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Why does Daybreak games do so little on promotion for the game or its expansions?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by MarttinPH, Sep 9, 2022.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sure but a game can only last for so long and it is impressive that it has lasted as long as it has.
  2. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Like the Next EQ or something like that? o_O Am I alone in thinking that a new version of EQ is likely to remain a perpetual bit of vaporware? I would like to believe otherwise, but I don't see any sign of it or good reason that I will live to see a playable version of EQ TNBT arrive in the gaming world.

    **© EQ TNBT = Everquest The Next Big Thing**
  3. Iven Suggestions Bard

    What is the purpose of that weird fence on that door ?! Is it the place where the server hamsters or some gnome devs do get held captive ? ;)

  4. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Actually, it's a koala quarantine area. When newly arrived koalas descend from the mother ship they have to be quarantined for about 30 days. After that they are set free and begin consuming the excess population of Halflings in the San Diego area. With a side of eucalyptus leaves of course. It is actually quite fun to watch, with their sharp little teeth gnawing on things and all. The San Diego Zoo has a whole exhibit devoted to it.
  5. Oakenblade Former ForumQuest Champion

    Koalas are filth
    Iven likes this.
  6. Nennius Curmudgeon

    And halflings are ??? Everything has a place in the Great Circle of Life. The koalas place to to eat halflings.
  7. Oakenblade Former ForumQuest Champion

    Koalas aren't smart enough to eat halflings. Their brains are too smooth.
  8. Nennius Curmudgeon

    It's not really about intelligence. It's about instinct. They are simply programmed to eat halflings. They can be as dumb as a pop singer and still chase the little furry footed buggers down with ease. I should mention that those folks with the latest iPhone are also at risk. That's a side effect of their anti-lemming subroutine. We're working on that, but since we tend to use Android devices it really isn't a priority for us.
  9. Nennius Curmudgeon

    The Dwarven Council is pleased to announce a new menu item for our next Banquet.

    Halfling Meat Pies
    This is a Miraculous Meal
    STR: +12 DEX: +12 STA: +13 CHA: +10 WIS: +13 INT: +13
    AGI: +12 HP: +150 MANA: +100 Endurance: +150
    SV FIRE: +20 SV DISEASE: +20 SV COLD: +20 SV MAGIC: +20
    SV POISON: +20
    WT: 2.2 Size: LARGE
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL
    Stackable up to 20

    Baking Components: Cheese, Ground Pepper, Jug of Sauces, Onion, Pastry Dough, Fermented Halfling Meat, Rock Salt, Sweet Green Pepper, Nose Plug
    In: Oven (Stationary), Tanaan Oven (Stationary), Oven (Placeable), Guild Oven
    Yield: 1
  10. error Augur

    To be honest I don't see any advertising campaign bringing in a lot of new or returning subscribers. At least, not an advertising campaign by itself. It'd have to be coupled with a significant reinvestment into the game that would generate excitement. At the very least a heavily polished expansion coupled with graphical improvements (character models, lighting, shadows, etc...) and a GUI overhaul, basically superficial visual improvements to catch their immediate attention. Long term retention would likely require significant improvements to gameplay, bug fixes, and client/server optimizations.

    And really, to keep new players interested longer than like, a couple weeks of ftp, you'd need to implement obvious leveling routes that will bring them up to current content in a reasonable amount of time without requiring 1) paid character boosts 2) pre-existing knowledge of the game or 3) boxing.
    Stymie and Jumbur like this.
  11. Iven Suggestions Bard

    The problem with EverQuest is that it does rival with the slightly more modern and maybe easier playable EverQuest II. EQ2 which got released only two weeks before WoW should generally attract much more new players and promoting EQ would be counteractive.

    Additionally EQ has a very high fluctuation of new players. So if we assume that 20% of new players do stay for at least one month and that 75% of those do buy an AllAcccess account subscription, the result would be a success rate of 15% which might be not enough for cost-covering promotion costs.
  12. Bernel Augur

    One thing to realize is that part of the success of early EQ was due to lack of other options rather than EQ was the game everyone truly wanted to play. When there are only 2-3 game options, lots of people get clustered in those games by default. But as more games come online, people drift to the games that better suit their desires and play style. In addition, there are more options for people to spend their free time on, like social media, streaming, etc. The point being is that there might not really be all that many potential EQ players out there even though lots of people used to play it. Lots of people playing it in '99 were doing so because of lack of other options rather than they loved EQ.

    Even if there was a world-wide, billion-dollar ad blitz for EQ, it might not generate all that many new players because there aren't a lot of people who want to spend their time in a game like EQ. EQ is a quirky, niche game. Not everyone will want to play it or prioritize playing it over other things like other games, browsing social media, etc. To generate a lot of new players, not only would they have to put lots of money towards advertising, they would have to make large-scale changes to the game to make it attractive to the wider gaming audience. Those changes would fundamentally change the feel of EQ (e.g. wow-ify the game) and likely alienate the current audience.
  13. Laronk Augur

    Why would a new player play this game, even if they pick up this game it's 100's of hours to catchup in a meaningful way in a game that doesn't have something like a dungeon finder that will support easy to find groups so you have to make friends. Even once you're caught up it can be hard to find groups.

    It's not that people want an easy game, people want to get in their game and then easily group up with other people.