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Which expansion do tradeskill drops stop being complete garbage in TLP?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tounces77, Feb 9, 2023.

  1. Tounces77 New Member

    Just unlocked TSS recently on Thorneblade.

    However, I still can't seem to try and get Tungston/Cobalt/Titanium etc anywhere at all even semi-reliably. There's literally 0 for sale in bazaar because nobody else is really getting any either.

    Apparently certain loot tables do not "unlock" until certain expansions. Does anyone know when tradeskill drop tables actually open up to be at least semi-reasonable?

    As I type this I literally got done killing 58 humanoid miners and got 0 ore or any other tradeskill drops from them. And this is in a TSS zone. All other zones I've tried so far are the same result, including PoP zones, old world zones, etc.

    Magelo doesn't help any because it shows live drop rates, TLPs.
  2. SoandsoForumUser Augur

    TLPs should have the same drop rates as live as far as I'm aware. I just waited for overseer and got most of my tradeskill mats from that.
  3. Tounces77 New Member

    Not for tradeskill components for sure. Also things like defiant gear gets added to drop tables as new expansions go live.
  4. Tounces77 New Member

    Just to be clear, I'm getting drop rates of around 1%.

    Doing the math there, that means to get around 6 pts in a tradeskill where I am at, I will literally need 21,600+ kills.
  5. Captain Video Augur

    The cultural ores unlock by level. If memory serves, tungsten will only drop off mobs level 65+, cobalt 70+, titanium 75+. There may be minor variations to this, but that's how you should be looking if you want to farm them.
    Wyre Wintermute and Yinla like this.
  6. Tounces77 New Member

    Right. I'm hitting stuff in the right level range. But it's not dropping, despite mass-killing.
    Like I kill around 100 humanoids in the 65-70 range and get....maybe 1 tradeskill item.
  7. Penelo Lorekeeper

    I play on Aradune so we are just a bit ahead of you.

    If you are looking for the top end ores in TSS we found the best place was Ashengate East Humanoids.

    As for drop-rate? It sucks. There is no great way to target it for skill gains, but do keep in mind that cultural armor itself (not the templates) has a boosted skill gain mod built in. I did 280->300 smithing in sub 200 combines, it was crazy.

    There is someone on Aradune who sells a ton of Rhenium (probably one of the best ores for skilling up Blacksmithing). I assume he's found a decent place to bot/farm it, so they do exist, I'm just not sure where they are since the body type changes.

    The best place we found for Rhenium was a stillmoon temple DZ in DoN, fighting the statues in the big room upstairs near the zone-out. Technically you could train the whole DZ of statues to that room and big AoE them, zone out, get a fresh DZ, zone back in and do it all again.
  8. Xhartor Augur

    In TSS you after be after Tantalum for the culture armor, and titanium for the deity symbol.

    Ashengate east or the Drakkin camp outside of Ashengate are good for farming the stuff.
    Dreadspire Keep is also good for the titanium drops, Tantalum can drop there, but it's super rare.
  9. Tounces77 New Member

    I'm looking for ores to skill up with, so I need a considerable number of them. Tungsten mostly, although Chronal or Discordant work too.
  10. Tounces77 New Member

    I already have Tantalum and Titanium, but I can't use them because you need to be 300 skill before you can even attempt those recipes.
  11. Penelo Lorekeeper

    Rhenium is where it's at. Try stillmoon temple DZ's from DoN. Then make the cultural BP's with Rhenium. Should be above 300 trivial and only takes 1 Rhenium per combine.

    This will be slow though. Drop rate is not great on these. Basically I have a tradeskill component bag with all the decent 250+ trivial combine ores/silks/skins/loams/spinnerets. I just let them build up in the bag and ignore them until I have a bunch. If you try to count each one as it comes in, you'll go insane.
  12. Penelo Lorekeeper

  13. Tounces77 New Member

    I'll try Stillmoon temple, can't possibly be any worse than PoNightmare, or PoV, or Sleepers Tomb, or Sunderock Springs, or any of the other zones that have a 1% drop rate at very best for either Rhenium or Tungston Ore.

    And slow doesn't even begin to describe it. 1% means around 3200 kills for a single skill-up.

    That is frankly unreasonable. The drop rate is supposed to be around 10% on live.
  14. Tounces77 New Member


    Tried farming DoN zones, Stillmoon, Thundercrest. Still around 1% drop rate.

    Seems to be universally broken.

    Like is it SUPPOSED to take months just to go up a few points in a tradeskill?
  15. Brickhaus Augur

    You are just trying to skill up correct?

    The initial templates should be unlocked regardless of your skill level:
    EQTC - Item: Tantalum Chain Bracer Template (eqtraders.com)

    Sure you will fail a ton, but the skillup chance should be roughly the same for success and failure with your stat level.

    Edit: Basically what Penelo said...
  16. Tounces77 New Member

    That template requires tantalum ore though....that's exceedingly rare on Thorneblade.

    I'm trying to get to 300 to make symbols, because 300 is a hard requirement for them.

    Just to be clear, I have enough tantalum to make the items I want to make once I get to 300. But I cannot make them until 300 because they're hard-locked to 300 skill as a minimum.
  17. Tounces77 New Member

    The drop rates might be un-nerfed in TBS(no one really knows for sure(except maybe daybreak, but they aren't talking), but by then the gear will be far less useful.

    Or they might remain nerfed until even past TBS, in which case the gear will be obsolete already.
  18. Senlronia Lorekeeper


    Link below shows everything that can drop it, its still kind of a low drop rate. Best advice is to buy as much as you can off the bazaar after selling vendor trash while farming the ore. Set a limit on how much you are willing to pay for it. For every expansion though, the top tier ores that make the best stuff for your expansion are always rare. As you progress further older ores become more common.

  19. Appren Gnomercy

    Drops on Thornblade can't be different than on Mischief, surely? I have no issues whatsoever to get these components from bazaar, barter and the occasional loot on Mischief.

    I can only guess that Thornblade pop is too low for a decent market (85 vs 617 traders active at this very second). I guess guilds and the occasional hardcore crafter is buying everything that is being sold to /barter or on /baz.

    Cut your losses, and move to Mischief before Thornblade dies for good might be an option (as hoping for a free merger anytime soon is probably a waste of time)
  20. Tounces77 New Member

    Mischief has a LOT more people, so it's easier to find stuff like that in Bazaar there.