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Will Mangler be fixed tonight, or should we just call it?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ManglesSK, Mar 16, 2019.

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  1. ManglesSK New Member

    See title. It's been completely broken for almost 3 hours now. Can we get a detailed status update please?
    Ishbu likes this.
  2. dd15cm New Member

    3 hours? Lol +5
  3. Not_Entelion Journeyman

    They just need to pull a Ragefire and call it.

    Holly can tweet about casuals and we'll come back tomorrow and try again.
  4. Senadwen New Member

    *bangs head against brick wall*
  5. Roxxlyy Augur

    I do not have an ETA to share at this time, but we are working on solutions for these issues.
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