Current Gear/Clothing

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Hartay, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. Xiatoris Member

    Suffragium - Defiler. Man that spear looks a lot cooler without the strange blocks around it lol.
  2. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Nah. That's the look that my Aerakyn gets when he is actively resisting the urge to tell folks that he is born of dragons. ;)
    Griff and Enric_of_Neriak like this.
  3. Pantz Active Member

    Vaniee (Antonia Bayle)

    Ufff (Antonia Bayle)

    Howdy (Antonia Bayle)

    Galaktea (Antonia Bayle)

    More to come later... :)
  4. Livejazz Well-Known Member

  5. Sentient1 New Member

  6. Pantz Active Member

    Goemon (Antonia Bayle)

    Slewslew (Antonia Bayle)

    Naminami (Antonia Bayle)

    Pantzu (Antonia Bayle)

    More to come later... :)
  7. ColorsFade Active Member

  8. Pantz Active Member

    Harima (Antonia Bayle)

    Spopovitch (Antonia Bayle)

    Sabu (Antonia Bayle)

    Nirad (Antonia Bayle)

    Thats all for now until I play more alts :)
  9. Charlice Well-Known Member

  10. Sorwen Member

    Only going to list the ones I've actually got appearances for(vs those that are just wearing whatever).

    I do find it funny my Fury ended up looking like a atypical Paladin. :) Can't see it but wearing the Traveler's Cloak of Guidance.



  11. Arieste Well-Known Member

  12. KingFrog New Member

    Thought I'd Necro this thread as it's a bit of fun/different.

    Jrog Croaksong, Froglok Bard and master chef.

    Strings likes this.
  13. s7n7a7k7e Active Member

    I apologize ahead of time for the wrath I am about to unleash upon this thread.... *hides* ;)

    Below are most of my characters...

    Darkserpent - Inquisitor

    Jasonanthony - Shadowknight

    Cunningserpent - Brigand

    Reptallica - Dirge

    Deadlyserpent - Assassin

    Netherserpent -Channeler

    Neverserpent - Coercer

    Everserpent - Conjuror

    Sinisterserpent - Defiler

    Thunderserpent - Fury

    Shinobiserpent - Monk

    Deathserpent - Necromancer

    Heroserpent - Paladin

    Sharpserpent - Ranger

    Holyserpent - Templar

    Etherserpent - Warlock

    Immortalserpent - Wizard
    t7a7r7a likes this.
  14. s7n7a7k7e Active Member

    Below are my g/f's characters:

    Taralyn - Shadowknight

    Eversolstice - Beastlord[IMG]

    Taralin - Channeler

    Veiledmyst - Illusionist

    Lunarmyst - Mystic

    Revenantmyst - Necromancer

    Nauticalmyst - Swashbuckler

    Sirensmyst - Troubador

    Venommyst - Warlock

    Ladymyst - Wizard
    Strings and t7a7r7a like this.
  15. s7n7a7k7e Active Member

    My 7-year-old daughter's characters:

    Elenamarie - Berserker

    Ellenora - Coercer

    Shadowelena - Monk

    Elenadefrost - Wizard
    t7a7r7a likes this.
  16. s7n7a7k7e Active Member

    My 65-year-old mom's 90-something Conjy that she pretty much solo'd sloooolwy on her own... :

    Solitress - Conjuror
    Malleria and t7a7r7a like this.
  17. Tabri Well-Known Member

    Wow 65 thats awesome :)
  18. Tabri Well-Known Member

    New channeler

  19. Wirewhisker Well-Known Member

    O Hai. ;)

    Edit: HMPH...most of the images won't display, because they still link to SOE's site.

    Any forum mod feel like changing the SOE in all the links to daybreak? :D
  20. Toxify Member


    Of all resurrections of threads of all eq2 time, this one is 3 years old yet still valid........ this is the top of the parse for me.
    I can see many many characters !

    Its going to take me a few hours to browse through this thread, but I'm a returning veteran from RoK and I'm behind!
    Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

    I have a weird obsession... :\ I apologize