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WTB Evict Option for Guild Neighborhoods

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Allayna, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Please ol’wise one, learn’t me on the real estate mechanics...

    How does creating an exact copy of said neighborhood give us as a Guild back the plots that are being owned/used of those people in a) another fricking guild, b) exited the game as they had 2.3 kids and white picket fence to erect.

    Welcome to EverQuest, please pick a plot in any guild neighborhood as you feel fit because you are owed that!

    Kick their rears out, move on! If they come back I can guarantee you their number 1 priority isnt I hope my pink flamingos and palm trees are still in a guild neighborhood that I dont belong to... along with my rent free behive house...
  2. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Oh ye of little reading comprehension.

    I didn't say an 'exact' copy. I said a copy that contains only guild member plots.

    As I also pointed out. It's a one time separating you from ANYONE not in guild for ANY reason.

    Whether they get packed up or remain in an 'orphaned' neighborhood with no guild and just old plot owners should be no concern of yours.

    Under my proposal you get exactly what you're asking for, complete removal of anyone not in your guild. And you get this all with one click. Not individually evicting each plot.

    Again. It satisfies all parties, it hurts none, it achieves your goal in one click, and it makes no changes to existing code. It only calls for new code to create a new 'tool/item' for you to better manage your guild.

    But OK, have it your way.
  3. Lianeb Augur

    Imagine that!!
    Under my proposal we would get exactly what we asked for
    An evict button. See the first post if you want to talk reading comprehension.
  4. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    :D what you'll see is you never getting an "Evict Buton" as I accurately predicted long ago.

    There is no "Evict Button" now, I wouldn't expect them to add it in the next patch, as there's been no official comment.

    But as every day goes by without an 'Evict Button' you are wrong and I am right. Every day, all day, 24/7, right is right is right.
  5. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    You also aren’t getting your magical Snowflake Village of Squaters II either.

    The intention of this topic was to bring awareness to homeless EQ vets returning from duty overseas in Odus fighting the good fight as there woodelven wives went to the bazaar and bought all the crap with their magical krono’s. Then slept with a halfling....

  6. Arcos Lorekeeper

    It obvious from your post that you lack adequate lighting under that bridge where you live which makes reading difficult. Try looking real hard at this and focus on that 1st sentence.
    Sound out the words one by one -- there is nothing about escrow or unlimited -- just about logging in.

    I do know they changed this but since you maintain that somehow the original intent and contract is the only thing that counts then you should accept the fact that your opinions are wrong and have never been right.

  7. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    :D try to keep up buttercup. you're pages behind.
  8. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    To recap for those unable to read. It all boils down to these proposals.

    1. An Evict Button on each plot.
    2. A proposal to separate the guild plots from non guild plots, even though that would create two separate neighborhoods.
    3. Do nothing, other than keep petitioning on a plot by plot basis.

    aaaaaaaaaaaand GLs be like

    Yeah no, just the Evict Button thing.

    Dilly dilly!
  9. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Around 10 pages ago we asked for an eviction button that guild managers could use.

    Got any ideas?
  10. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Too slow bro

  11. Eanelder Augur

    If you are going to summarize a 10 page thread, then do so fully. You are providing an inaccurate account of all the options made available.
  12. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    which is why I said "boils down to".

    The point is GLs only want one thing and are unwilling to listen to ANY of the MANY proposals you rightly mention.
  13. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    I don't think DBG would be keen on having guilds create a new neighborhood every time they have at least one person they want to remove from an existing neighborhood. And then who owns the previous neighborhood once it's only non-guild people left in it? Again, you keep making bad proposals just so you can say you offered alternatives to the evict button.

    As far as whatever you are trying to do by posting that YouTube video over and over again, it's not helping. Nobody is going to watch it when they don't care what point you are trying to make.

    Yes, the evict button has probably been asked for before. No, it doesn't exist at this time. That doesn't make you right or anybody else wrong. They could make it tomorrow and your whole narrative would be destroyed.

    #1 The evict button is simple, elegant, and would make the most use of existing functionality
    #2 Only a few people seem to think the button would be a major abuse. Those people have yet to explain how the person who can remove them from the guild should not be able to remove them from the guild neighborhood.
    #3 The reason this hasn't been done yet likely has more to do with all the other priorities they have to deal with rather than the merit of the idea.

    A good idea should solve a specific problem that exists. It should require minimal changes or coding. It should not cause major problems for the CS people. The evict button fits all of those requirements. None of the other suggestions in this thread fit those requirements.
    Caell, Liljit and Eanelder like this.
  14. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    And again I say. We shall see.
  15. Warpeace Augur

    So what exactly would someone loose besides the GUILD plot they were squatting on?

    Their possessions on said plot would be packed into an eviction crate and parceled to them. They don't loose any of their possessions.

    Save layout. Learn it. They probably have several already auto saved.

    No Guild leader is going to just start evicting people because they decide I want that plot. Quick way to find yourself the guild leader of yourself and alts.

    No reason for a guild to have to dump more funds for another writ if plots are being taken by people no longer in the guild or on extended vacation from EQ. The guild leader should have the ability to make the eviction decision just like they can hit your deguild button.
    Caell likes this.
  16. wingz-83 Augur

    Have you tried petitioning and see what they say (if anything..)?

    Be like...this is my guild's land and I want to evict whoever owns that house because this is our guild's land and we don't want them there anymore.

    Feel free to justify that they aren't in your guild anymore and you want the house gone.

    I'd be curious to see the reply (if there is one.)
  17. Arcos Lorekeeper

    Pages and pages and even more pages of you being wrong does not change the fact that you are still wrong.

  18. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Agreed ;)
  19. segap Augur

    You're acting like this is the equivilent of kicking someone out of their real world house. It's not. Furthermore, 90% of the people with houses likely use them for nothing more than a place to plop down their trophies and for storing all the crap this game requires us to store. There is zero grief in sending those people a parcel box with all their crap.

    It's very reasonable to assume that a neighborhood you had to be a member of a guild to get a plot in could remove you if you're no longer a member of said guild. No, it hasn't worked that way, but it would be very reasonable to give such an option. There are limited plots and they should not be forever consumed by those that haven't played in years, have left the guild on their own, or whom have been booted for whatever reason. It's a guild resource, let the guild leadership manage it by whatever rules they decide. Guild members can decide whether or not they think their leadership is fair.
    Caell likes this.
  20. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    You GLs are acting like a solution that doesn't pack up and evict people is out of the question.

    I've proposed a solution that gets you what you want without evicting anyone and everyone refuses to consider anything but evict evict evict.

    The Dilly dilly commercial perfectly portrays a whole group of people and a leader who refuse to see anything but their own opinion, and lack the creativity to imagine a better solution that makes more sense.

    You will all rail on page after page about your way or the high way.

    Kick out the squatters.

    You've been nothing more than rude children insisting you getting candy is the only option.

    You're wrong, and will remain wrong. Need more schooling kids?
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