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WTB Evict Option for Guild Neighborhoods

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Allayna, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. Allayna Augur

    We've purchased 4.
    They cost 1750 base SC each.


    Note it says: "Only people in your guild will be able to own plots within this neighborhood." Which is false.

    Once you remove them from guild, it should pack up their housing and parcel any remaining coin....they were after all, removed from your guild.
    Magickon, Yinla and Felicite like this.
  2. Maedhros High King

    You're pathetic.
    39,471 is the estimate of homeless veterans right now on any given night. Thats nearly enough to fill a football stadium.
    Read this http://nchv.org/index.php/news/media/background_and_statistics/
  3. Maedhros High King

    My guess is you're exactly the kind of person that would continue to pump plat into a plot in an old guilds neighborhood out of spite and getting some kind of cheap thrill thinking that the guild may have to pony up to buy another plot.
    Your argument against an "evict" button for the guild leader is mind boggling. So you think that guilds should have to pay money to create a neighborhood and that just anyone should be able to purchase a plot whether they are in the guild or not.. thanks for your brilliant contribution to the thread.
  4. Tornicade_IV Augur

    I actually Have my own Guild and we have two writs in place. I was gone for three years so there is a bit of rebuild mode going on however we have gone from 400 rosters to 650 in the last 4 months.

    if all those toons decided to buy a house I would just get more writs as needed.
    Not everyone who leaves a guild is "removed" some retire , some go on break. some goto a raiding guild or back to a community guild.

    It just shows me that community guilds see members as people and pals whereas some of the raiding guilds may see those people as tools to be disposed of once they are done with them.

    People put a lot of time putting their yards together and when it gets evicted those layouts often have to be undone unlike the actual house itself which saves all the location and item placements.
    I have been in Warmonger Academy for 6 years now

    I ll let anyone use my hall whether they are in the guild or not and I support returning players to get housing set up . especially tradeskillers.

    If any feature was added to plot management it would be a one or two button feature that would let someone move their current houses into the guild neighborhood intact.

    If you have people leaving then ask them to move their house. you don't need to control everything.

    I don't see this as a priority in housing.

    I mean 280 plots sounds like a lot of turnover. that's 84k extra inventory slots.

    Whats the real reason you want these plots available again? had some Tradeskiller turnover? Cramping your Krono production?
  5. segap Augur

    I'm all for guilds being able to evict people, but not for being strict on eviction when they are removed from a guild. Lots of us have personal guilds with our own neighborhoods we use for housing. Taking away the ability for people to buy neighborhoods to be able to put all their storage houses in one convenient place would not be good.
  6. Tornicade_IV Augur

    It is simple asset management. If you want to control the neighborhood then you use the co owner tools to sublet the properties.

    You can have officer. You can impose guild rules on property management. Limit how long property is rented and allow the co owners to withdraw.

    Really if your not using the assets and tools you already have in place to manage the guild property then you sure shouldnt expect the devs to spend the time to do it for you.

    Its just plain lazy. Manage you resources and implement a system to control and manage the property

    In the example listed above with 4 writs..

    4 writs and you haven't figured out a way to manage the problem before it occurs?

    I would imagine the real goal here is to manage stackable inventory that accumulates faster than it can be moved.

    That doesn't require evictions. it requires organization. anticipation and a process. with a little forethought

    Of course sometimes clowns will work around that but those are the exceptions not the norm.

    so a 5k DB Eviction notice for the db store might be reasonable. for those ill equipped to manage their property at a guild level
  7. Lianeb Augur

    I am not sure what you just said.

    He is not talking about houses he owns he is talking about houses former member own in the guild neighborhood and the guild has no recourse to evict them. They are simply squatting
    Maedhros likes this.
  8. Allayna Augur

    You expect a top 5 raiding guild...and every member to give the guild leader and officers co-owner management of their properties....rather than DBG fix the issue?

    The real reason? As guild leader I shouldn't have to foot the bill for yet another neighborhood for a design flaw. People who have long retired, no longer in guild...should no longer take up a plot.

    As far as people putting in a lot of time in their plot....save your layout.
  9. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    There's no design flaw, it's working exactly as anybody should have been aware when they put money in escrow on any plot.

    You're asking them to add something that didn't exist.

    As Tornicade points out, you could have put money into every plot so that you control every plot, and you're always still the 'Owner' and the members with houses are only 'Co-owners'.

    There was no eviction button when you allowed them to put money in escrow directly becoming the 'Owner'.

    The term Owner in permissions and 'Own' plot in the writ are misnomers, as the person controlling it is only renting it from DBG.

