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WTB Evict Option for Guild Neighborhoods

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Allayna, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    -all this is vis-a-vis an Eviction Request to DBG- (for better context)

    Sadly, in regards to, 'should be conducted'. A failure on their part to grant the request (some say 'ignored') can be viewed in two ways.

    -They don't have the time. Sorry charlie?
    -After enough time...you can consider that just as good as a denial of the request, and you're perfectly welcome to submit another, or not.

    Certainly not perfect. I'm just sayin'
  2. Liljit Augur

    @MM just because a DEV hasn’t commented doesn’t mean “no”...

    Please refer to the Druid dot nerf thread and no DEV response, yet, the very next patch, mana cost reduction!
    Caell and MasterMagnus like this.
  3. Eanelder Augur

    True, the official title of the thread is "WTB Evict Option" and a lot of the posters are simply saying that is the simplest solution. But within the 20 21 pages (minus trolling, insults, and you tube videos), a problem has been identified (although not recognized by everyone), and solutions suggested. There are other options that are simply BIG RED EVICT button.

    my emphasis was that your statement "When it's required it will always be conducted by a DBG employee so it's always impartial and final." was incorrect ( as I mentioned Auto-Eviction is still a possibility when escrow reaches 0) and that instead your position / opinion was that "When it's required it should be conducted by a DBG employee so it's always impartial and final."
    This thread has been around for 2 weeks maybe? there would have been no time to even implement (aka "grant") a solution. Also, as a housing issue (aka presumably dead feature, hello talking items, evolving items, voice chat ...) I am going to assume this has VERY LOW priority. (I've already stated we're unlikely to see any change)

    Dev's do not respond to every post, in-fact I'd say post in the Veterans lounge its few and far between. Although they like to regularly suggest that they are watching and reading (maybe that just a Beta thing??). With all the trolling, insults, and you tube videos there even less incentive to fully read or respond to the thread.

    There is a Quality of Life thread currently on the forums, are you suggesting that all ideas that don't get a response are being denied not considered?

    Anyways this issue has been added to the DBG issue tracker. If and when they close that ticket with a response then I agree we can call the issue closed. Unfortunately, they tend to leave those open forever. Personally I'd rather get an answer either way.
    Gana, Caell and MasterMagnus like this.
  4. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    bathe this thread in nuclear fire and close it
    MasterMagnus and Eanelder like this.
  5. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    I only said this to clarify because it is the first post of a new page without the context of a quote.

    I meant no disrespect to this thread (well you know what I mean) or you.

    Please continue all.
  6. Zaviere Augur

    Hey, so like, this thread is cool and all, but...

    Why don't you guys check out this brand new song from one of my (MANY) favorite bands!

    It's ironic, because in some ways, one could say some of the posters in this very thread are living in fantasy land~
  7. Ironnuts Journeyman

    What does this have to do with the price of tea in china? A guy in polyester is gonna sing fantasy island? I'll just take your word for it that's relevant or good.
  8. Aurastrider Augur

    I disagree this is like watching those horrible American idol auditions (yes I watched the first season and I am still ashamed of it to this day) but instead of singing its a competition of logic and reasoning. There are a couple of people that would get to move onto the next round and well there are a couple of people that everyone is looking at the screen with a blank expression trying to figure out if the person is being serious or if their train has completely went off its rails.
  9. wingz-83 Augur

    But where will all the homeless go? What you should be doing is trying to transfer these people to OTHER guild's areas....

  10. Liljit Augur

    Suggestions for the name of said button:

    Magnus’ Spiteful Eviction

    Each time it’s used by the guild it also DT’s MasterMagnus no matter what server or guild.
  11. Critts Augur

    That seems a bit strong. Kind of a huge pain in the butt if one where to accidentally deguild. Let’s not forget those wonderful times when DBG disbanded entire guilds by accident. Prehaps a timer could start or the button.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  12. Critts Augur

    Do it in style

    How about sink hole!!
  13. Eanelder Augur

    I agree. My initial thought (preference) was to trigger the {X} day eviction process already in game, but given the item description an immediate eviction may only be way to technically guarantee this. (Plus I may have been trying to stick to to people who were against a triggered button by highlighting the downside of an automated solution)

    Personally I'm a fan of Maedhros' suggestion
  14. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    You so misunderstand me, because you want to think I'm fighting or just being stubborn for some inexplicable reason.

