Wishes for next Expansion

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by fransisco, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. smash Augur

    1) Possible for pets to survive my death.
    2) Pets summoned with all the pet buffs on.
    3) Pets summoned with AA instead of spells.
  2. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    This is fine.

    Anything where you can get in without either camping a mob for six hours or dragging a rogue or bard with you. The idea that you have to create a rogue / bard box and bring them, or somehow find the (according to some here) dozens of rogues or bards that are just standing around the guild lobby begging for the chance to go with you where ever you go and hang around with you to unlock any doors you wish 24/7, is ridiculous.
    fransisco and Agrippa like this.
  3. Lianeb Augur

    It doesn't have to be part of the expansion but to expand on the combat dummies it would be amazing if we could get some for the guild hall that we can parse defensives on. Have settings on them like exac group and expac raid averages as settings. For instance I select tbm raid and the dummy would have the average or even the top value of the raid targets in tbm for its attack strikethrough etc.... set for you. It would be bonus if it would lock you hp also so you can parse long durations. It doesn't even have to go all the way to current content maybe an expansion behind.
    NeverPayForLag likes this.
  4. Sissruukk Rogue One

    To be fair, yes, I have argued about (because of current game mechanics) finding a friendly rogue/bard to go with you, but I have never suggested that they are just hanging around waiting to unlock doors 24/7. As a rogue, who is willing to be helpful, I am also trying to offer suggestions to the problem here as well.
    Fanra likes this.
  5. svann Augur

    Make bard epic instant cast!
  6. Reht The Dude abides...

    I might come back, mainchange and subsequently retire if they do that, but i like the idea!
  7. Agrippa Augur

    IMO *some* raids and the missions that are based on those raids are the only content that should be completely locked to players that don't have the perfect class makeup. I don't mind working full progression at all, but I think that having a lot of locked content is terrible design.

    I enjoyed working full TDS progression with my main. Even one of my alts after. But for anyone that plays more than a couple of characters or enjoys grouping with more than a handful of players, locking the majority of zones in an expansion behind full progression was horrible. UF and HoT had a lot of locked content, too, but those expansions didn't seem half as bad. Getting into the end zones, where most of the decent groups do their grinding, only required a few missions. Looking back, though, those missions probably took at least twice as long as TDS missions and I didn't have nearly as many characters that were max level to try to keep up to par.

    I don't mind locked doors IF they have a key that drops or can be quested for. If the devs feel that there absolutely must be locked doors that have no keys, I think that they should be able to be broken down. Rogues and bards can and should keep their lock picking advantage here, simply by not needing most keys at all. If they make it so doors are able to be broken down, bards and rogues would also have the advantage of staying invisible when they open doors. Simply locking content for the hell of it, though, or limiting content to a handful of classes is bad design.

    For future expansions, I'd love to be completely done with invisible barriers. Also, don't lock levels, basic AA, spells or abilities behind progression. To keep progression meaningful, though, have it continue rewarding some of the best augs and unlocking progression AA. If glyphs see upgrades, I wouldn't mind them being locked behind progression. The use of end zone gear, too, I think should probably be locked behind progression.

    I think that proper tuning of tiers is probably beyond the small team of devs that we have left, but I would absolutely love it if anyone couldn't just waltz into the end zones of expansions in old expansion gear. Raids, too, should be tuned to require raid gear. I can't raid more than a handful of times per year anymore, but, even as good as group gear is now, I was kind of disappointed being capable of tanking end game raid mobs in EoK using minimal tanking abilities. ((My paladin does have TBM raid tank shield, neck, and ranged, to be clear, but is mostly in group gear now.))
  8. Kuvian Lorekeeper

    There used to be a shaman buff called Acumen of Dar Khura that regenerated endurance. It was nerfed more than a decade ago and is now useless. Make it useful again.
  9. svann Augur

    Pulse of sionachie and silisia's lively crescendo return endurance.
  10. svann Augur

    Not expansion related exactly, but how about a way to link 2 accounts so that heirloom stuff could be traded between them?
  11. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    That defeats the purpose of heirloom itself. Might as well make the item tradable.
  12. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    I am a huge fan of the Ancients in FM, I would like to see something along those lines again.

    I know a lvl increase would be nice, but at the same time it would make EoK much easier.... so is that good or bad? Maybe a gear increase and more AA's is all we need. But then a just dinged lvl 105 tank vs a 20k+ AA'ed Tank and T2 EoK gear are totally separate.

    New Disc's for my monk so I enjoy playing him more!

    Fix pathing (scorched woods...)

    Epics, bring it back.... ive got a slew of toons with their 2.0's.... the aug 2.5 isnt even on my radar cause I just use the clicks. Make a 3.0 that requires us to do the 2.5 so we can do the 3.0.

    Not expansion related but I want a giant shield ornament (OreChomper) in the store!
  13. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    It would take the development team an entire year of focusing on nothing but new epic quests for all the classes, meaning we wouldn't get an expansion that year, according to a developer.
  14. nantalbus Elder

    They could always do 1 big line of quest that everyone dose that at the end give each classes their weapons or has different class based final quest at the end.
    fransisco likes this.
  15. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Epic weapons were defined as a long series of quests related to that particular class, so that doesn't really work.
  16. Treage_Imminent Elder

    How about a QoL change for a mage?

    I'd like a way to send my mod rods and ice bombs directly to an inv slot of my choosing/hotbar slot instead of a bag I try to keep open without hitting esc that is squished to 2 slots for ease of refill every 5 casts. (Minutes)

    I'll happily earn AA for that.
  17. Cicelee Augur

  18. Cicelee Augur

    What is on your potion belt?

    Hint: it could be a mod rod or an ice clickie...
    Phrovo1 likes this.
  19. fransisco Augur

    make short term buffs all last ~ 10 minutes. the 2-3min combat buffs get really annoying to manage
  20. Qbert Gallifreyan

    Please, just . . . no. That Sisters event is just so frustrating as a c-block to prevent someone like me (solo/unguilded for years) from being able to complete this; raids should never be designed to absolutely require participation of a specific number of people - time/enough levels should subvert anything. I say this as someone that raided DoD when it was current; but, because the 2.5 wasn't particularly valuable to their class (paladin), I never got the page at that time.
    NeverPayForLag likes this.