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Yelinak- Hate DZ spot for warrior

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by versair, Jun 12, 2022.

  1. versair Journeyman

    Hello folks! Our warrior was not able to make it to level 46. So instead of letting all of the indicolite rot tonight, we are looking to sell the spot to 1 individual. You will be the only warrior on the raid, and you will get ALL of the indicolite that drops. You do NOT even have to participate if you do not want; can autofollow and loot for all we care :)

    we are asking 3kr to buy the spot. first come first serve. If many pieces drop, then you make out like a bandit. If we are unlucky...well that's the gamble.

    DZ starts tonight at 8pm est, and we will plan for a 3-4 hour session. Thanks!
  2. BearBuddy New Member

    Why are you typing this on the forum, and why does your punctuation sound like you're an RMT'er who barely knows how to type in English? :confused:

    Keep Krono stuff off this forum friendo.
  3. Accipiter Old Timer

  4. Lineater Augur

    Your one warrior isn't even 46 yet? Guess you don't wanna sell the LR as it drops cause you scrubs will barely get past the AoC. lmao
  5. Larsen Augur

    In most Hate clears, there won't be enough Indicolite drops to add up to 3kr in value. One would have to get exceedingly lucky to not be scammed by this offer. The typical going rate for OW LR is 1kr for the chest and like 500-1000 for other pieces, maybe a bit more for the gloves. You usually don't see more than 3-4 pieces in total from a clear.
  6. Pizzanomicon Apparently from Grobb

    I mean why would they pay 3kr when they could pay like.... 500pp each piece to the actually smart players that are just smashing open world at 3 am with their box crews ? Think mark....think.
    Lineater likes this.
  7. FranktheBank Augur

    I laughed.
    Pizzanomicon likes this.
  8. Maph Lorekeeper

    you need the warrior spot filled but are charging to fill it...who is dumb enough to take that??! Please PM me the name so that I can also take advantage of this person.

    Pizzanomicon likes this.