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Will this server be need before greed?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by WokeCat, May 19, 2021.

  1. WokeCat Augur

    Seems like it would be foolish if it is. Why wouldn’t players just transfer their planar gear / sell it, so they can get more loot on their next raid?
  2. c313 Augur

    Safe bet its going to be like the last few TLP's.

    Random group of people? Greed the gear by rolling need.
    Guild group? Need before Greed.
  3. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    It is up to the players, just as it always is.
    Set the loot rules before you start engaging mobs & stick to them, if new people join your group make sure they know what the loot rules are for your group as early as possible - like as soon as you recruit them not after they already travelled across 12 zones to reach you.
    Tweakfour17 likes this.
  4. Roean Journeyman

    Every pubbie group I've ever been in has been "If you want it for any reason roll need" and it's up to everyone's own benevolence if they want to pass whatever they win to someone who would actually use it instead of selling it themself.
    Tweakfour17 likes this.
  5. Kylo Classic Augur

    Maybe we should think of the children first.
  6. Yteran Lorekeeper

    I always did master looter in my pugs to ensure no need for greed shenanigans. Everyone rolls manually. Will be even more important on this server.

    When it comes to raiding, though, dkp guilds have pretty clear policy regarding when/if you can sell raid gear.
  7. Sycopata Elder

    Over time, I have always ended up with need, if I win the draw and Later someone in the group asks me privately for the object. I decide whether to give it to them based on how it is equipped, and their attitude in the group, unfortunately if you go with the mentality of 1999 you are going to get too many unpleasant surprises.
  8. Nolrog Augur

    There is a similar topic on this you can find. The server isn't going to be anything specific. Every group will be different. So when you join a new group of people that you haven't played with before, ask. What are the loot rules. This way you know.
    Demetri likes this.
  9. HoodenShuklak Augur

    I feel like this time, in 2021 and after many tlps, people finally have the hang of the new loot window and we can finally use nbg auto rolling as it was designed to be used without causing much drama.
  10. wade_watts Augur

    If I join a group and the leader / loot mgr starts pontificating about how loot should be need before greed, etc... I usually just leave and find a better group. My experience has always been that players that do that are just foolish and coincidentally bad at everquest. Slow pulling, not playing classes fully, etc.

    Everyone that's been around the block knows that it's need whatever you want and I'm not going to reconfigure or turn off my loot filters because of your inane preference.
  11. Lejaun Augur

    I just put need on everything, and tell the group that if I win something that is an actual upgrade for them, let me know.
    OldTimeEQ1, Lateryn and Demetri like this.
  12. Demetri Augur

    Yep - same here - needs a term though, Class before being an A? Or something like that.
  13. MMOer Augur

    Need on all for PUGs is the default for the last two TLP seasons.

    I will be doing NEED on all unless in a guild group or the group has a specific loot rule stated beforehand.

    Not flip flopping filters back and forth for pug groups.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  14. Magelife New Member

    Everyone needs krono. Just throw need on for everything.
  15. Sandrito Elder

    I think the original poster is talking about people sneaky upgrading gear because the good stuff is no longer no drop. So someone might get a fantastic upgrade for their main and transfer it to their alt, then when some great gear drops again "Oh thats an upgrade for me". That way they get to sneaky upgrade all their alts for free.
  16. samenye Lorekeeper

    Should be all need everywhere forever to avoid those moral dilemmas where friends give you an "upgrade" that's worth 10K...that you'd be better off selling to buy a real upgrade that's worth 500pp, thus gaining 9.5K at their expense.

    Unless you're a real boy scout and parcel them all their share of the difference - less your sales commission of course.
    OldTimeEQ1 and raylone like this.
  17. WokeCat Augur

    What I meant, yes... with a lot of good items no longer being no drop, feels like a lot more people will be incentivized to abuse need before greed, especially with planar gear.
  18. raylone New Member

    always need . anything else your just going start a fight of why I need it vs X and from that one random player who joined and he just needed everything anyway.

    if you got a premade group it non issue you know everyday who your with and that the gear is been
    used to support the team, again can still need all and pass the gear to them. we had raids back in the day people would ninja loot and play stupid since it was set to ML they assumed the combat spam would hide them looting random things but did not know we could filter chat to see who loots. i like just need for loot, unless it people you with all the time and trust them.
  19. Lejaun Augur

    If you don't know the people you are with, may as well just go full greed (need on the list). We've all seen that caster that says "That robe is a huge upgrade for me!" or melee "That weapon is a huge upgrade for me!" and then go and sell it after the group breaks up.

    Greediness in people rules all on these servers. Sure, you are the nicer person passing on items you would just sell, but on a server like this those items can just be traded for items you do need.