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Wow 10hp for 100SC.. what a BARGAIN! Thanks DBG!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by nazgull2k1, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. nazgull2k1 Elder

    Yeah... thanks for letting the players know that they are gonna spend 100SC for a potion that gives them an absolutely AMAZING



    ... you people are incompetent on a level not believable by the rational human brain.

    Yeah, I get it.. "level appropriate" blah blah blah.

    How about putting a FLAT VISIBLE EASILY READABLE number on it so we KNOW what we're buying?

    Cause you can bet your I wouldnt have bought a 4 hour potion for 10 friggen hit points.

    What a joke.

    *EDIT* Im so sorry.. I was wrong.. I went from 58HP to 69 HP.. so it was 11 HP for 100SC.. and as an added bonus.. it BLOCKS real HP buffs from being cast on you! LOL

    what a clownshow
  2. Zipe The Healer

    I see you are angry. Please, could you post this into the Complaint forum section below? This is the TLP section.
    Skuz likes this.
  3. nazgull2k1 Elder

    Ill post it wherever I please. kthxBAI
  4. TheDohn Augur

    The store potions scale by level and are always worse than the equivalent level player buffs. They are not, and never have been, a pay-for-powerlevel.
  5. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    There's a difference?
  6. Thez69 Elder

    its important to take your medication as prescribed and dont skip any days
  7. Tweakfour17 Augur

    To be fair, that's almost +20% hp.
    Laronk likes this.
  8. Laronk Augur

    While the HP buff isn't that good (though is like 15% or more for some low level characters) the one that is REALLY good is the clarity one sure its just 1 or 2 mana regen if you click it at level one but that's huge. I never actually clicked the bottle of spirits but it and the replenishment pack are also very worth it to some people if you're not in a group or it's day 1. Alacrity probably not so much.

    Honestly if you ever raided as a shaman on tlp some of the buffs people send tells you... 10 hp would be more valuable to them.
  9. Laronk Augur

    I'd say TLP is the only place these get used except maybe the levitate one?
  10. Stymie Pendragon

    There's a complaint forum section? Perhaps this remark was meant to be compared to a pizza cutter: all edge, no point.
  11. Accipiter Old Timer

    The exception for the SoW potion, Bottle of Speed. It seems to have max speed at any level. I buy it religiously on server start.