Wiz Alliance bounced refresh fixed?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Mookus, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. Mookus Augur

    I'm not sure if I saw what I think I saw last night after the yesterday's patch. But I'm pretty sure I saw my Frostbound Alliance spell bounce (as usual) due to another wiz having beat me to it. But my spell Icon wasn't greyed out for recast afterward.

    I didn't do enough testing and I wasn't paying super close attention to that icon last night. So I apologize if I'm making something up.

    Did anyone else notice this?

    And btw - this would be really cool and seemingly easy to do for us wizards if it wasn't what I thought I saw. Right now my use of this spell has me delved into some sorta social experimenter trying to figure out when those other guys aren't going to also use the spell. I'd much prefer this 'alliance' spell if it wasn't pitting me against other wizards like it was.
  2. Mookus Augur

    So I got home from work and tested it. The blocked spells trigger refresh like before.

    So nm that.
    kizant likes this.
  3. Brohg Augur

    use of audio triggers to avoid conflicts & overlaps is highly recommended. EverQuest itself has somewhat crude tools, a much more robust option is GINA, download at http://eq.gimasoft.com/gina/

    It's a pretty sure thing that anyone in #serverwide.eqwizards:eqwizards has a working timer to share with you, to let you know when alliances land and then explode to make room for the next one.

    Alliances are cooperative. Even with Rejuv & Claw refreshes, should be plenty of time for everyone's to get in & fulminate. More wizards do need more "slots", but will also fulminate them like lightning so overlaps will be super rare