Zeixshi-Kar Raid in EW

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Drakang, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Drakang Augur

    Is it just me or is the knockback effect in this raid much worse since the the previous patch to the one we just had. The event seems significantly harder than it did early on.
  2. Polleiden New Member

    What knockback? Do you play without levitate?
  3. Drakang Augur

    Even with Levitate Tail Sweep gets cast every 15 seconds and seems to hit everybody in zone. Sometimes it misses you but you can get tossed around every 15 seconds which interrupts alot of casting.

    Maybe its just that tail sweep seems now to be zone wide all the way around him instead of just behind him.
  4. Polleiden New Member

    Did the raid yesterday and did not have this issue, never have. Huddle raid together and make dragon face you. Have levitate in the back of your buffslots, somewhat useless clicky buffs in your first slots. Refresh useless clickies as dragon dispells them. Profit.
  5. Daislet Augur

  6. Drakang Augur

    Yeah we figured out to try tanking him facing the raid. Just seems like the tail swipe goes wider around him than it used to.

    Have used pet tanking in the past but tanking him is not really an issue for us.