    But control is the key. If you want ultimate control of that plot over the person who will reside there, you have to buy it first.
    Tornicade_IV likes this.
  10. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    We certainly are not as huge, member wise as other guilds. RA is 4 years old now. Even we are getting a bit low on plots when last I checked (I seldom go to my house and when I do my secondary anchor is inside my house. not in my yard). It would be nice to be able to manage plots of those no longer in guild. I could swear some of the plots are of people not even on Bristlebane anymore but I could be wrong.
  11. Tornicade_IV Augur

    Yaah those people come back.

    this isn't a DBG error. this is requesting DBG to fix poor guild management.

    if your not willing to invest the time. why should they.

    its not a design flaw. its a business model. one that seems to be working as I have purchased two and you have purchased 4. ?

    you cant find anyone to scrounge up 1500 station cash for the guild?

    wellt hats a you issue not a DBG issue.

    like I said I wouldn't be opposed to a 5k DB cash writ of eviction but some auto evict or eviction option can be used for griefing

    if its not worth your top raid guild time .. then don't bother with it.

    There are in game functions that allow you and your guild to manage property allocation. you don't want to use them then that's on you not on DB.

    personally I would rather see them dedicate housing development time towards Offline trading and a house based broke system, add more tradeskill supply vendors and utilize the resource for something more than bank space and trophies
  12. Lianeb Augur

    I wonder what we would call someone that left a guild and moved on to another guild with a Guild neighborhood for that new guild, but refuses to leave the old guilds neighborhood......hmm would that word be Griefing?
  13. Zaviere Augur

    I am baffled by how some people in this thread are failing to understand the problem being presented in regards to evicting non-guild members from a guild's neighborhood. It's such a common sense concept.

    Person joins guild > person sets up housing stuff in the guild's neighborhood > person eventually leaves guild > person joins a new guild > person decides, for whatever reason, to leave their stuff in their old guild's neighborhood > as more and more individuals do that, neighborhood fills up and ultimately forces the guild leader to have to drop money on creating a fresh neighborhood for the guild > solution? Allow the guild leader to have the power to force an eviction of said former member(s) to free up plots in an already paid for neighborhood.

    Any guild of integrity wouldn't do something like grief it's own members by evicting them randomly. Hell, maybe make the forced eviction feature only work on unguilded players, if it comes to that. No reason for it not to be a thing.
  14. Allayna Augur

    There is nothing in-game to stop people from griefing by leaving their plots with either an enormous amount of escrow....or a housing item that requires none.
    People who have been guild removed...don't generally get a second chance.

    Really? See above. It's an incomplete design with a flaw and has nothing to do with management. So you're saying enforce co-ownership. And if someone doesn't comply you what..../guildremove? Guess what, their plot remains!


    Shouldn't have to fork over more and more money because of people griefing.

    Costs of running a guild.

  15. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    I'm not at all making fun of your point, making that clear. It certainly would be a fun way to play pranks on each but I'm mentally like 9 years old haha :D Wtf why isn't my tribute working?!?!
  16. wingz-83 Augur

    There's lots of ways to grief with what is being proposed. Including but not limited too:

    Pay a guild tax or you're evicted from your house.
    EQ Neighborhood Watch.
    Pranks as mentioned above.
    Screwing up people's yards (Housing items seem to stay in place when boxed up and moved)

    Also, People paid for the plot, now you're forcing people to buy a different plot when they had a perfectly good house on a perfectly good plot.

    Yea I can't see this going wrong.
  17. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    I realize this is a management headache of huge proportions for guild leaders. And it maybe feels like your being griefed by people occupying plots.

    And I realize all you who've posted in this thread have a legitimate concern and would never use this to grief people.

    You spent real world bucks for the writ, and now you've got random locked up plots. I get it.

    Can anyone put the shoe on the other foot for a moment?

    Haven't most of those people legitimately moved on? Might many of them return? Even if only to poke their head in and ...
    Hey I camped in my house, what gives...
    where's my stuff? What's a moving crate?
    Why can't I open this stupid thing, why can't I place this stupid thing.
    Why did my guild grief me?

    When the number of guild members is always larger than the number of Writ owners. DBG would be spending time to code a button that allows a smaller subset of people to do something to a larger subset of people that could, very easily, be misconstrued as griefing.

    I don't see that button coming in the near future, no matter how justified your need.
  18. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Boo hoo. Newsflash, there are maybe 50 people in this entire game that give a toot about housing other than as storage.

    What do you care. Its not as if you have hoards of people running around in neighborhoods.
  19. Lianeb Augur

    That’s a productive post
  20. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    About as productive as a poop flavored lollipop!

    Back on topic, the design is flawed, it needs fixed. If I deguild on my own terms, My chit should automatically be packed up and parceled to me, as long as I am the primary owner. If a person is deguilded because they break rules etc again the guildleader should be able to toss their crap in a box and parcel it. Even if not from the management tool but actually have to go to said plot and click on it. I would even be ok if said eviction bix cost say 10k pp, it should not cost station cash.
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