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Why is Agnarr only going up to POP?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lienceleste, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. snailish Augur

    I think the longevity of Agnarr after the lock has had some time, and especially after the next progression server starts, is whether there are some casual guilds with significant numbers doing stuff. This stuff doesn't have to be PoP raiding, or just PoP raiding.

    The trick with that is, a lot of Agnarr casuals are still barely into their teen levels due to sporadic play. If there is enough of these types around, the server has years.

    End game raid types, that do endgame raiding in era (so not doing "fresh" things an expac or two late with the guild force) will surely tire of Agnarr soon into the lock, if they even came to the server in the first place.
  2. Imdead Augur

    For me, it gives me the opportunity to fully enjoy multiple classes and fully master the Classic through POP experience. While Phinny was nice, I still feel that the xp and quick expansion unlock made it a hardcore server. I had a challenging time just staying maxed on Phinny without even really exploring alts. With Agnarr being POP locked I don't feel like I need to worry about becoming impossibly behind the "current" content of the server.

    Long term I do expect there will be different "tiers" of raiding guilds were you can park alts of various lvl's to explore whatever content you wish. Yes, many will crush straight through to Time, however I expect that there will be many guilds embracing leaving some alts at lvl 50 for classic content or 60 for Kunark/Velious content. What's the hurry to breeze past content just to run Time again on another char.

    Yes, eventually I will grow tired of the old content however I believe it will be a good 3 or 4 years at least and if/when I decide to join a different/new TLP I'll finally have a good idea of what class I want to play since Agnarr will afford me the opportunity to better understand classes "in era".
    Miss_Jackie and DariyaVika like this.
  3. nostalgicfool Augur

    Yeap i see lot of people with XP potions, I got a mount from the monthly 500 sc and will never get any other. Mount sucks : if you need to move they suck, if you want to go melee they suck, visually they suck and they cannot be used in most places.

    Last i don't see the point of getting bags at all. The only time i got filled bags is when i soloed icegiants ...
    Adonhiram likes this.
  4. Nolrog Augur

    Take up tradeskilling one day. . . . .
    Miss_Jackie and Rhodz like this.
  5. Elskidor Augur

    TLPs begin their slow decline after PoP so they're eliminating that problem for this server. Will it work? Who knows, but I'm hoping it does.
  6. Karanthal Augur

    For me I didn't join Agnarr because it stopped at PoP. I played TLP for the first time on phinny, it was already in PoP when I started, I got to mid 40s but I felt I was too far behind levels and particularly AA to ever really catch up.

    I jumped to Agnarr because it was the next server to launch and wanted to play through classic/kunark again for the first time since release. I would prefer it wasn't locked at PoP (I think), but at the same time, that doesn't really bother me. If it does and I'm still playing I will start elsewhere.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    Just my opinion, but I think people seriously underestimate the dive that the Agnarr population will take after a few weeks of PoP. I play on Agnarr so not trolling.
  8. Rhodz Augur

    Frankly I am looking forward to a nice quiet server as long as it is not Vulak dead.
    Contemplated just staying on LJ for that reason but I do like the features of AG and nothing after PoP holds any interest.
    Best thing is the krono jerks leave first ... ;)
  9. Amoeba Augur

    I like the idea of an end date really. A time when I know things will no longer expand. Couple that with the XP rate here, I can enjoy the game period I really like and also dabble in other areas such as alts (chronic altitis) as well as being able to take a week off and not be devestatingly behind in all aspects.
    Rhodz likes this.
  10. AsYouWish New Member

    Any other server your character is gone as soon as the server gets to content you don't want to play. All that time and effort is gone.

    Agnarr will always be there in content that I enjoy. I've been enjoying it for so many years I don't expect to get tired of it anytime soon.

    I'm sure I'll play the next event or TLP server as well. It'll just be nice to always have Agnarr to go back to.
    DariyaVika likes this.
  11. Adonhiram Augur

    Haha I bought the selo speed wolf and Adon has 4 bags, but I tradeskill and carry around bazaar bought pet armor all the time. About the mount, the wolf isn't too ugly and I think the maneuverability has improved to be fair with DBG, but yes, there are drawbacks especially for a melee I guess
  12. DariyaVika Augur

    This is so pretentious. This game is 18 years old. None of the raid guilds playing the game today are impressive for their ability to beat cutting edge content, because there is no cutting edge content.
    Jaxinthebox likes this.
  13. nostalgicfool Augur

    Well the nce thing about the wolf is that outdoor i can med and canni + no sitting agro ... and even if my melee sucks (even with almost max skill) my 320 proc often for max damage with malo on .... so if i can i try to go and smack the mob.

    It's unclear but it seems that i get less mana if i melee than if if stand in the back, may be just an impression.

    But it seems to me that most of the interesting zones are indoor.

    Bags may be useful for tradeskill i agree, as example i could make much more potions ;-)
    But well it's not so essential and i m not rich enough to consider working on tailoring or some crazy skill like that.

    Not sure how full speed kite would work on a wolf, i soloed that way quite a lot when i got my first dog cause rooting meant no dog, i m not sure it is a good idea with the speed lag of the wolf; anyway I almost never solo even if clearly i can, killing DB in GE is super easy but now i just slow and dot and melee.
  14. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Yup. This is totally me. Bags and bags and bags full of tradeskill mats. I'm a horrible TS mat hoarder. =P
    Adonhiram likes this.
  15. Noblesquire Journeyman

    All I hear is a bunch of whining and crying about how everything is going to fail on this server. There will always be that crowd that you cannot make happy... and they will always complain. Its does not add anything useful to the conversation. Go to another server... or play another MMO. /Shrug...
    Jaxarale01 and Jaxinthebox like this.
  16. daffie999 Augur

    There are certainly whiners... but holding your own with "raid" guilds? That requires playing more than others. Pretty much it.
  17. Risiko Augur

    Pretty simple actually...

    People have been asking for an actual time locked server for years


    It will take 2 years to get to LDoN where the server will actually lock which is the perfect time frame for another TLP server opening
    Noblesquire likes this.
  18. Risiko Augur

    Now as for why anyone would want a time locked server, my opinion is that with all other TLP servers, after they get up beyond Planes of Power, the server becomes more of a "max level or go home" kind of environment.

    With the server locked at Planes of Power (Lost Dungeons of Norrath to be precise), the server will always be new character friendly even 10 years from now. Agnarr will be the server to go start a new character on IF you want to actually play through the first 65 levels and starting AAs rather than just power level to the current max level.

    Assuming they will eventually allow paid-for transfers off of Agnarr to Live servers, I would assume that the natural progression of characters for players coming back to Everquest (or starting out for the first time.. .yes there are some that do play Everquest that didn't in the past), will be to start a character on Agnarr. Level up and learn how to play your class. Learn how to raid. Gear up. Then pay to transfer to a live server where you either power level or buy a level 85 boost potion.

    It should be noted that this is a money making plan for Everquest.
    1. New character buys the big bag expansion
    2. Pays for subscription because TLP servers require a subscription
    3. Pays for experience potions
    4. Pays for a mount
    5. Pays for more big bags
    6. Pays for transfer to a Live server
    DBG potentially can make a lot of money off of this server.
    Noblesquire likes this.
  19. Sagarmatha Augur

    Because God hates you.
    Risiko likes this.
  20. Risiko Augur

    In actuality, most peopled hated Gates of Discord, but that was before they reworked the mobs in it.

    It's a lot better expansion now.

    Unfortunately, people remember it for the cluster it was before.
    Noblesquire likes this.