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WTB Evict Option for Guild Neighborhoods

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Allayna, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. Arcos Lorekeeper

    No one here is talking about doing anything to a guild plot owned by a member of the guild. We are talking about folks who for whatever reason are causing issues for a guild that they are no longer part of.

    Picture an empty plot with zero items on it - buy it and dump 50k plat into escrow. Do nothing else at all except be ticked off. Leave the guild or even leave the server. If you care to delete your toon and roll a new one. Now and for several years that plot is bricked. No one can use it - no way to release it - and from the DBG point of view no one will ever spend a penny on items for it.

    Explain again why this is a good idea please.

    Allayna and Felicite like this.
  2. Ironnuts Journeyman

    This is some ugly stuff here. Give me a button so I can throw someone out of their house whenever it suits me. Yea ok I’m sure they’ll get right on it.
  3. Dawdle Augur

    I have been trying to fill up a neighborhood with houses because empty plots or plots with just a wall and some weapons stuck to it doesn't look very fantasy like.
    If your biggest issue is that you have a old player who's not active anymore that left some cool stuff in game for you to look at and explore one day... Wait I don't see any issue here.
  4. Eanelder Augur

    As 1 of the "50 people who care about housing", I don't see all the hate on this idea.

    A guild leader, in a housing zone that is owned by that Guild, should be able to at the very least walk up to a housing plot, access the Plot stone and be presented with the option to evict the plot holder. An eviction process could then be triggered in such a way it it would clear escrow from the plot, mailing it back to the owner but the house and items remains. With no escrow remaining on the plot, an in game email should be sent to the plot owner notifying them to take action or lose the plot. I believe there is currently a 30(?) grace day period in game for this situation.

    If the plot owner is no longer in the guild they should not be able to add escrow and will eventually be evicted. If they manage to get in back in the guild, then see the next point.

    If person is still in that guild they have the option to re-add escrow. If the plot owner is no longer actively playing the game and doesn't get the notification, then tough luck, the plot should be freed up. if the leader really wants them gone, they have the option to remove them from guild first. If the person is willing to accept the eviction they can save their layouts and such in preparation.

    Again I don't understand the hate on the idea. However, I will say that of all the options available to improve housing, this is not in my top 20. Also housing has seen no love for several expansions now, it seems to be dead in the eyes of DB. As much as I would love to see ANY focus on it to prove its still alive, I'm not going to hold my breath.
    Caell and Allayna like this.
  5. wingz-83 Augur

    You're right. There is no problem with this. I want DBG to take this idea a step further.

    DBG, can I get a button to throw people out of their guild halls? I don't like that the guild hasn't been around in awhile and I can't use their guild hall plot. There's only so many after all. I would NEVER abuse it to throw existing guilds out of their guild halls. Surely not. Perish the thought!.
  6. Tornicade_IV Augur

    no they should not. because the neighborhood belongs to the guild and not the guild leader.

    Also these scenarios are part of guild management. I'm not sure why guild leaders should be rewarded for poor guild management.

    Ultimately we know the crux behind this request. 84k inventory slots for tradeskills as part as the raid guild Krono machine.

    Ultimately there are plenty of non guild plots out there.

    Yet these are the same people that if someone was to request a door to nowhere from house to hall .We would get all sort of pushback about devs time and priorities blah blah blah.

    Its no different than raiding.

    take stock of the content and capabailities
    set expectations
    and set processes to avoid or address scenarios and set penalties for non compliance

    otherwise don't use the,

    send your guildies out to the neighbourhoods.

    I seriously doubt that since the house came out this guild has had 280 members set up houses and leave and now they have no plots for their houses.

    More likely they have 20 or 30 current and past members who are tradeskillers with 3-4+ plots each storing tradeskill drops.
    in addition the thread title is WTB Eviction option but the op clearly doesn't want to buy anything.

    When you buy a neighbourhood writ it clearly states the property belongs to the guild and not an individual.

    yet the thread is asking for individual control to evict member ad former members from the plots.

    Your solution is rather simple. instead of focusing on the plots you have no control over.. focus on the plots you do.

    Tradeskillers only need one house in the neighbourhood guild. a door to nowhere will get them to housing anywehr e in the game they want to set up their housing.
    plenty of empty plots they can set up in the regular neighbourhood without adding any travel time.

