Drinal X4 Post 4/16

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Gninja, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Gninja Developer

    Let me know what you think of the changes made to the Drinal X4 encounter on 4/16. The only issue that was not addressed was the encounter occasionally continuing to do the Transfiguration and Temporal scripts after he is teleported to the center but just about everything else aside from general transport issues should have been addressed.

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  2. Ucala Well-Known Member

    ran it and killed it.
    don't know what I can say about the changes other than it's far easier now, less hoping to have enough AE blockers and stuff.
  3. Lordebon Active Member

    My guild ran the 3 SW version (with everything except the noxious) for the achievement. Some things I noticed
    • The scripts seemed to try to clear (the elementals went away) when he ported, but at the top of the elevator we got 1 round of exhaustion elementals. I believe you said it's supposed to occur at the top with a different effect, but it seems odd that it did it once and that was it, so something may be broken there. I didn't get a chance to see what it was, I just recall seeing 4 elementals for one round (~30s) and then didn't see them again.
    • The tank can still get the exhaustion elemental and the transfiguration curse and completely ravage his group with devastating exhaustion ticks. This should not be possible and is a major thing that needs fixing in my book.
    • I believe you said in the past that the exhaustion effect on the bottom should "set" it's damage 5s after you get it. From what I've seen this is not the case, every individual tick checks range and applies the corresponding particular flavor of exhaustive souldrain. I actually don't have a problem with this in the way the script is now, having a few people have to joust a bit is not an issue when the fight isn't just "burn before you run out of blocks."
    • We did see the transfiguration script fire after the port, but by having just that tank in melee range it wasn't an issue. For tidiness it should probably not be checking it, but overall not a big problem.
    I'm very happy to see the fight now requires actual attention to the script on the bottom now. Ignoring scripts and burning while you can stay alive with AE-blocks and the such is not an engaging mechanic, and I'm pleased to see that this fight hasn't just been swept under in favor of new content.
  4. Zarchos Member

    I'm not sure if this is related, but for the heroic version of Drinal you used to be able to port up to his pad and wait on the side area and he wouldn't aggro on you. Now as soon as you go up Drinal aggro's immediately on you, was this intended?
  5. Chronus Active Member

    Although done before the update we also had the issue of having both the incurable noxious and incurable elemental causing their damage after the port (one time the 2 noxxed people were ported on top of each other wiping us pretty quickly) and a few times at the top we saw the elemental refreshed at the top then wiped. This was all on 4 soulwell but it the script continuing on the lift happened on 3 soulwell too.

    When this happened it was pretty much have an aoe blocker or be 0 power and soon to be dead however now they're not blockable hopefully the reduced elemental damage will be enough to mean we live.
  6. Dethdlr Active Member

    That's been hit or miss for as long as I can remember. I ran it last night and he didn't aggro when we ported up. But he's done it so many times in the past that for a while we were doing the pull call downstairs so everybody would be ready just in case he jumped us. I don't think the changes recently made have anything to do with this issue.
  7. Gninja Developer

    This is only happening in the heroic? I can take a look.
  8. Dethdlr Active Member

    I only run the heroic so that's about all I can speak to. My guess is that there is some randomness to where you get placed when you go through the portal and that placement sometimes nicks his aggro radius. Doesn't happen all the time so when it does, we're usually not ready for it and we get to see how nice and cool the floor feels.
  9. Dinwiz Active Member

    bottom script still ran after 50% today...

    but more important drinal mage robe still wont proc flurry!
    Le Clown likes this.
  10. Le Clown Active Member

  11. Shanak Member

    I agree, something needs to be done about fighters having exhaustion and transfiguration at the same time. And if you aren't going to fix the exhastion so it locks in an amount after 5 seconds for the whole duration instead of per tick because you can't figure out how to do it without breaking it, then maybe just look at making fighters unable to have the exhaustion buff applied to them or something (bottom floor).
  12. slippery Well-Known Member

    Lesser Exhaustion could probably do 25-50% more damage.

    The buffs dispelled on the port, but he still applied them going up at the time he would have reapplied them if he didn't dispel, so you still end up with Exhaustion at the top. It seems like it sets the time it needs to do it again but then doesn't clear that time when it clears the ones on you for the port.
  13. Estred Well-Known Member

    I had responded in the old thread, indeed I got Exhaustion and Transfiguration at the same time. I also got Transfiguration while dead.

    Felt hard enough to me as Lesser still required coercer-feeds to keep up, though I think even with Drinal at the north and the marked-raiders at the south some were still triggering regular souldrains.
  14. Rhita Active Member

    I was actually trying to get this to happen, could increase exhaustion on all lvls to make the fight more challenging like it used to be.
  15. Estred Well-Known Member

    Perhaps make it hit more in Nightmare Mode, 3 Well should be the prequel to Drinal's full power. As it stands for guilds that are up to Bastion the Immovable and Amalgamon the way Exhaustion currently works is fun. I can agree for a stronger version of Exhaustion for Nightmare, but I think it should remain as-is for 3 Soul Well.
  16. slippery Well-Known Member

    The main problem at that point is tanks and transfiguration
  17. Crychtonn Active Member

    If Exhaustion worked the way Gninja wanted it to work having it land on tanks would be fine. So far the intended way of it only checking distance once has never worked and this is what makes it landing on tanks a disaster for the bottom 50%. It'd be cool if you got this fixed to work correctly. If you can't it should be made to never land on tanks like the curses on Commanders.
  18. Cruelshot New Member

    Tank swap still casting on dead tanks in 3x soulwell
  19. StaticLex Active Member

    There is nothing wrong with the mob, someone in the group is fat ***ing it into the mob (I know because I've done it myself a few times). The mob's aggro radius is slightly bigger than the platform and where you appear from the portal is right at the edge of it.
  20. olleran Active Member

    Doing one soulwell red , everything seemed the same until we got to the top , then he just started mem wiping which we have not encountered before.
    Blumfield and Uncle like this.