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Will you guys ever make a Non-Truebox TLP again?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Nebulos, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. Nebulos New Member

    Hey DBG just wanting to know if you guys will ever make a non truebox TLP again? I say this as I like to box 3 accounts from 1 computer alt tabbing ro each one of my characters. I have never used a 3rd party program to box, because I have always been used to alt tabbing. I missed out on the Classic Ragefire/Lockjaw servers. So I never got to experience a fresh TLP where I was able to play like I do on live.

    Anyways, I am getting bored with the live servers as everything has become fairly easy to 3 box. I would love a challenge again, but I dont know if it is worth staying here if you guys are only going to implement Truebox servers from now on. Please respond because I have been a dedicated and loyal customer for over 15 years.
  2. Volts Elder

    When they revised the current TLP's they announced that they would consider other types of servers, like FV and Non-Truebox, for the future.
  3. Hateseeker Augur

    non-truebox (it only hurts 2 boxers, megaboxers will do what it takes to get set up)
    third party programs like input cloning disallowed
    6 week unlocks
    TrueFast XP (since FastXP isn't fast per Selo)
  4. Ceffener Augur

    Got a video of you 3 boxing all the new trials from last expansion? Would be fun to watch.
  5. Nebulos New Member

    Lol, That isnt easy. Progression is meant to be difficult and not boxed. I 3 box grind and do old school stuff mostly. I just dont understand the need for several computers to play a game that is 20 years old. I do however understand that EQ was originally meant to find groups and share the experiences with others. I still do that, and I would rather group than box any day of the week. But unfortunately my playtime is limited and if you dont get in with the initial rush of the server, you are left with alot of downtime waiting or making a group to experience the leveling with. Hence why I would rather box to reduce downtime of my playtime.
  6. Roxxlyy Augur

    It is possible - nothing has really been permanently ruled out of the cards, though we don't have any details or plans for potential future servers right now.
    GurneyHalleck, Elyani and Aneuren like this.
  7. Nebulos New Member

    Can you show me that link, ive looked all over the forums for that.
  8. Nebulos New Member

    Thanks Roxx, I sure hope you guys can figure out a way to reintroduce boxing from 1 computer. This day and age there should be no reason to have multiple computers. The bad will always be the bad and will figure out ways to destroy the community regardless of what server rules you guys implement.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Faydark like this.
  9. Xanadas Augur

    "It is possible - nothing has really been permanently ruled out of the cards, though we don't have any details or plans for potential future servers right now."

    On today's episode of "Bad Business Decisions"....
  10. Hateseeker Augur

    You mean making a same PC boxable server would be a bad business decision? Actually, it'd be better to do new TLP releases in pairs, one true box and one not. The majority of boxers will go to the boxable server, and that will leave the truebox server in such a pair, as the best possible boxing reduced server anyone will ever get.

    But, the problem with single PC boxable is the tolerance for third party programs. You then have 12-24 boxers out destroying everyone else, both the raids of single character players and also content blocking the innocuous 2 and 3 boxers who just wanted a cleric/slower handy.
  11. Nebulos New Member

    Tell me how it is a bad business decision? Give me some numbers real statistics with references, then maybe ill believe you.
  12. Nebulos New Member

    Alot of the 2-3 boxers dont care whether someone is 12-24 man boxing. Alot dont want to capitalize on krono farming camps. Alot of them would just like to be able to 2-3 box from 1 computer it is like this still on live. like you said one truebox one non-truebox, if you dont like 12-24 man boxing, go to a truebox server where the cheaters and hacks are still 12-24 man boxing bypassing the truenox code, it is just less prevelant.
  13. Nolrog Augur

    Bad business decisions? They haven't made any decisions at all.
  14. MMOer Augur

    I'd like a 2 box server that allows for that program to be use... [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software]

    Any more than two box and meh... just promotes not grouping.
  15. Sad Panda Elder

    The true-box tlp is just taking the casual players and having them fight for spots. On mangler there is a guild called Ice giants are camped, fire giants and camped and hill giants are camped. They place 1 auto box group at each spot, They farm 24/7 the same spot using the same box software, DBG does nothing about nor will they. but the guy who runs around with the guild 12 box something is pretty impressive.

    I would not mind it as much if the group wasnt there 24/7 always. how does one find that much time to play.....

    just get rid of the true box junk, it does not help anyone but the krono sellers.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  16. ShivanAngel Augur

    Odds are its an overseas krono farming RMT group and they switch off running the box team....

    Pretty sure there is one on Selo's in sirens grotto, have never not seen them there.
  17. TheChosenOne Augur

    My prediction is most of the boxers will go to the true-box server because that is where the highest population will be for them to start their Krono-Kingdom again.

    They wont want to go to a server where everyone is boxing their own groups and are self sustainable, getting their own loot. They will continue to go to a classic start TLP so they cant exploit the economy... they have a blueprint for how to do it, they just wait for a new classic start TLP and implement their blueprint to exploit the economy
  18. Noctol New Member

    Most Boxers? I doubt that. The boxers that are exploiting the economy are already on the Truebox servers.
  19. TheChosenOne Augur

    Right, so if you gave people another double server launch choice between Truebox and Non-Truebox, I still think most of the people who love to box will choose the truebox because that is where the largest population will be... for a lot of people, it appears to me at least, that they care more about dominating the economy than they actually care about the "fun" they have boxing.. i think its just a means to an end for a lot of them, its all about Krono and you would have less people to get krono from on a non-truebox server

    I could be wrong, but that is what it seems like to me
  20. Noctol New Member

    You could possibly be right. But I sure hope they will release another no-truebox server boxing from 5 computers just sucks. Me personally I dont need to capitalize on an economy if I need Krono I buy them from DBG with my hard earned money so I would not need to go the new truebox server. All truebox does for me, is make playing this game difficult as hell. EQ is not designed for solo character playability like WoW.