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You've ruined your own lands, you'll not ruin mine!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ThenaEQ, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. ThenaEQ Augur

  2. Noreaster Journeyman

    The hell did I just read.
    Kurage_of_Luclin and Herf like this.
  3. Machen New Member

  4. Dailor Augur

    I enjoy a good fill in the blank mystery.

    #7716 - Suineg
    #2651 - ChicagoMedic
    #4103 - Bobbybick
    #0384 - Boshe
    #1993 - BarfJello
    #4686 - Dstufft
    #8740 - Sieger

    Anyone have the answers for:
    #0675 - ?
    #6794 - ?
    #9008 - ?
    #7398 - ?
    #9008 - ?
    Mithra, ExodenEden and enclee like this.
  5. Machen New Member

    Oh, I see. I'm shocked that guild leaders on existing TLP servers and who want their guilds to remain viable would suggest and push for a ruleset that they know will be wildly unpopular for the new servers. Shocked!

    But, not surprised at all that Holly listened to them...
    Herf likes this.
  6. Herf Augur

  7. RizlonaBoxer New Member

    Can you quote the part where pop lock was asked for?
    Foaming likes this.
  8. gladiatoreq Elder

    If this is an accurate list, that's hilarious. We needed Dailor and Rudy representation. I count two worthy names above ;) .
  9. Coletricklw Journeyman

    No Mabbu? Surely the preeminent innovative pulling guild on Mangler should have some representation.
  10. Dailor Augur

    Very easy to reference in the Everquest Official discord, you can search by the #****
  11. Whoops Augur

    Meh. Not an attempt at white-knighting, because yeah, no. But I feel like they tried to listen to input as best they could, and I kinda see how they arrived at PoP/LDoN locked as a result of the seasonal thing/a lot of people bailing past TLPs around then. Like, the ruleset variations seeeeem to address as much as they can? If maybe there are some unmentioned tweaks that were also discussed? I don't personally care for the PoP-locked thing, no one explicitly asked for or suggested it, but I can kind of see how they arrived at it.

    That said, I think there were some better suggestions in there that either didn't make it to the rulesets, or weren't mentioned in the descriptions. Meh. A for effort... still processing grade for actual follow through. Whether I like the results or not, this amount of transparency is 100% preferable (to me) vs "because we said so! Trust us, it'll be great!" with zero justification. But that's just like, my opinion, man.
  12. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    My favorite post thus far. Let's ask what would work for the passionate "bot" players. :D

    These are just pure gold.

    1. [14-Jan-20 06:04 PM] windstalker#2532
    2. Okay. Here's what I'd like your input on: 1) Is the community who likes to "bot" large enough to sustain a full server 2) what rules are most appealing to this community to keep it thriving as long as possible 3) What would dissuade "botters" 4) How do we keep this server healthy, i.e. we don't want this to be a server rife with RMT and hacking, but passionate players who like to challenge themselves and the game by being ridiculously awesome. Shall we start with those? Your thoughts on 1) to start with?
    1. [14-Jan-20 06:51 PM] windstalker#2532
    2. Let's move to 3) What would dissuade you from playing on the "Bot" server?
  13. sauron69 Lorekeeper

    Is this for real? This is how we got these rulesets? LOL
    Herf likes this.
  14. Vicus Augur

    This is what I don't understand. These servers were 90% decided in Jan 2020. The focus group feedback was majority toward one seasonal truebox server with Gm support. The other was boxing server with AOC that is allowed to go to live because that is when boxing came a long and thrived (allowed people to progress in expansions they couldn't due to population..summarized). These are the words of the focus group.

    Holly leaves.

    JChan becomes the new lead and instead of
    A) doing what was discussed as planned,
    B)Blowing up the whole idea and creates her own type of TLP to put her stamp on the new position.
    but instead chooses
    C) Making both servers Pop lock..which makes Rizlona DOA and in turn confuses the Aradune people because now if anyone does play on the dead Rizlona server, it will take away from Aradune's playerbase which is the same minus 1 rule about boxing?

    You need to unlock Rizlona OR just get rid of it. One healthy server is better then one confused server that is staring at their lifeless clone server. Just more work for the Devs to keep Rizlona alive for no reason. We don't need two Miraguls.
  15. jordune Augur

    [*]Let's move to 3) What would dissuade you from playing on the "Bot" server?

    I freely admit I box.. so say it clearly dpg. Do you want me to play or do you want me to seek entertainment elsewhere?
    MysticGreen likes this.
  16. Whoops Augur

    That's basically my confusion, too. I kind of think they designed both servers to make as many people from "both" groups as happy as possible (there's a vast middle ground between them, but skipping that), but then... I don't really know what happened afterward. All I can imagine is a) try to make everyone happy by offering both things at once, b) try not to make anyone feel shafted by giving one "more" than the other, c) don't alter too many variables if you later want a more accurate answer for what made one more successful than the other... and then some blend of fitting both into satisfying "seasonal" criteria + honoring Brad with a server name + a server with that name should probably not go past PoP = this?
    Vicus likes this.
  17. Pikles Journeyman

    1. [14-Jan-20 06:30 PM] #4686
    2. I also think that a absolutely no boxing server is doomed long term population wise, but I think that a lot of people will at least think they want it lol
    My favorite line of the whole thing!
    Herf likes this.
  18. Pikles Journeyman

    1. [14-Jan-20 07:02 PM] #4686
    2. I spent like $1700 on bags when selos launched
    And this is why they have pull to help make decisions. Some people will never spend $1700 in their entire time in EQ. Yet are still dedicated customers. Business as usual, gotta make that money to keep it going for everyone!
  19. Vicus Augur

    Can't make everyone happy....so make everyone unhappy.
  20. Protagonist Tank

    Did you previously assume the goal of a business was something other than "make money?"