Wiz/Mage DPS Web App

Discussion in 'Casters' started by kizant, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. Brohg Augur

    not something I was aware of - sounds like min lv101 (for now) to benefit from +spell modifier? is that the same for +heal?
  2. Sancus Augur

    Yep, 101 is the current minimum. It's not really relevant for most spells, but it was one of the factors that made the 101 Bolt better than the 95 Spear during late TDS/TBM. There are some other niche cases (Mincleave comes to mind).

    I haven't tested Heal Amount so I can't comment on that part (although it seems pretty likely).
  3. kizant Augur

    Maybe it's just that the resists don't count? I'm having trouble not-resisting to even see so I guess it's not really something to worry about. Good to know.
  4. kizant Augur

    Another Update:

    1. I changed the splash damage mod from being the actual modifier you want to the distance. It defaults to 5 units and lets you select up to 60.
    2. Updated Self-Combustion to also update its damage based on distance.
    3. Added an 8th spell slot.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  5. kizant Augur

    I also haven't forgotten about enchanters and other stuff for the dps app. These were just easy updates to make. I've been busy finishing up some other apps and should get back to this one sometime soon.
    Lannin likes this.
  6. kizant Augur

    I made some changes for new Glyph of Destruction IV and associated stacking issues. One thing of note is that in game if you use Glyph while you have Intensity it gets blocked completely. I'm not bother to go that far. It just won't stack the crit rate. Really just don't use them together until I'm bored enough to make it work exactly.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  7. IblisTheMage Augur

    Malosinata rnk 3 does not appear to affect dps, according to the app.

    https://spells.eqresource.com/spells.php?id=56357 Indicates a spell damage bonus of 2%-10% (is it using spa 296?).

    Is it not implemented, or does the mal have no effect on damage?

    Thanks in advance.
  8. Brohg Augur

    it boosts magic-type damage. your Shocks.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  9. IblisTheMage Augur

    Thanks, of course.
  10. kizant Augur

    Just FYI I'll be updated a beta.kizant.net with some updates from/during beta.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  11. kizant Augur

    Made some updates for the new augs and added Luck as an option you can specify like spell damage. It's working like it does in game at the moment which is most likely going to change.
    Sancus and IblisTheMage like this.
  12. kizant Augur

    So, I finally moved the beta web app to be the main app and updated how Luck works after some recent parses and talking to Sancus. I still need to fix the names of some items I'm too lazy to look up right now but it should have everything I guess.

    For reference, there's now an additional URL that works for the latest version during RoS. I've just been backing up the last version before adding a new one so they do work a bit differently. But most of the basic calculations are the same.

    gotwar, IblisTheMage and Sancus like this.
  13. IblisTheMage Augur


    Let us know if there are specific areas you want us to explore.
  14. kizant Augur

    Nah not really. It's all been simple data updates. I don't expect any more bugs than it's already had for a while now.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  15. kizant Augur

    Just an FYI but I did make updates for ToV and moved the previous version. The only big thing to note is that Type 3 Augs are not in game yet but I added values for them based on what the spell had been increased as a decent guess. Also, every time I save a version of the web app for a previous expansion I never go back and make changes unless it's a major bug on my part. So, you're generally comparing against what those expansions were like 1 month before the new one was released.

  16. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    Just curious, how much time did that take you to make? Looks very nice.
  17. kizant Augur

    Thanks. It wasn't too bad. A few months during EoK to do most of it and I've really only made small changes over the past two years. Ignoring spell data and settings files it's only like 6k lines of actual code.
  18. kizant Augur

    I uploaded version 1.88 to finally account for the extra 1 damage that Wildscorch does. With max everything it does seem interesting enough to consider more unlike the RoS version.
    Renotaki likes this.
  19. kizant Augur

    Ok made a couple more updates. I added the new type 18/19 proc augs. And I fixed all my estimated type 3 values that I never got around to changing.

    It is interesting to note that Chaos Inferno/Scorch got a pretty big upgrade for its type 3. Maybe Aristo did try a salvage Wildscorch some. Between that and the additional procs in ToV I think that spell actually has some decent use. At least a lot more than it has since the big nerf in TDS.

    Also, I moved Trifurcating magic to the DPS AA section so it's just on by default. There's no real reason to keep it a separate choice after the consolidation. You can still turn it off if you really want to.
  20. kizant Augur

    One more updated to version 1.92. I forgot to take into account the mana cost restriction on the evolving proc augs. So, wild* spells were getting a few more than they should.