Wizard Vision ability idea: Flying eye of Zomm

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Jumbur, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    One of the traditional key competencies of wizards since classic, have been their supreme vision abilities/spells, But there doesn't seem to be anything new in that area for wizards.

    I realize we are probably near designlock for RoS so this is really meant as a suggestion for a later expansion. :)

    I suggest an upgraded eye of zomm that is a completely undetectable and controllable eye that can see all kinds of invis/stealth etc. Even open unlocked doors.
    And it should be able to fly freely and very fast(way faster than bardspeed).

    I think it is time wizards gets a Flying Eye of Zomm, that can be freely controlled in all 3 dimensions. (use the same controls as swimming, if you want to make it simple)

    I know you can just use third-person-view on the eye, but it still feels restrictive we have to move the eye along the ground all the time.

    We should be the best of the non-tracking classes, to quickly find out where a specific mob is, imo.
    Think of it as a "ultra-high-speed flying spy-drone" :D
    doomcasters likes this.
  2. IblisTheMage Augur

    While in creative mode:
    Could be a new eye that is uncontrollable at first, but finds its way to a NPC target. The mechanism of finding that target should be via a ranger/bard with track.

    So the ranger/bard tracks a mob, then somehow transfer a selection of that mob (/trackassist?) to a grouped arcane caster, who can then send out an eye, that homes in on the mob. When it arrives at the mob, it becomes controllable.

    All linked to new AA.
  3. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    You mean like some sort of "homing device", linked to a group-members track-ability? some one else tracks it while the eye gives "visual input" to the caster?

    Would rather rather not have AAs that requires specific group members tbh.
    Would prefer full control over the eye.

    I was picturing a scenario like this:

    • Enter zone, "resplendent temple" in this example
    • Fly eye through window in one of the towers
    • Look for named in tower
    • Use "find" on eye.(is this possible?)
    • Get glowing "find-path" to eye near the named
    • Profit! :D
  4. IblisTheMage Augur

    I was thinking about game balance. Getting something like 3D flight seemed perhaps a bit OP, but a homing device, that would require specific grouping, seemed less unatainable.
  5. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    True, it might be a little too practical, but specific grouping requirements would make it extremely situational(I doubt I would get a chance to use it much), which is also a bit of a waste. It should imho add a new tool for the group, not just expand on someone else's abilities.

    On the other hand, it is not like any players gets to fly themselves, its only the eye, it is purely a visionary aid.
    Currently a wizard can "jump" from mob to mob with bind-sight, but is very cumbersome for exploring/spying, and some dungeons are too sparsely populated for it to work.

    Maybe if we get to "shoot" the eye(very very long shot), where it sticks to whatever it hits, like glue. Uncontrollable, but once it is stuck somewhere we can shoot another eye from that point, etc. Shooting from eye-spot to eye-spot, almost like bind-sight but not dependent on mob-placement, and we can only shoot in straight lines. But we don't have to shoot along ground-level..

    Our other original grouping tool: porting, is almost irrelevant nowadays, and vision-spells fits with the classical wizard-class. I don't mind that classes gets unique skills.
  6. menown Augur

    I would take it in a new direction. Summon the Eye and move it around like normal, but then allow the wizard to teleport directly to the eye when he/she wants. Utilizes 2 competencies that the wizard is good at.
    doomcasters and kizant like this.
  7. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    If the eye is completely undetectable(and if it wasn't, the wizard would not gain a shortcut), it could be used to safely skip mobs that shouldn't be skipped. Also depends on how fast the eye moves... it shouldn't be used as safe bardspeed travel-method imo

    Apart from that I don't see a problem with it.

    Regarding transport, I would like to see a netherstep-upgrade where you select the destination with a target ring AE like https://spells.eqresource.com/spells.php?id=40421 It should have the same max range as the old netherstep, but you have more control over the destination spot...
    Could be practical in some raids/missions where fast positioning is important, like TBM-enslaver
    kizant likes this.