    " A failure on their part to grant the request (some say 'ignored')"

    Was a comment on Maedhros sob story about a request from 3 years ago.
    And the OP who brought their issue here because they couldn't get people evicted through the proper channels either.
    And the high post count members here in good standing who have popped in to say (paraphrase) "GMs don't answer requests, it's cute you think they will though".

    If you don't get an answer to your request after six months, ask again, keep on doing it 'til you give up and buy the darn writ.

    They are short staffed and busy, and all the other players have to deal with the fallout from this in countless ways. You know, the same GMs or lack thereof affect many other issues too.

    But two GLs come in to whine because they want to evict people, a few other people in good standing say "Yeah dilly dilly make it so!", there are a number (beyond myself) who say "no don't do it!". And you all will continue to champion your need to have them devote dev resources to this issue, because you think the two GLs affected are more important than any other player or issue in this game? The hubris continues to be astonishing.

    At this point can I just get on my character on Xegony and give Allayna a Krono so we can be done with this? **edit** done with this thread I mean. The issue remains, you have already brought it up to devs, they've been flagged, mission accomplished. Can we please move on everybody?
    Eanelder likes this.
  15. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    MasterMagnus = 1
    Tornicade = 1

    1 + 1 = 2

    2 - 1 = 1

    The number is 1. In case you were struggling with the math.

    But more importantly, read that paragraph again. What is your issue with Guild Leaders having control over things related to their guild? And why do you assume that people think this issue "is more important than any other player or issue in this game?" It's just a request for a simple feature that utilizes functionality that already exists in the game. It would be a QoL improvement for Guild Leaders, that's it.

    Even if people thought your argument had merit, the way you go on about Guild Leaders like they're tyrants who terrorize their guild members, well it's just ridiculous. You have to be a member of a guild to put a house down on that guild's plot. If that's the entry agreement, why should the exit agreement be much different? As long as it allows somebody some time to manage their affairs themselves, it would certainly be seen as reasonable by any normal person.

    A change may never happen, none of us can know for sure. That means me, and it means YOU too.
    Caell and Liljit like this.
  16. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Page 1 alone

    For the mathematically challenged.

    I'll let you go through the rest of the pages and total them before I acknowledge a cocky falsehood.

    *edit* with emphasis for the vision impaired
  17. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    Wow, 4! You could almost start a guild with that many people. And then you could let them buy plots in your neighborhood, and even if they left your guild you could let them keep their plots. Because even if you wanted them out, you'd have no way to do it...
  18. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    And just so you also know, I am fully aware Allayna is being (you call) 'griefed' by this person, and possibly others.

    I am offering a Krono to her which, I believe, is equal to the price of the writ. And of course upon moving to a new neighborhood the same 'potential problem' will exist going forward.

    But now, she, and everyone else that actually paid attention have some new tools to manage the flawed guild neighborhoods. Mainly provided by Tornicade.

    Devs flagged, possible solutions discussed, an offer to get Allayna what she wants. Maedhros seems so popular I'm sure he can take up donations for his Writ.

    Can we be done now?
  19. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    No, I'm not going to scour 20 other pages of posts to see if there was another supporter of your nonsense. You ignored the rest of my post so I guess now we're even. Most people are just waiting for this to get locked. It's been pointless for pages now.

    So you acknowledge there is a problem, refuse to acknowledge that it's a problem a Guild Leader should be able to solve on their own, and insist that CS be involved in any plot eviction. But you don't get why people think that's crazy?

    How about this? When you leave a guild by any means, your plot escrow is reduced to 1 month and the rest is refunded. There wouldn't even have to be a button. I know, it's too draconian, CS wouldn't get to evaluate the potential emotional impact of this situation before something happened. And the Guild Leader, once the plot was cleared, could stand there and look at it, laughing maniacally at the pain they had caused. Darned evil Guild Leaders ruining their own lands for everyone else.

    I can see why you defend this so strongly. :rolleyes:
    Caell and Liljit like this.
  20. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    There is a flaw
    your only recourse is to ask a GM
    if they don't get back to you or deny you, tough luck

    DBG will always be the only entity to evict individuals through automated or manual means. Because their action (if any) will be impartial and final. No individuals will be evicting individuals

    Rage against the machine (that is running on less than full capacity) or get over it.

    Your decision affects me none at all. *edit* I'm done being impacted by this thread, and the eventual outcome.

    And people's need to vilify me when I'm just telling you the facts of the business, and you're asking for code changes to unilaterally evict the owner (in the database, however incorrect {them being the owner in the database} seems to us ALL), just will never stop amazing me.
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