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Discussion in 'Casters' started by Brohg, Sep 29, 2017.

  1. Brohg Augur

    The enchanters I play with regularly don't match this performance on this duration. Could you share a bit more than the summary?

    Was it a necro group so had their Synergy + aria/vesagran/FE?

    I presume Mind Storm & Drown both were on all 15 mobs. Dicho on cooldown? Mindsunders all up ins, did you run anything to use your own Synergy?

    More generally, multibind or, like, some rotation?
    Questoften32 likes this.
  2. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    I feel the need to point out this person is many versions of gamparse behind.
  3. Sindaiann Augur

    I feel the need to point out that my numbers are the same regardless

    Combined: A master alchemist on 2017-09-17 in 935sec

    --- DMG: 179558373 @ 192041 sdps (192041 dps in 935s) [100%]
    ------ Total: 179558373 -- DoT: 110992574 -- DirDmg: 68560014 -- Environmental: 5785
    ------ Normal rate: 37.3% (63% of DMG) -- Critical rate: 62.7% (37% of DMG)
    ------ Attempts: 1412 -- Hits: 1412 -- Misses: 0 -- Defended: 0 -- Accuracy: 100%
    --- DMG to PC: 47010 @77dps
    --- Special: G

    --- DMG: 179558373 @ 192041 sdps (192041 dps in 935s) [100%]
    --- DMG to PC: 591765 @772dps

    --- DMG to PC: 544755 @723dps

    Special: 2: Infusion 6: Staunch 7: Intensity 9: Armor B: MB | LB | HT G: Glyph K: Kiss M: Secrets X: Slain $: Saved by DI
    Produced by GamParse v1.5.2.12
  4. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    I never suggested otherwise.
  5. High Voltage Augur

    I feel the need to point out that enchanters are obviously overpowered and need to be nerfed.
  6. Naugrin Augur

    Dilly dilly!
  7. kizant Augur

    What I've learned is that the secret to Enchanter DPS is using Gamparse. However, the specific version is not important.
    Sindaiann, Sancus and Reht like this.
  8. Reval Augur

    Most of the damage was dot damage. In an event where you often have 3 targets to dot, it's not surprising that it's a good event for a class with 2 very strong dots. Necros have more dot power, but it takes much longer and much more effort to ramp it up. Events with 4 or 5 constant mobs would pump enchanters and probably shaman and druids to a pretty high height if the circumstances are right.

    As far as dicho goes, From what I've seen dicho doesn't seem to do anything for dots, but every dot tick that goes by eats a counter. I could be wrong, maybe it has some dot benefit I just missed all this time, but I somewhat doubt it. So if you wanted to up your parse on this event (hopefully because you just have a group with many classes that dot and also nuke and not because you're *that guy*), it would probably be best to hold dicho for when it's just the boss, so that additional dots don't eat all the counters practically instantly.

    If there is something that dicho does for dots, then my 5 minutes of observation were incorrect. Enc hasn't been my main for a while. If your enchanters don't have the diligence to test that sort of thing, they're probably not going to have impressive numbers compared to the ones that do. Most people that do well have an attitude that is conducive to doing well, it's not that some guy told them something and now they're the best.
    Sindaiann and kizant like this.
  9. Sindaiann Augur

    That specific parse above I was boxing, so my Direct Damage is lower as a result.

    Most events enc dps will have dot damage as the most, however dd damage will be pretty close to 50% of total during most events. It's important that both are utilized or you lose pretty much 50% of your possible dps.

    The majority of enchanters in this game that don't parse well is just due to not trying. They are complacent and believe It's still 10 or 15 years ago.

    That said I yearn for events where cc is crucial to success.
  10. Sancus Augur

    This is probably practically accurate-ish, but technically innacurate. Dicho does boost DoTs in that the SPA 303 modifier does increase their damage, but not by the amount you'd expect. It'll add (SPA303 / (Base_Duration + 1)) damage (which can crit). Unfortunately, that amounts to very little, and each DoT tick takes a counter. DoT ticks also can't proc Dichotomic Reinforced Strike.

