why does new caster 1h have lower focus than old one?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by svann, Mar 26, 2019.

  1. svann Augur

    Conflagrant Athame - sympathetic alleviating burst 13
    Testing Probe - sympathetic alleviating burst 12

    Shouldnt new one get a couple ranks bump up?
  2. kizant Augur

    The weird thing is that sometimes the melee proc is the same level as the sympathetic and sometimes the sympathetic is higher. Seems to me like it might be a bug when that happens and it's just been copy/pasted a lot on some weapons. Either way those really aren't worth using so that's probably why nobody questioned it.
  3. svann Augur

    delete. tested melee proc, and I guess they do get melee procs too
  4. svann Augur

    Really? The way I was figuring it was that the damage I can do with that mana return is greater than the damage from a dmg proc item - if mana conservation is at all important. What am I missing here?
  5. Cicelee Augur

    The thought process is that you should maximize DPS, get mana to zero, then OOC back to 100 mana.

    Now, a mana proc return delays the amount of time it takes you to get to zero mana. Same thing with stuff like mod rods, paragon, horn chickie, etc. So it depends on your situation, really. A main raider wants to do the most DPS, and is not concerned with mana. Thus most main caster raiders go with damage proc weapons.

    But if you are a caster box, who only casts a couple spells per mob in a group game and whatever DPS you do is icing on the cake so to speak, maybe a mana return helps delay the inevitable. Or maybe helps you to never go OOM so you can just forget about the caster box...