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WTB Evict Option for Guild Neighborhoods

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Allayna, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Yep. Doesn't change a thing. But indeed that is the case, except for the houses that came with expansions that cost real world dollars and offered Unlimited Time, which would seem to invalidate your point a little bit.
  2. Liljit Augur

    I'm not suggesting taking away their house. Just their ability to remain in a guild funded purchase. You seem to fail to see that subtle difference.
  3. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    One person payed for the land the other payed for a house. The people payed for a house knowing there was restrictions on where it could be placed. People payed for the land knowing there was restrictions on who could use it. All we're asking for is the restrictions on the land be fixed/enforced.
    Caell and Liljit like this.
  4. wingz-83 Augur

    Let's just displace people from their land, it's never been a problem before...why start now? They bought it ....they're paying for it. Oh well.

    Maybe we can set aside a special plot of land for them, specially reserved for people that guild leaders don't like or deem worthy of owning land.
  5. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Maybe we can build a wall around the free houses so we can distinguish them from others. Or maybe allow EBT/wellfare to pay for the houses!

  6. Zaviere Augur

  7. Odiiusx Elder

    Only, it isn't their land, it is the guilds land that they are no longer in...how is this so hard for people to understand. Pick up your crap, and move to your new guilds plot or one of the EQ plots.
    Caell and Liljit like this.
  8. Liljit Augur

    Agreed. It doesn't solve those who no longer play though.
  9. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Their Ownership listing for the plot in DBGs database would beg to differ with your assertion.
    wingz-83 likes this.
  10. Odiiusx Elder

    Sure it does. If they no longer play, but are still in the guild, then they stay. Once the guild leader decides that they no longer want to keep someone on the guild roster that hasn't logged in for however long, then they have the right to boot said person from the guild. Once out of the guild, then it is on the parcel system.
  11. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    250 replies, no official acknowledgement.

    They're in a tough bind now. If they acknowledged me they would upset all the foot stomping GLs. If they acknowledge your position for Evict Button, they upset people who think "you're gonna let them evict me?".

    But if they do nothing and let the whining die, you'll get over it in time. And still have no Evict Button.

    DBG casts Shield of Caveat Emptor Rk. III and goes AFK.
    wingz-83 likes this.
  12. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Upset what the 2 players who are afraid of being evicted? There's been 100's of threads way longer then this that they never acknowledge, that doesn't mean anything. Honestly if I had to put money on it, I would bet that the Dev's agree that it isn't working as intended and non-guildies shouldn't be able to keep houses in a guild neighborhood that they aren't apart of. I do agree that nothing will be done about it, it's just not a high priority fix that affects many people. Again I agree with Ean, if they were to do anything housing related I would rather see the option to display suits of Hero Forge armor over this. There's probably other housing related things I would prefer over this but that's just the first thing that comes to mind.
    Felicite likes this.
  13. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Costs them nothing to drop in and say:
    "While we'd love to fix this, since it is obvious nobody expected or intended the current functionality. We are finding it difficult to find a way to devote resources to this fix.

    In the interim, could you possibly move your guild, or petition for the offending plot to be moved by a GM?

    We apologize for this less than optimum solution, but it's the best we have right now."

    Also costs them nothing to do not a single thing. But has the bonus of not sticking their neck out to potentially upset someone, however implausible you find such a possibility chance (I forgot Chance is the preferred word).
  14. Mezz Lorekeeper

    I thought of a good way to explain the argument of "a guild can be organized, an evict button is not needed." This follows the same logic:

    Cars are not necessary, because it is possible to walk everywhere that a car can drive.

    It makes as much sense as the argument that a super organized guild can make an evict button unnecessary. One could argue more with the troll, but not really worth it.
  15. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    I never said the second option was implausible. Honestly that's the norm for hot topics, it's easier for them to not respond one way or the other.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  16. wingz-83 Augur

    A Technicality. That's why this thread exists I think. The technicality the people in favor of this believe needs to be rectified.

    Guild leaders are used to having power and like going on power trips. And by Marr DBG better make it happen. If they can't evict people from their houses when it no longer suits them then why have guild plots at all?

    Isn't that basically the argument I'm seeing. You bought the land, you should control who comes and who goes and you want to be able too at a whim evict people just like you can kick out of a guild.

    The bottom line is..even if everyone here agreed 100% on this. DBG doesn't have to do anything. Maybe they will, maybe they won't.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  17. Tornicade_IV Augur

    it isn't the guild lands. its the eq bank's land. they make the money from the escrow not the Guild.

    Guild just purchased naming rights and the bank agrees to only sell the plots to guild members.
  18. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    If you could have been bothered to read everything before you spout nonsense, it has already been proven that I'm not a Troll.

    If you had read everything you would also see that Eanelder is by far the most knowledgeable person about Real Estate and issues surrounding it than any one else who has spoken in this thread, including me.

    And your nonsense makes no sense. You are wrong, and will remain so.
  19. Tornicade_IV Augur

    My name is Tornicade . I have played the game for over 15 years and I have been a long time contributor to these boards.

    I have made multiple post with multiple points. . you call me the troll yet your the one making alleged points with circular logic while attacking the poster .

    that's just not credible.

    It isn't that complicated.
    Any member of a guild may buy property.
    If there are any issues with that property the GM's will only talk to whoever purchased that property.
    the case presented by the OP is 4 different plots that was purchased by different people.

    Under the guild Leaders perspective the Guild leader should be able to evict that person once they are no longer a members.
    I have a problem with that.

    does the person who purchased the neighborhood take it with them? no they do not.

    Did people pay additional funds for the expansion to get an unlimited leased property . yes they did.

    do people have a reasonable expectation that if they pay for a year of escrow. they get to stay on that property for another year.

    They do.

    does the guild leader having an evict function circumvent that ,, it does.

    What are guilds anyways but a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. whether it socializing, or raiding the game is a cooperative one . meaning the community structure of the game has a reasonable expectation of people working together.

    yet the suggestion that these properties can be managed better by coordinating with its members is apparently trolling?
    but lets see what did I contribute to the thread that you called trolling
    • suggested a writ of eviction purchasable via DB cash just as the Player hall, Guild neighborhoods and most of the anemities are. not a big fan of this but it is a deterrent for abuse of the function
    • Suggested Moving plots intact to generic neighborhoods
    • suggested Guilds themselves limit how many plots a member can purchase as the primary benefit of having a guild hall plot is being able to access the guild plots and ports from house to house are easy to obtain
    now there are plenty of reasons that a former member might want to keep a plot on the guild neighborhood
    • They have Teleport items they are or a friend have placed in the hall and are using them
    • They spent a lot of time decorating their yard and do not have the time to redo it
    • they are in a trial period in their new guild and don't want to move anything until they are sure they will be there awhile
    • someone in the guild uses their plot for storage
    • they were removed from the guild for inactivity and will not be back for a year or two due to military or RL concerns but intend on coming back
    Not every guild is run like the one in the original posters scenario.
    as friendships and interactions go beyond guild membership some guilds do allow former member to use the hall even after they are gone and some people have made contributions to that guild that new leadership wasn't around for.
    The whole clean house Evict option doesn't bode well for Daybreak fro a customer service and petition standpoint. not without some compromise solution that works out for everyone.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  20. Lianeb Augur

    Some people play this game to kill things, raid things, buy and sell things.

    I want to play this game and evict people....you know like a slum lord
    I honestly hope the evict button comes with a serverwide message.
    Attention!!!! Lianeb has thrown all of soandso's belongings on the street of 104 Park Circle, Machin Village
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