    If they don't like it.. they can go buy a neighbourhood writ

    Its just simple guild management of resources.
  7. Eanelder Augur

    If that Guild Plot is in a zone called Wingz-83 Haven, which you have acquired by what ever means, I fully support this idea.
  8. Zaviere Augur

    I'm simultaneously losing brain cells and losing faith in humanity by reading some of these posts. It's gotten so bad that it's not even worthy of being called trolling anymore.
  9. Tornicade_IV Augur

    well that explains the plot mismanagement
  10. Lianeb Augur

    I still don't know wtf you are trying to say!!
    Let me try to understand or help you

    I think what you are trying to say here is the guild needs policies and those policies should be enforced by the guild and because there are no policies and thus not enforced the guild is mismanaged? and we should punish those that are not complying.
    When we talk housing what do suggest we do to help manage the housing in a guild neighborhood? The only way to ban people from buying plots in a guild neighborhood is to not have any members. The only way to get people out of a guild neighborhood that have left the guild is ask nicely....how do we punish someone for owning a house in our guild neighborhood that is not a member any longer?

    You do know that any member can put a plot in the Guild Neighborhood just by being a member, the guild and or leadership has no control over that other than they are a guild member. So I am not sure what sort of policies or mis-management you are talking about. the OP IS asking for some management that is not there now. wtf

    I am not even sure what this line of thought is. Are you trying to say that our guild is full of Tradskillers that use guild plots as a krono making operation and that we need 84k slots and want more? If that was the case we would buy another Writ i mean what the heck it's only 25 dollars when I am making Kronos in my neighborhood

    Can i have some of what you are smoking

    OP does want to buy something, but it sure as heck is not another neighborhood Writ. Did you not read his post.

    And here we have it all.
    You do not even know what you are blabbering on about. How many times do you have to read, that there is no control over the houses in the "guild" neighborhood. That is what he is asking for, how do you mis-manage something you can't manage
    Allayna and Zaviere like this.
  11. Tornicade_IV Augur

    There is. I have outlined multiple approaches to the guild management problem.
    A. I am a Guild Leader
    B I own two Neighbourhoods
    C. I have already stated I am not opposed to an Evicction writ for 5k DB in the DB store.

    You can also petition to have a neighborhood reset.

    Once again the OP has bought 4 writs and not one time ever thought.. hmm this is space we should manage better.

    There is multiple ways for a guild to manage these plots. they can purchase the plots from creation. They could enforce rules amongst guild members using the housing neighbourhood.

    stuff that one of " top raiding guild in the game" believes is beneath them.

    and if you have 480 plots and are not utilizing the clear advantage of 84k inventory slots in at least one of the neighbourhoods then you guys just aren't smart.

    which is probably why you have apparently a ton of guys leaving the guild and keeping their house there ( one of the scenarios brought up).
  12. Lianeb Augur

    So you buy all the plots in your guild neighborhood?
    How do you enforce the rules?
  13. Eanelder Augur

    Semantics. Certain roles (configured by guild administrators and initially by the leader) have the ability to remove someone from a guild. Extending that to a guild plot eviction is not that far fetched, especially with the eviction method I outlined that also included a grace period.

    If required, make "Allow Plot Eviction" an option in the Guild Roster / Permission window so that the role can be assigned as needed.

    Poor guild management?!? A recruit applys to our guild and gets tagged. Proudly he sets up a house in our GUILD neighborhood and pays the 500pp escrow to keep it up for the next 10 years. Oh btw, hes also one of the 50 people who enjoy housing, so decides to do this for all 3 of his allotted housing plots. Unfortunately this fellow does not meet our exacting standards and fails his trial period. Crushed by being unable to raid with our guild, he decides he can no longer play EQ and never logs in again. Being so distraught by the news, he had logged off immediately, innocently forgetting to remove his plot. This person, who no longer is part of our guild, now occupy's 3 spots in the guild neighborhood which will remain there for 10 years.

    How is this poor management? There is no option to restrict plot purchase for "Trials" all you need is a guild tag. There is no notification that notifies Leadership that recruit x just purchased x slots.

    This happens enough times, and the guild neighborhood fills up. Add that to the people who no longer play and all of a sudden the guild neighborhood is a ghost yard for inactive players.

    This is an assumption your making. In our guild, our issues is that we have been around for years, players come and go, but their plots remain. Many of the plots in our primary Guild Zone, is taken up by alumni who no longer play, Failed trials, Short Term members and their alts. The guild hall can only be placed in 1 neighborhood zone, so for active players, this is of course the desired zone to place your house as all you have to do is zone out from the hall, to access your property. Also there are certainly premium plots as well, ie the plots immediately outside the guild plots and near the Lobby zone in. Seems a waste when you see a trails name from 3 years ago there.

    penalties for non compliance? like what ... removal from the guild? The houses will still remain, and leadership will be powerless.

