which raid 2hb is the weapon choice. staff of unforgivable folly or wulan's staff of decay ? and why ?
Seems to be a problem with RoF 2hb cus they seem to be worse than VoA T4 for some reason, looking at em u gain 2 spell dmg and some heroics from Wuran's Staff but lose out everywhere else including proc cus the Staff of Unforgivable folly has mana back proc while Wurans has a nuke proc. I'd say go for the Staff of Unforgivable Folly.
As a magician, we are mostly concerned with maximizing the amount of damage we put out. In this situation, I would prefer the Wrulan Staff for the damage proc. Unless we are in a situation where we are constantly oom... but the only situation I can foresee is a lesson burn. Even that, one minute of rest would give more than enough mana to finish it off. I say this as a VoA T2 raid magician. I would think my mana would become even more better with the RoF raid shoulders and an upgraded Knowledge ofthe Past clickie ring, along with the passive AA for mana regen in RoF I have not purchased yet. As it stands now I have a little problems with mana, but for the most part I am ok. And I generally am going all out, all the time with my playstyle...
I use Wuran's Staff of Decay for the same reason as Cicelee, i prefer the extra damage from the damage proc.
If mana doesn't dictate your spell choice, Wuran is superior. If it does then Folly is likely superior. After getting a rez Folly is almost always the superior choice. As a Wizard during 2nd/PD Wuran is pretty clearly the superior choice as damage amounts but not mana returns are modified, TC modifies both. Whether or not to bando afterwards is more personal choice than anything, you can throw some math at it, but math will mostly tell you it depends on the RNG and Claw. The main benefit of Folly is if a raid event goes longer than expected due to LD/Deaths it has a very clear advantage over Wuran. If you want to be at your best when the raid is at it's worst Folly is the way to go.
Personally I just replaced my Oseka staff with wurans. I use this almost always, switching to my old archstaff of terris thule (with 2 mana return augs in it) if I desperately need to conserve mana (very rarely) or more often when im fighting at a range beyond that of dmg procs.