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Who Won The Race to Mayong / Tunat?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Cloak_TLP, Mar 31, 2022.

  1. Cloak_TLP New Member

    DoDH and GoD dropped 24+ hours ago on Aradune and Mischief/Thornblade. Have guilds killed Mayong or Tunat yet? If so who, what order and did anything notable happen?
  2. Karreck Somebody

    More importantly.
    Does it matter?
  3. Cloak_TLP New Member

    Doesn't matter but it's kinda fun to follow this stuff like cheering for a sports team but for nerds.
  4. Basak Augur

    If you're following it wouldn't you not need to ask the question?
  5. Grumpus New Member

    "Thats EQ Baby" killed Mayong this morning at 8:15 AM PST
  6. Catalina Journeyman

    faceless killed tunat first
  7. Ootax Augur

    And second
  8. Cloak_TLP New Member

    Is there a better place to follow it than forums? I don't see these guilds streaming. Usually just look for the posts after.
  9. AngryKing Elder

    I think what big brain basak is trying to say is if you are interested you should log into both servers and wait for the server wide yellow text. Coming to a message board that discusses those types of things definitely isnt the play.
  10. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Was it a world record?
  11. Ootax Augur

    Well it is a message board, nothing wrong with him asking it on here, maybe he wasn't able to log on, or just didn't feel like it and figured he would ask here. Would you rather it be another thread about the next TLP? Plenty of posts over the years on this forum about who won what and this time shouldn't be any different. Must be some really bored people if you're getting all worked up about a person asking who on an expansion opening.
    Wyre Wintermute likes this.
  12. AngryKing Elder

    I wasnt being serious and was trying to point out the absurdity of that other guys post.
    Ootax likes this.
  13. ~RiLe~ New Member

    TEB first demi clear on Aradune
  14. Ishbu Augur

    I dont know about Mayong and Tunat, but I am the master of dreadspire for Aradune.

    Everyone else who had access was told they didnt meet the requirements and forced to run back to try and zone again while I ruled the zone.

    Since then many others have come in, but thats because they received my dinner invitations.
    Dailor likes this.
  15. Checks&Balance New Member

    Apparently Faceless split raid and both raids beat Greed is Good. Cowboys on Thornblade got third a few hours later and then GiG got 4th place 20+ hours after the first Tunat was killed.

    This was the message sent to GiG by leadership following the loss.

    @Diamond Hands @Greed Member Couple of announcements.

    “First and foremost, I want to apologize for how this expansion's race turned out. No matter what happens or who is responsible, the buck ultimately stops with me, and so a lot of this failure is on my shoulders. I can promise each and every single one of you that I learned a great deal about this guild and the players in it, and what to expect from them, and so this mistake will not happen again in OoW and going forward.

    However, what this raid did prove is that we have a good amount of people who, for whatever reason, do not care enough to put in the time and effort that is required to be a guild that races for server first expansion clears. It was evident with how disgusting some of our Tipt runs went. And to be very clear, our pathetic efforts as a guild in Tipt are 100% what cost us this race. Until Leadership feels comfortable with the fact that this guild is willing to do what it needs to in order to be at the top of our game, we will be implementing the following change:

    Effectively immediately, 1% of every single sheet will be set aside and saved for the next expansion's Test runs. The amount of plat that is accumulated from that 1% cut will be split between all players who show up to Test raids. Please note that when I say show up to Test raids, I mean logs on and is in attendance, not "watching" my stream.

    This decision is stemming from the fact that it is very clear far too many people do not know what they are doing in these upcoming expansions, and expecting people to show up to Test raids in order to learn on their own is not something that will happen for a majority of this guild. Basically, way too many of you didn't know what the to do this expansion, and so we will do what we feel is necessary to fix that going forward.

    Leadership will be having conversations with a good number of people in regards to why they should get a split from this expansion launch, or why they should be in the guild period. You all know what this guild is about. Either rise to the level of play that is expected of you, or find someplace else to be and don't waste the time of those in this guild that do give a .

    Loot from tonight will be posted on Discord tomorrow and bid that way, while loot from Tacvi tomorrow will be live bid. Please remember that raids will start forming at 7:45 PM EST, and will begin at 8:00 PM EST.

  16. Rcbauer Augur

    2004 was a long time ago. I don't remember.
  17. Lawyer Augur

    At least that email didn't require folks to watch a training video and fill out a surveymonkey survey.
  18. Cardozo Journeyman

    was the webpage that tracks kills not redone for mischief?
  19. QelynEQ New Member

    My hat goes off to Faceless, they performed incredibly well for the most part. I heard they had a little bit of a hiccup with their Icon of the Alter and found a very sympathetic GM that hooked them up with the completed piece. That KT progression is a real pain that must be done in a VERY specific order, or disasters like that can easily happen.

    They also spent way, way more time on Test preparing for this race than we did, and it showed. Plain and simple, as a guild, they wanted it more than we did and so they got the W. When you spend too long at the top, it's easy to get complacent, and that's what happened to us.

    We also decided that instead of pushing straight for Tunat, since the race was over we just wanted to maximize our loot, so we did a full clear of Txevu and picked it back up the next day. Certainly made things a lot less stressful!

    It was a good, clean race, and I look forward to what is hopefully another clean race in OoW!
  20. Lineater Augur

    So a guild filled with people who are ok with that terrible tag "Greed is Good" floating above their head sucks at the actual game. I'm shocked, yo.
    Aeonblade likes this.