    This probably doesn't change when it's best to use it, just wanted to clarify that.
    Brohg and Sindaiann like this.
  11. Reval Augur

    Well if the description is accurate, base duration of a dot is what? 60 seconds? 120 seconds? Or is it calculated in ticks, so then it'd be 10 or 20. That's why I never got too deep into the SPA level spell descriptions. I've seen too many people read those once and then suddenly they think they're a god and know everything, and then in the game it turns out differently than what they thought.

    At the same time, it's not bad knowledge to know as long as you take it with some grain of whatever spice is correct for that sort of thing. It's not quite salt.
  12. Sancus Augur

    Well I'm happy to show you it works the same way in game...

    Without Dicho:
    [Mon Oct 02 18:59:08 2017] Test One Hundred Three has taken 10277 damage from your Drown.

    With Dicho (Rank 1):
    [Mon Oct 02 18:53:38 2017] Test One Hundred Three has taken 10621 damage from your Drown.

    It's based on the number of tics, which is 8 for Drown. 3101 / (8 + 1) = 344.55555... This truncates to 344. 10277 + 344 = 10621.

    I don't know what people made you skeptical of understanding how SPAs work, but they are how the game works. Obviously doing in game testing is crucial too.
  13. Reval Augur

    I'm not skeptical as to that SPA's work. They can be great tools. But the problem is that once someone reads an SPA, now they think they are "the law". I've seen people read an SPA and then state the case and then not listen to rational things because now they have it from "the source" and anyone else is irrelevant. So the real enemy is human pride, and I find this level of knowledge to be a pride amplifier in a world where it's always much more complex than just: 1) read an SPA off of a spell description 2) you are now right over everyone else forever.

    I'll do 2-3 hours of testing in game on something, and then someone will quote an SPA or spell description like they're suddenly right and I'm wrong. It's easy to make a sort of script kiddie idiot with SPA's. That's the reality that makes me skeptical, not of that they are accurate, but of how much they help.
  14. Sindaiann Augur

    Sancus is one of the smartest and most practical people I have ever met in EQ. He isn't the type that just takes SPAs at face value. He tests things and verifies before I have ever saw him quote what a SPA does because well it's EQ. Things don't always perform as they should on paper.

    That said there is only one way to use dicho. Early and on refresh every time.

    There are certainly times however where you hold it for 6-12 seconds to allow 2 trash adds to die so 2 to 4 charges aren't wasted, however most cases it's not worth it to micro manage it that way. DPS gain from going full out on all mobs far outweigh the boost you see in direct damage from dicho charges.
    Sancus likes this.
  15. Reval Augur

    I wasn't saying it against Sancus. It's just my personal view from experience with people. If he's the exception to the rule, which I wouldn't doubt he is, then that's fantastic. But this isn't just a sancus forum. Other people read it, and if even one of those people get the idea even 5% more than they currently do, then I'm more than fine with having expressed that viewpoint.

    As for the dicho thing, I think there are times to use it both ways. I can tip my hat to that you're taking the stance that a herd of people will follow easily. I get that I'm not on the popular side with this one. I'm not saying I don't bind dichos 90% or more of the time. But there are times not to for various classes. I'm not saying everyone has to get every last bit out of every dicho or it's the end of the world. I'm just pointing to a door that could up dps and saying that the door exists.
  16. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Using the newest version is always the most important thing. Always.
    Sindaiann likes this.
  17. Reval Augur

    He ain't messing around. You'd best update that gamparse.
    Sindaiann and Beimeith like this.
  18. kizant Augur

    Trust me, I try to get everyone I raid with to use gamparse. The number of people who don't even bother to understanding how well/poor they're playing is too high.
  19. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    I'll just leave this here:


    Brohg likes this.
  20. gotwar Gotcharms

    1.5.3 beta when?
    Sindaiann likes this.