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WTB Evict Option for Guild Neighborhoods

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Allayna, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Let me help you along, since you seem to be running out of anything to say.

    When any of you GLs look at a plot that says Time: Unlimited, YOU allowed that player to place that rent free home down. You allowed them to have an Unlimited plot in your guild neighborhood.

    You GLs could have been on the ball enough to say "No placing rent free houses, and no more than 90 days in escrow".

    There are all the tools available to you to manage the, 'flawed' writ design exactly as you wish.

    But instead of think, "hmm I blew it there", you seem to be saying "let's see if we can forum quest up an 'Evict You Because I screwed up' button."
  2. Liljit Augur

    The following taken from the original EQ News about housing:


    Effects of Expired Upkeep and Inactivity
    • If you do not login to your character at least once every 90 days your plot will default back to the bank. Everything in the plot will be put in a moving crate on your character and all money in escrow will be refunded to you. However, you will not be refunded the purchase cost of the plot.
    • When an escrow account runs out of funds your plot and items will be unavilable until more funds are added.
    • Plot: When a plot’s upkeep expires items placed on it may no longer be interacted with or moved, and any houses will locked.
    • Items (not including houses): When an item with an upkeep cost runs out of funds, it will be placed in the shed or closet and will not be placeable again until the correct amount of funds are added to escrow.
      • If you place an item that has upkeep costs, but do not have the correct funds in escrow, you will receive a message that you need to add funds to escrow before the next charging cycle or the item will be moved back to the shed or closet.
    So. You see buying into the original system as you keep repeating, NONE of this would be a problem...I even underlined it for you. But they changed that after the fact. Much like many things in EQ, subject to change.
  3. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Yep, but it doesn't work that way when you let someone place a rent free house now does it?

    Yep, the current system is 'flawed' based on what the Writ says in the description, what the wording of the housing contract is, and what is manifestly the case with rent free homes.

    And again, you repeat the problem at hand, as if that 'proves' you're right. It only proves you have an OPINION on 'how it should be®', based on your reading of those things and assumptions without verification that you were correct.
  4. Liljit Augur

    Nevermind, forget housing issues, fund education, focus on reading comprehension.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  5. Zaviere Augur

  6. wingz-83 Augur

    The Devs should make it right....

  7. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    So cute! ITT
    Child: You're supposed to make it the way 'way it should be®' right now!
    Adult: That's not happening.
    Child: Never mind, housing was stupid anyway.
  8. Bandien Elder

    I don't see an evict button, but I see a Vote button. What are we voting on?
  9. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Hey Allayna, I’m gonna need you as a new-ish Guild leader to go contact all the former MS guild leaders and have them get in their way back machine to correct our now current issue.

    And to you MasterForumQuesterMagnus... Allayna is trying to correct a now growing issue, we as a guild have current rules and such inplace. It boils down to people, people are the root of dumb-assery...

    If someone logged in and said,” Hey Gang, I have a new job, wife, 2.3 kids etc to take care of. This is my official retirement statement and I have canceled renewal of all accounts. Good luck and maybe in a few years when my life is together again I might play.”

    Lets say their main had a house, and their 2 alts had a house. That is 3 plots taking up space that they could have moved themselves. They forgot and choose not to as they assumed when escrow lapsed on their rent free home it would magically get boxed up and placed in their parcel.

    We are a raiding guild, we enjoy each others banter and wit. At the end if the day, you are either a raider, alt of said raider, or current player but was a raider and now casual but still meet the requirements to maintain a Machin Shin guild tag.

    Those that dont meet said requirements are removed from the guild. It’s the price you pay to be here.

    Back on topic, allow the Guild leader and officers to properly manage guild assests, like the houseing!

    I have 4 toons in MS and all 4 have 3 plots. Once these damn tradeskills are done I will close up said homes and allow free range chickens to roam about.
    Felicite and MasterMagnus like this.
  10. Critts Augur

    I got kicked out of the guild village once. Evicted.
  11. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    You’re a frog, it was just time...
  12. Tornicade_IV Augur

    that person paid for the hive of the bixie by spending a premium purpose of the game.
    Where was the outcry for that item in regards to guild
    just further supports that the only "fix" is to be able to move these plots to a non Guild neighborhood intact and awhole.

    Guilds do not have the ability to evict only the DB bank that provides this land to guilds at a cost and under their terms may evict.

    You really cant argue that Guilds manage these properties so therefore should be ale to evict while at the same time say its unreasonable for guilds to manage these properties.

    There is nothing that requires a guild to have a neighborhood it is purely optional.

    There is a lot of people who paid a premium price to make their plots unlimited. they have a reasonable expectation as a returning player that their plot will still be there if the game is.

    Also the last time this topic came up the Devs solution was to allow multiple neighborhoods. so the idea that people would keep their plots in guild housing neighborhoods after they left said guild was not unexpected.
  13. Tornicade_IV Augur

    then they found outthat Eq amazingly enough has a lot of season players and those in the military who were active subscribers during that 90 pay period ( you can pre pay a subscription for a year) and didt like having to reset their stuff including guild halls.
  14. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    How about this?

    Writ of Guild Neighborhood Update.

    The new Writ, Copies the entire neighborhood to a new neighborhood except for any plot owned by a person not in that guild.

    All items and placements are removed from old neighborhood, again except for plots not in your guild, that will remain with all current escrow.

    All escrow is removed from old neighborhood (for guild) but the owners remain the owners (of those now empty plots) for 90 days.

    So whomever owns that plot can pay into their 'old plot' as well. And yes, I think this should circumvent the 3 plot limit. You paid for the initial neighborhood after all. So now because you can have 6 plots instead of 3, I do think the 'Update Writ' should be ,a very minimal, cost.

    **edit** only once per neighborhood. Maxing at 6 plots for an individual.**edit**

    Problem solved?

    Nobody gets evicted. Nobody has to 're-place items'. You are immediately and with one click separated from non-guildies.

    Everyone goes forward under the same rules as always.

    DBG gets a new, small, revenue stream.

    Guilds get more storage for your pesky tradeskill stuff, and a pretty new neighborhood, and old neighborhood.
  15. Lianeb Augur

    Maybe we should rewrite the entire guild neighborhood code like this guy says they should.

    Or we could give the guild leadership an evict button
    Your choice developers.
    Maybe we can flood CSR with petitions to have said persons removed from the neighborhood?
    Oh wait that might to close to an evict button for his liking
    MasterMagnus and Liljit like this.
  16. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    This idea is to NOT touch the existing code and create something new. Reading comprehension FTW
  17. Lianeb Augur

    I honestly can’t tell if you are trolling or if you've had an epiphany (that no one else sees) and are trying to champion your ideas
  18. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    The guild wants to remove the people that havent logged in, in years... who in game cares about the placement of their palm tree. Box that crap up and see ya later squatter!
    Caell likes this.
  19. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    You are asking for the code change by asking for an 'Evict Button'.

    I am, in good faith, proposing a solution which does not change existing code. It creates a new item which satisfies both parties, AND creates a revenue stream for DBG.
  20. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Does something hurt YOU, or your guild, by keeping everyone's stuff in place. No matter who 'cares' about it or not?
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