    I totally agree with this and support you 100%. Unfortunately this is only one scenario, can you now please provide a better solution for inactive players, ex-members, trails and griefers?
  14. Aurastrider Augur

    For the sake of pure logic the guild leader "owns" the guild. They created it, they can delete every member in it and they paid for the neighborhood to be used by the guild. The system is a bit broken how it currently is. Having an eviction option that has regulations such as you cant evict someone who is currently guilded seems like a logical and fair solution. If I am apart of an association in real life that allows me to store my crap there (lets just say a work locker for example) and I quit my job should my employer just allow me to keep my crap in my locker forever because I claimed it and its my stuff? There are so many lockers and it screws over the current employees who want to use my locker but oh wait they cant because I can just keep my crap in there forever until the end of time. Someone else quits and does the same thing and well after a while you can run into a situation where you have very few if any storage space for your actual workers because you are storing crap for former employees. This is no different than EQ housing. The guild leader cant dictate who buys plots outside of dictating who they recruit but lets be honest you have no idea of someone's intentions to stay and play just like an employer has no idea of an employees intentions to stay with their company for any significant amount of time. A well thought out eviction process that does not abuse current guild members is not unreasonable.
    Caell, Felicite and Allayna like this.
  15. gotwar Gotcharms

    I support the addition of an eviction option in guild plots for folks who have left the guild or been removed.
    Caell, Felicite and Allayna like this.
  16. Vlad Diszno Augur

    Tis amazing how much arguing amongst players can go on even on something like this
    I’d think that it would be nice if there was a way for a guild leader/officer to trigger a check to see if the owner of the house was in the guild that the neighborhood belongs to. If the property’s owner was not in the guild, then gets evicted.
    That way a deguilded person would not automatically or even necessarily be evicted. Say there was a circumstance where some DGB error caused guild roster to get messed up, one would keep property and be able to sort it out without losing it. Or if the guild liked the construction, it could opt to not take action.
    I don’t see why someone leaving a guild should expect to maintain a property there.

    This obviously wouldn’t address retired players. I think that gets too tricky how to solve, but just being able to boot non-guild people from an active guild neighborhood would a good step. It would not allow guild members to lose their properties unless they were booted from the guild. In such a case, I question whether they’d really want a property there anymore other than to grief. I just don't see the reverse grief angle... if the player didn’t get along with the guild, prob be best for the player to move on. If they are not getting along, I don’t see what else they can do. Certainly, a guild member may not get along with a particular officer/leader and get booted and thus lose the property, but that person would have gotten booted whether owning a guild property or not.
    Hopefully, any decorator will save their layouts, so would be not too complicated to set up anew elsewhere. At this point in the game, the initial cost of the plot is peanuts, so can’t claim any big loss there.
    For those saying leaders should be proactive and be owner of properties to prevent such a situation as been discuss in this thread, I say the decorator should be proactive and save layouts and if this stiuation happened, it wouldn’t end up as bad as it could.

    As for a guild leader controlling all the properties and merely allowing others co-ownership, I see some potential problems with that.
    Will trophies work for a co-owner?
    Will anchors work?
    Will a marketplace item like the door-to-nowhere work?
    Will decorators want someone to be able to mess w/ their work by not being in control of who has ownership/co-ownerships?
    And finally, considering each character may own 3 properties max, how is a guild leader going to own all the properties in the neighborhood? Not to mention, if they use all their slots for others’ properties, how will they own and decorate a property for themselves if they so wish?
    There may well be other issues that I hadn’t thought of off the top of my head.

    Guess I felt strongly enough about this to trudge through captcha multiple times to log in while on my phone. Dang those friggin images are so small
  17. Zamiam Augur

    How do you buy all the plots in the guild neighborhood ? thought even the leader of a guild is still restricted to the max plot ownership of 3 ? did i miss something ..

    ^^ this
  18. Mezz Lorekeeper

    I think there is a simpler solution than giving eviction functionality. Cap purchase of additional weeks at 1 year so players can't buy 5 years in advance. If a player is not in a guild, they cannot add additional time to their plot. Within a year a booted player will be forced to find a new plot.
  19. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    I think allowing (but not making it mandatory) the guild leader to evict someone from a neighbourhood is fair. I also think that an option would be to allow a guild leader to flag a plot so that no more escrow can be added.
    Felicite likes this.
  20. Maedhros High King

    You're like the guy at a party that is so drunk that he is talking to the wall.
    Almost nothing that you have said has landed anywhere near the actual conversation.
    If this conversation was a dart game, you would have somehow managed to throw a dart and hit yourself in the botton of your own foot.
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