Focused Scout Feedback

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Xelgad, Jan 11, 2013.

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  1. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't mind it minimum range stayed in for PvP but 'pvp changes' have plagued rangers in PvE content for literally years on this game if not the entire existence of it. A lot of the changes people asking for rangers in this thread are things rangers actually used to have but were then axed because of PvP. Good thing too because PvP sure did skyrocket in popularity...

    Sweeping changes to any class that crosses completely different playstyles to accommodate a part that gets a severe minority of play time is..... Well I have an extremely explicit term for here but lets just say it definitely doesn't display an overabundance of intelligence.
    Gilasil likes this.
  2. Glassjaw Active Member

    Did I see some one on the scout feedback thread asking to reforge into strikethrough? No scout should really every want to have striketrhough - pretty much ever.
  3. Taysa Well-Known Member

    Took the words out of my mouth.
  4. Nailoo Member

    Totally agree with this.

    Also, for swashbucklers, it would be nice if our debuffs were as good as the brigands' and if our fun little "charm" spell worked on other players that are the same level as us, since most of us raid and don't usually group with lower level people.
  5. Primaeval Active Member

    I support everything Buffrat posted earlier in the thread regarding beastlords. However, I want to make clear my concerns that if modifications are made to the class (i.e. pet procs), it should be balanced with the fixes that have been needed since the classes inception in AoD ex: Savage Howl, Primal (particularly Spiritual Primal and Feral AE) hit rates, offensive pet survivability, pet hit rates, etc.
  6. Ruckus Well-Known Member

    As good and as effective as the brigand debuffs.

    As for our "charm" spell, too bad it can't be made to be as cool as the brigand's "Clobber"? Also, let it work on other level 95s that we are not GROUPED with (like Clobber).
  7. Geothe Active Member

    Yeah... When brig DPS in all situations is on par with Swash DPS... then buff up some Swash debuffs. But we all know the DPS will never be similar, add more mobs to an encounter and Swashies destroy brigs.
  8. Kwikdeath Active Member

    • Really I think that these changes would be positive too. When you look at what Beastlords and Wizzys CAs, how much they hit for and how often they are up, there is no reason that Assassinate and Mortal Blade need such long reuse times. Ranger CAs should have shortened reuse as well. Having a spell with a 10 min reuse is just archaic these days, as that can be multiple fights it may not be up for, and they are not nearly as powerful as they once were, when the game released with all of the new AAs and Prestige that have been added.
  9. Baarbossa Active Member

    Swash don't need improved debuffs...they have been spoiled with easy mode aoe fights. If swash had the same level of debuffs and the ae dps it would get harder to get a brig into a raid.
  10. Ruckus Well-Known Member

    How it was explained to me long, long ago back in T5-T7 days:

    The brigand's debuffs are to help the DPS do more DPS.

    The swashbuckler's debuffs are to help the healers heal less.

    Brigands increase the raid's DPS and swashbucklers decrease the mob's DPS.

    If both sets of debuffs were doing what the were supposed to be doing, you'd want both rogue classes in a raid, IMO.

    Though, if the swashbuckler's debuffs are supposed to be helping the healers heal less, it doesn't help when the swashbuckler is away from the named and is helping to burn down the adds.

    This seems to be my role in a raid these days: follow the OT around, mixing together my 5 blue AoEs and hitting my single target DPS combat arts on the non-named mobs. Once the non-named are dead, I'm back to single target DPS/"debuffing" the named.

    If my debuffs did what they were supposed to be doing, I'd be on the named the whole time, pumping a hate transfer to the MT and doing single target DPS and using those uber debuffs on the named. I would not be using those 5 blue AoEs at all in this situation, because it makes no sense to use an AoE on a single target. Dashing Flourish (Prestige) decreases the mob's melee weapons by 7.5 and Enfeebling Whirl (Shadows) decreases the mob's STR and INT by 82.5.

    Alas, that is not the case, and my AoE/single target DPS is needed to burn down the non-named groups that pop in the encounters. The underpowered debuffs that are currently on my single target DPS combat arts are pretty much wasted on these adds, because they get burned down so quickly. Plus, these adds are not hitting as hard as the named, and debuffing them is not as important as just plain DPSing them down ASAP.
  11. Davngr Well-Known Member

    yea, all the bigger hits on rangers and assassins need to be brought down to 1 min just like all the bl hits are.
  12. Bluewitch New Member


    -Make shroud useful at current content for more than just something I have to hit before SoD or kiss (i.e. for stealth movement to sneak by trash or launch a stealth attack).

    -Provide a combat message for when Cadence of Destruction is cast to facilitate timers for VCs.
  13. Baarbossa Active Member

    This isn't the swash job this is the sin's job in my eyes...they have the hate transfer and the defensive debuffs. I too as a brig have spells that are wasted on trash because it dies so quick, so I use my debuffs on the name as soon as i get to. The swash, brig, and sin can not all be on the name at the same time. Sin is best on the name because of the debuffs and the transfer, brig gets on the name when he can, swash ae's the adds and puts debuffs on name when he can. Then all of us have a role. I personally would never have a swash in a mt group over a sin.
  14. Wigg Member

    Decrease auto attack damage, lower reuse like these guys said and up the damage a bit. The reason they are so long a recast is beyond me, but it also makes me confused when the damage from assassinate now is only like 2-3 auto attacks rounds for an assassin.
  15. Xexx New Member

    Why is this even needed?
  16. Glassjaw Active Member

    Never..ever...ever suggest a decrease in auto attack damage- It's suggestions like that, that can ruin a class. The idea here is to make the classes more fun to play. Increasing damage A and reducing damage B doesn't = fun.
  17. Ruckus Well-Known Member

    If the swashbuckler's debuffs were as effective as they should be, a swashbuckler could still be in the MT group and doing a similar job as the assassin. When people are burning down adds, the goal of the MT group is to keep the MT alive, and our debuffs could be helping to do that...if they were strong enough to do that. Long ago, assassins just brought a hate transfer to the tank, but they had very little in regards to actual debuffs to slow down the named's damage output...which was what the purpose of what the swashbuckler used to be. Predators were just pure DPS classes with little debuffs and the rogues were the hybrid classes that had nice debuffs and decent DPS.

    Like the brigands, we also have Traumatic Swipe, and if that ability worked like what it is supposed to do on every mob, having that on the named all the time would also benefit the raid. When a swashbuckler is focusing on burning down the adds with AoEs, TSwipe drops off the named. Then again, TSwipe totally didn't work against raid mobs a few expansions ago, which was about the time when our debuffs seemed to just stopped being important enough to matter.
  18. Tuplat New Member

    Assassin -
    Already mentioned by others but just adding my voice:

    Get rid of the recovery time on the Predator AA "Impenetrable"
    Make Massacre a pbaoe instead of a frontal.
    Remove the positional requirement from Eviscerate.
    Reduce the base recast of Mortal Blade to 1 minute to match the other stealth attacks.
    Reduce the base recast of Assassinate and the ranger's counterpart (sniper shot) to 3 minutes.
  19. Xexx New Member

    If Xelgad posted any comments on what he thought of suggestions it would give player more feedback on how close are far from being in line with his thinking. Rather than waiting till its all said and done and nothing else can be suggested since the thread is locked.
  20. Ryptide Member

    After reading through all the other swash suggestions, I'd like to make one more suggestion to Xelgad.

    Please, disregard any suggestions to fix our fun spells, and instead, have you and your team work on something useful.
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