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WTB Evict Option for Guild Neighborhoods

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Allayna, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Hey Mr. MM...

    Lianeb likes this.
  2. Liljit Augur

  3. Bamboompow Augur

    No Tom Brady or Richard Sherman. Song isn't legit.
  4. Lianeb Augur

    love that song
  5. Liljit Augur

    The evict button was suggested as a simple way to fix an issue with people who no longer play or refuse to move once no longer guilded.

    @Mastermagnus and Tornicade, you say you also bring options to the table, but convoluted multi step options that you know won’t get implemented and don’t actually solve the above issue.

    I knew I recognized your posting you 2...

    @Maedhros and the other non MS posters in support of fixing the bug, thank you.
    Caell likes this.
  6. Bamboompow Augur

    Nah. Automate the "due process".

    • Join guild.
    • Prove you are not a tool and make full member.
    • Go to Housing NPC in guild hall.
    Note: This fool won't talk to you unless you are X rank or higher in said guild.

    • Get a special right click thingy (deed? Mortgage contract?) from said NPC that you buy or hail or whatever when your guild rank is high enough as established by whatever lexicon of rules your guild has.
    Note:This feature your guild leadership should have absolute control over, even if it means only the GL or Officers can have a housing plot and no one else can. How you as a guild leader controls your brand is up to you but some folks might think you are a if you don't allow members to at least plop trophies...
    • Go to a plot.
    • Right click thingy in boundaries of plot.
    • Grats! Build your house!
    • Go back to NPC to pay your escrow every month and set your access permissions. You can let your alt(s) in your house and allow them to place their stuff because otherwise he/she/it alt is not permitted to have a plot of their own unless guild leadership grants alts a rank high enough to talk to the housing NPC..
    Note: Right clicking the door to your house no longer allows you to manage your plot. You have to use this accursed NPC to do that, which you had to earn the right to access by proving you are not a tool. You can no longer pay up in advance but over due balances can be paid for what is due to reset the auto-eviction clock. Which leads to....

    Automated Due Process:
    • If you get behind, you are locked out of your plot for X amount of time established by the dev team until you pay the accursed guild hall NPC. No guild members/leadership can influence this!
    • If you still don't settle up after again, a predetermined time established by the dev team, your stuff gets packed off to the bank and your plot goes back on FFA status.
    • You can also opt to abandon the plot at any time of your own free will by initiating another dialog with said NPC and your stuff gets automatically boxed up and sent to bank/parcel npc.
    • Guild Leadership will be granted the ability to pay the due balance in your behalf, but they still have to abide by the automatic deadlines. Which means if you left or were booted, really they have to do nothing at all to get that plot freed up other than run out the clock. So be sure you communicate with your guild if you have to AFK for a while due to whatever and make any arrangements you feel you need to make. Guild leadership should also have access to a tool to see if anyone is overdue to allow them the decision to pay any overdue balances or not. Its up to them if they really want to look at it or do anything about it. Even members in good standing might chose to be deadbeats about their plot and not pay.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  7. Zaviere Augur

    Please, someone put this thread out of it's misery already.
    wingz-83 likes this.
  8. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    At your command.

    FUN NEW GAME (from your publicly available details)
    Posts / Likes = your likeability ratio
    Sancus 1,827 1,910 1.045
    MasterMagnus 363 372 1.025
    Zaviere 254 190 0.748
    Maedhros 938 615 0.656
    Liljit 37 23 0.622 <-(37 posts, that's why they call him LIL)
    Eanelder 326 190 0.583
    Aurastrider 1,001 526 0.525
    Niskin 530 259 0.489
    Tornicade_IV 347 150 0.432
    Bamboompow 285 116 0.407
    Lianeb 555 152 0.274
    Ofearl 327 80 0.245
    CatsPaws 1890 393 0.208
    Hahlador 1 0 0.000

    **edit** ding ding ding we have a winner!
    **edit2** added Sancus
    **edit3** Sancus: Can't find the comment about not buying my robes anymore. But I do thank you for your purchase when you judged it simply on the look. And I do apologize I can't refund that purchase for you, it's a point of purchase one time thing, much like issues this thread is about.
    Zaviere likes this.
  9. Zaviere Augur

    I refuse to give the above post a Like until I'm included in it :(


    A well-deserved Like. And shoot, second place isn't bad!
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  10. Sancus Augur

    I'm disappointed I wasn't included :(
    Tornicade_IV and Zaviere like this.
  11. Zaviere Augur

    I had to go thru a few pages from the beginning, but I do see that you have indeed posted in this thread previously, making you eligible for the contest!

    That being said, looking at your post count and likes received, you'd very likely take that #1 spot if included, and I'm sure MasterMagnus wouldn't allow that ;)
    MasterMagnus and Sancus like this.
  12. Sancus Augur

    Hrmm, so with this new found authority I'm going to say guild leaders should have an evict button.

    Did I just win the thread?
  13. wingz-83 Augur

    So good I listened to this twice.
  14. segap Augur

    So, if I go and make 500 accounts, and use each to like the posts from the people wanting an Evict button, does that mean they win?
  15. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Sancus I apologize profusely for that mistake. And you are the winner.

    Zaviere I pronounce you number two, as you have been so good natured this whole time, and did such quick work to find our TRUE winner.
  16. segap Augur

    I've actually never bought any of your robes. The only one I've ever bought was from Icesy. I've always thought yours didn't fit the fantasy genre and looked out of place in EQ. Just a personal preference to keep immersion. I'm also not crazy about the heroes forge look to begin with. They all look too puffy and bloated due to the technical limitations in the game's engine.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  17. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Fair enough good Segap. /bow
  18. Tornicade_IV Augur

    I never bought any robes because they don't fit on plate. why cant I wear a robe over my magical plate. armor.
    Zamiam and MasterMagnus like this.
  19. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Illusion bug still works:
    -Get a cloth tunic for your race/class with slot 21 for ornament
    -put on robe ornamented tunic (so you see the robe on you)
    -cast illusion
    -put breastplate back on
    -remove buff on illusion

    You still have the robe on. Until zone or camp.
  20. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    But that isnt the intended game play, can and ahould be a bannable offense. You sir are a hax and need to be shut down so that all the frogs can roam freely!

    Are we at page 20 yet... I hope so.

    But for real, #buttons
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