all hit max level too soon and start to complain about no content without having to tweak xp tables any further.

    That bubble has been burst, with 13 people over level 45 just 6 days after the server is launch. I would now like to have faster advancement - personally - because I do not care for how long it takes some classes to come into their own and there are other classes I am considering exploring for the first time here, but am loathe to start them due to the time required to get back to where I was.

    And again we have to consider what impact these pots will actually have. if almost 100% vitality only takes a lowbie from level 8 to 11, what kind of impact would that ~10 dollar pot have on someone who is higher level (assuming here that xp gain is not linear)? Not much. If you are getting 0.1% per kill at level 20 on a yellow con, then a 50% pot would get you 0.15% per kill. not a HUGE advantage really and you would have to combine the two in order to have a noticeable effect on leveling speed. Obviously there are some long time vets out there that remember where to go, when and how to be the most efficient as evidenced by the fact we have 50's and people are gaining xp at the rate of about 2 hours per level with no vit in the late 20's.

    I would also like to see daybreak take advantage of a potential income source when the demand will be high. The only other time the demand for xp pots will be as high or higher than it is now is when the level cap gets raised.
  19. Raff Well-Known Member

    Its not a race...never has been. Except for no lifers.
    Charlice, Mizgamer62 and Dread1313 like this.
  20. Dixa Active Member

    there is a tiny race - to get to voting age before the first vote.