1. WafflesnCyanide Member

    Hey Guys,

    Trying to compile a set of good ACT triggers. I cannot get to the Flames unfortunately to read the posts there. And was hoping you guys would be nice enough to dump triggers that would be useful on me. I'd write them myself but i am _terribad_ at regex. If i get a good list of them i may start maintaining a list of them for noobs(like me) and pros alike :D
    Fractals likes this.
  2. Nynaeve Active Member

    <Trigger R="Your target is too far away!" SD="move closer" ST="3" CR="F" C="General" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    <Trigger R="YOUR Combination" SD="comb" ST="3" CR="F" C="Monk" T="F" TN="MonkCombo" Ta="F" />

    <Trigger R="can see a weakness in your enemy" SD="EXPLOIT" ST="3" CR="F" C="Ranger" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    <Trigger R="pops out an egg" SD="egg" ST="3" CR="F" C="Fractured Hive" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    <Trigger R="Bolgin drank too much of his potion!" SD="Stop Hitting Bolgin NOW " ST="3" CR="F" C="The Pickclaw Depths (Advanced Solo) " T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    <Trigger R="Bolgin Serilis pops a cork!" SD="Move Bolgin NOW " ST="3" CR="F" C="The Pickclaw Depths (Advanced Solo) " T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />

    <Trigger R="An accursed rift opens near you!" SD="Rift" ST="3" CR="F" C="ToV - Accursed Sanctum (Raid)" T="T" TN="rift_timer" Ta="T" />
    WafflesnCyanide likes this.
  3. WafflesnCyanide Member

    Thats what i'm talking about! Keep em coming!
  4. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    crafting triggers...
    <Trigger R=".*You feel the blessing of Brell wash over you.*" SD="You feel the blessing of Brell wash over you" ST="3" CR="F" C=" General" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />
    <Trigger R=".*Your crafting expertise shines through!.*" SD="Your crafting expertise shines through" ST="3" CR="F" C=" General" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />


    <Trigger R="Infectious blood pools near the ground..." SD="blood pool" ST="3" CR="F" C=" General" T="F" TN="" Ta="F" />
  5. Nynaeve Active Member

    you probably wont get too many more. people thing they are tradesecrets and don't like to share them cause they don't want other guilds to be successful (in raids etc) so they can make a profit selling loot longer - while at the same times morons pay raidhub monthly fees - a company who's siphoning and collecting this info from its gullible users.
  6. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    What a ridiculous thing to say! My ACT export is available at http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/FTP_Files/2014-01-13.xml

    I don't have tons of triggers for new content (yet). I also have older exports from a couple of years back if you need triggers for much older content, but I'd have to dig to find what you need, so be specific on zone/encounter.
    Doobius40504 and Shmogre like this.
  7. Tayz Member

    I'll post some of my newer ones when I get back to the PC containing them
  8. WafflesnCyanide Member

    Awesome guys! I'm starting to work up a list! Ondce a get a good compilation i will post a new thread for quick and easy access :) (Plus hopefully by reading all of these i will learn the greek that is ACT Trigger)
  9. WafflesnCyanide Member

    This is AWESOME. My favorite one in the whole list is this:

    <Trigger Active="False" Regex="FF0000(\w+) moves destabilizing their static cloud" SoundData="That bastard $1 moved and screwed us over" SoundType="3" CategoryRestrict="False" Category="Destiny of Velious" Timer="False" TimerName="Timer or Tab name" Tabbed="False"/>
    Forestchild and Sigrdrifa like this.
  10. Fractals Member

    This might qualify for the best question asked in years.
  11. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    When we started doing that room, someone ALWAYS moved. And it was always a scout trying to get a positional in. After we had that trigger, the raid leader could easily figure out who to yell at. Plus general "point and laugh" peer-shaming.
  12. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

  13. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Also, if you are not a fluent speaker of RegEx, I can help. You need to tell me exactly what you are trying to make it do, and include the applicable line(s) from your log.

    Truthfully, most of the time you just need three or four words with no special characters. It doesn't NEED asterisks etc., and having to resolve those things slows ACT down a ton. I always uncheck all the triggers for old zones we're not regularly visiting. That way I have them if we make a nostalgia visit, but ACT is wasting time checking for triggers from those zones.

    As an example:

    \\aNPC \d+ [^:]+:[^\\]+\\/a says, ".*Ahhhh, permanent immunity to yet another source of your power!.*"

    Most of this is nonsense (and I obviously need to fix it in my ACT file). All it needs is:

    permanent immunity to yet another source of your power

    The only time you really NEED RegEx is when you are trying to grab a player name or the phrase in the logfile is convoluted.
    Feldon and WafflesnCyanide like this.
  14. WafflesnCyanide Member

    This is definitely good to know Sig. Thanks much. I havent gotten a chance to compile these yet. I'm also planning on trolling Flames a bit to get a few more. i just cannot do it from work.
  15. Malchore Active Member

    Way back in the day when ACT was still maturing, and long before we had the auto-attack bar we do today, I used an ACT trigger to ding whenever my Ranger did an auto attack. The regex was quite simple, something like: "YOU (hit|critically hit|try to hit)". and it would ding. After a raid I would go to bed with "ding ding ding" in my ears all night. Couldn't get the dinging out of my ears for a whole day.
  16. Bekkr Well-Known Member

    This is cool, but I get lots of errors about invalid characters no matter how I seem to try to import it, and it just won't work for me. Is there something I should be doing besides clicking the "Import XML" button?

    Also sorry for thread necro.
  17. Berge Member

    So how do you add these to ACT? Just copy & paste? I normally get a import message when I'm in game.
  18. Berge Member

    Nm figured it out :)
  19. Epicose New Member

    I went to Option | Import XML
    I get a lot of error messages here is a snippet of the first couple of lines. Did I do something wrong ?

    ***** 2014-08-09T12:15:26 - <CheckBox Name="ddlClipFormat" Value="True" />

    Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox'.
    System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox'.
  20. Lamatu Active Member

    Good to know when you're failing.

    <Trigger Active="True" Regex="Bloodletter heals (?&lt;name&gt;[a-zA-Z]+)" SoundData="Bloodletter triggered on ${name}" SoundType="3" CategoryRestrict="False" Category="Tank Death Prevent" Timer="False" TimerName="" Tabbed="False" />

    <Trigger Active="True" Regex="Death's Door heals (?&lt;name&gt;[a-zA-Z]+)" SoundData="Death's Door triggered on ${name}" SoundType="3" CategoryRestrict="False" Category="Tank Death Prevent" Timer="False" TimerName="" Tabbed="False" />

    <Trigger Active="True" Regex="Divine Favor heals (?&lt;name&gt;[a-zA-Z]+)" SoundData="Divine Favor triggered on ${name}" SoundType="3" CategoryRestrict="False" Category="Tank Death Prevent" Timer="False" TimerName="" Tabbed="False" />

    <Trigger Active="True" Regex="Madness heals (?&lt;name&gt;[a-zA-Z]+)" SoundData="Madness triggered on ${name}" SoundType="3" CategoryRestrict="False" Category="Tank Death Prevent" Timer="False" TimerName="" Tabbed="False" />