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Worst RNG Ever?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tacc Aradune, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. Tacc Aradune Journeyman

    Is Idol of the Thorned the rarest item in EQ or do the RNG gods curse me? I'm a weirdo that prefers to farm their own items over buying them (where possible) so I set out over 2 weeks ago to farm an idol of the thorned. Doing battle with automated mage bot armies and such in droga and kaesora. During my plentiful downtime between spawns I wrote a little parser to track my stats. Here are the results at the time of this post:

    65 chief rokgus kills
    21 a goblin bodyguard kills
    10 a maddened burynai kills
    5 strathbone runelord kills
    11 frenzied strathbone kills
    19 xalgoz kills
    10 reaver of xalgoz kills

    141 total kills
    26 Circlet of Shadow
    0 Idol of the Thorned

    Is this thing really < 1% droprate or am I the unluckiest man alive?
  2. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    the rarest drop is Beryl Hero's Forge. Even with the recent update. 1 in 10 years.
    Knifen likes this.
  3. Cainen Augur

    I think RNG hates you. I am 3 idols for about 20 COS.
  4. Cainen Augur

    I think RNG hates you. I am 3 idols for about 20 COS.
  5. Zinkeh Augur

    I'm more surprised you actually got the camp without 10 autobot mages swarming
  6. Tacc Aradune Journeyman

    Up to 175 kills, 32 cos, 0 idol

  7. Elabone Augur

    Camp Halara. or whatever the name is.
  8. Tacc Aradune Journeyman

    Finally got it off a goblin bodyguard. Final kill count landed at 182.

    Word of advice: If you want this item just buy it. It sells for soooooo much less than it's worth. Given the rarity I'm honestly shocked it's not like a 3kr item. I can only imagine the value is tanked cause of mage bots farming those camps near 24/7. For context I got 34 CoS to 1 idol and I sold CoS for 10k a pop like hotcakes and for some reason idol sells for 15-20k?
    Dre. likes this.
  9. fransisco Augur

    Try failing twice in a row on a TS combine that is 99% likely (and has super rare hard to get components). The RNG is out to get us!
  10. Dre. Altoholic

    Staff of the Dreaded Gaze was mine. My Rogue must have 'd the HS key for 100 people back in the day. Never saw a staff.