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Which tank is best?

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by ceto, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. ceto Elder

    Hiya folks,

    If I just wanted to kill trash mobs to level up, not interested in raiding/grouping, which would be easiest?

  2. Derka Power Ranger

    For what you want to do and if you're on a live server, Shadowknight will work well.
    Quatr and Tucoh like this.
  3. ceto Elder

    Thank you
  4. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    The best, is the one you play well....
    feeltheburn and Bigstomp like this.
  5. fransisco Augur

    gnomes! Gnomes are the best tanks!
  6. Stephen51 Augur

    Mine. My Tank is best!

  7. Intenso Augur

    earth pet clearly
    Yimin likes this.
  8. Repthor Augur

    Enchie rune tanking is best
  9. Fohpo Augur

    I'm usually impressed by rangers who make it work.
  10. Zarzac Augur

    If you just want to solo/molo, go necro or mage.
  11. fransisco Augur

    Before it got nerfed into the ground, it kinda was lol.
    Now it has a 30second recast so its not that great anymore.
  12. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    The best tank is the one that you can master.
  13. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Water pet, yo. So much more deeps!
    fransisco likes this.
  14. Laeadern Elder

    Make all three, play them a bit, see which you like best, go with that. In the end they all work well.
  15. code-zero Augur

    Actually halfling warriors are a pretty good choice because they get a compounded experience boost if you're just wanting to level up casually while killing trash mobs.

    Of course then you're a halfling and you're a warrior...
  16. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    I have a near max AA SK and same AA level warrior and I can say that warrior is the better tank over most situations. I am thinking further ahead with the warrior about how to manage discs, etc. There is situational utility with the SK or with just trash group stuff the SK has some stuff that can allow you to chill a bit more and relax as you play.
  17. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    Warriors make the best meat shields, especially for raid bosses. Boring in my book.
    Pallies can heal and might make the next best meat shields.
    SK's have the best utility and aggro, and are certainly capable of tanking just about anything pallies or warriors can tank. Also have great DPS. Definitely the best group tanks and nothing to complain about in raids, either.

    Generally. :)
  18. Gnomeland Augur

    Warriors are the best for a box group.

    Others are better for single character play, but will never match a warrior as main raid tank.

    Right now, I would say that warrior is the best general choice, unless you have specific use cases in mind. They're just better at taking damage and most of the advantages of knights had have been reduced. That said, it depends on what utility you want. Warriors can't do much outside of tank.
  19. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I absolutely disagree. SK's are the best for group and possibly even for raid trash (SK aggro abilities standout). Warriors are best for raid bosses and that's about it (they do also have great DPS with good weapons). Pallies are...best for undead? :)
  20. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    Damage taken from tougher group named in EOK and ROS at the time they were the contemporary content was very streaky for SKs. The damage for warriors on the same mobs was less streaky. It was never that one class absolutely could not tank those mobs....it was just one class (warrior) did so with less damage spikes.
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