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Who does True box actually hurt?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Battlejanitor, Aug 15, 2024.

  1. Zalphos Augur

    You've participated in the appropriate threads. You choose to ignore what you don't want to see. You want to play a certain way, and that way must be good for the game.
  2. Aiona Augur

    Boxing isn't the only issue making it hard to find players to group with. It's also the amount of players getting power-level'ed instead of 'grouping' to level up, has increased more and more over the years, because krono flows more freely than it ever did and time is more valuable to old EQ players than it used to be because they are getting much older than they used to be.

    Times change things, unfortunately. I wish I could experience EQ like it was in 2000, but even if the game was exactly the same, the community/players have changed as well -- as gamers in general, we don't have as much time or patience as we used to.

    I remember when I used to be quite against boxing. Now I am one of the players that has a hard time staying logged in unless I am boxing. Not because I don't WANT to group with 5 other players 24 hours a day, it's because I can't very often find a group a decent group for anything that lasts longer than 20 minutes or so, and the group falls apart.

    I don't disagree with you, or anyone in particular in this conversation. But boxing is only part of the equation here. Most boxers don't want to destroy anything or ruin anyone's fun, at least considering the many boxers I have met and talked to. I mean, if I am being honest, on the last handful of TLP's there have been a lot of guilds that wouldn't even be capable of raiding if they didn't have boxers in their raids.

    I could be wrong, but I think there's quite a few boxers that wouldn't bother logging in more than one character if they could just log in and always find a group to do whatever they want and need to do, within 10 to 15 minutes or so. Unfortunately though, unless you're an Enchanter on an early TLP, you're not that likely to get immediate invites, and groups just don't last for hours like they used to... LOTS of players drop group nowadays without even looking to find a replacement or waiting for one to show up.

    Times have changed. It sucks. lol

    But I still love EQ. We all do, no? :)
  3. Magician9001 Augur

    And yet here you're demanding EVERY server conforms to your feelings. It's almost like you should pick one of the 25 non-truebox servers to box on. Nah you can't do that because the world revolves around your feelings.
  4. Hamshire Augur

    Truebox is a requirement for server stability, which is why its locked in at launch and falls off overtime. Teek launched with over 20 general channels worth of people, the population was so massive the server would have massive lag, parcels would lag and vanish, kronos would lag and vanish. If it launched without truebox those 20 general channels would be pushed to 40 or 60+ general channels. This will just straight up not work period for a server launch no matter how much you wanna twist and turn in with Everquest in its current state.
  5. Hibiki Journeyman

    Yes it does because my mage army can never be enough.
  6. RangerDanger10 New Member

    Yea it's not like there was a second server released during that time that averages about 200 people at peak daily that could've absorbed that overflow. Instead it's just a waste of server resources.
  7. Ishbu Augur

    So you have no proof of all these people who would play EQ to make up for the lost boxes, making your statement that allowing boxing does more harm than good just completely false and a childish cry for attention. Got it.
  8. Zalphos Augur

    Again, you're ignoring what I said. If you want to ignore me, put me on ignore instead of replying to my posts.
  9. Muramx Augur

    Truebox hurts everyone that is playing the game for fun. The only people boxing are those that are trying to make a profit out of it whether big time RTM or enough Krono to by what they want/account time.
    Truebox puta some players at a disadvantage.
  10. Irisa Journeyman

    Straight up a LIE....

    I have boxed since 1999 not after any profit, my two accounts are subscribed.

    And I am not the exception either....most players today box, only a handful are out for RMT profits.
    strongbus likes this.
  11. fransisco Augur

    The entire premise of this thread is wrong. Truebox makes things better, just ask ragefire.

    Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.Truebox doesn't make things perfect, but nothing does.
  12. Aziuno Augur

    Who does Truebox hurt? Truebox hurts Darkpaw's subscription numbers.

    You know it was bad when a company is literally saying 'don't pay use more money to run multiple accounts on one pc'
  13. fransisco Augur

    All those boxed subs that just pay in kronos they buy 3rd hand? Thats exactly zero money for DB
  14. Irisa Journeyman

    Every krono in EQ was bought from Daybreak, it may be getting re-sold...but it was originally purchased from Daybreak.

    The boxers using the krono may be buying them from players but those players had to by them from DBG.
  15. Defenestrated Vase Augur

    True. But if a player decides to buy from a third party instead of directly buying from DPG that is yet another Krono purchase that could have gone into the DPG wallet but instead went to 3rd party.
  16. Irisa Journeyman

    The ones on a third party site were ALSO sold by Daybreak.to players before they ended up on a third party site.
  17. Defenestrated Vase Augur

    Of course. You are repeating yourself. I will also repeat myself now:
    What I am saying is, if some player now decides to buy 10 krono, he can go to a third party site and buy them for X money. Yes, those krono at one point had been bought from DPG so they made a profit some time ago.

    If this player buys from that 3rd party site, he will not generate another profit for DPG. DPG will miss out on that purchase.

    If that player does not go to a third party site and buys a freshly "minted" krono directly from DPG, that would be yet another new profit DPG is making. Do you get it now?
  18. Raytheon Augur

    You don't know how accounting works. Every krono sold by DPG is not "profit" at the time it is sold. It becomes a liability on their books. When it is consumed that liability is cleared and recorded as income. They got the cash flow when the krono was sold, but not the income. Do you get it now?
  19. Defenestrated Vase Augur

    I do. I just simplified the example. Your persnicketiness about when a sale turns into a profit is irrelevant. People who think that buying from third-party sites doesn't harm DPG are wrong unless that third-party site is run by DPG in disguise.