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Where to Start? (Thornblade)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Veronious, May 13, 2021.

  1. Veronious New Member

    Hey, little rusty on classic starting.

    I am a 3 boxer, I think this time around I'm going to do a Paladin, Mage, Shaman combo; Possibly Paladin Monk Shaman

    So my issue is where do I start? I was thinking Qeynos, because it's less populated. Question is since humans can't be Shaman, whats closest/easiest commute to get a Shaman with my other 2 boxes? Guessing Barbarian but I may be forgetting something. Thanks in advance for help
  2. Thrawnseg Augur

    Barb is the closest as a shaman. Other than that, you are making either humans and running a ogre/troll.
  3. Lejaun Augur

    Qeynos is my favorite starting area. I love Blackburrow for around 4-12.

    By then, you'll have SoW and you can make a much faster run to wherever you want to exp at.
    Karreck likes this.
  4. Tackk New Member

    Surely you mean you're a 2 boxer, whose wife plays a 3rd account ; )
  5. Gnothappening Augur

    Why would he? This server is truebox but not 2 box.
    Tweakfour17 likes this.
  6. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Only Aradune was capped at 2 players, the other truebox TLPs including Thornblade and Mischief you can box as many as you want provided you have a separate pc for each.
  7. Knarf New Member

    You may want to keep in mind that a troll shaman has a clicky snare item available to get. With that lineup a snare might be nice.
  8. Ultrazen Augur

    Human Monk, Human Palie, Innie Troll Shaman, start in Freeport and Grobb. Easy to get together, and come post BB, you won't be stuck out in bumfroak. It will also get you a snare clicky which is pretty handy in that group.

    I 3 boxed SK/Shammy/Monk, it was a laugh. Barb shaman are....eh, I dunno, I wouldn't play one. That troll regen is pretty huge, especially on a TLP early on. You can also see which is nice. If you DO like that starting area though, by all means, barb is your only choice really.

    On a related question, don't they actually have translocators in at start of TLPs now? That would make a lot of choices different.
  9. Roean Journeyman

    Only for the boats, which makes travel between the continents very trivial but you still gotta run or port all the way across antonica. That's why I would suggest to OP either start as close to Freeport as possible and just run to Qeynos if you really wanna level in that area or consider a porter or bard for one of your characters. A wizard would probably be the best fit.
  10. Vaile Journeyman

    I love qeynos and Blackburrow, no doubt about it. But I’m that side you won’t have easy access to the commons flea market tunnel. Plus with troll, You can have the one with the Oo eyes that make him always look like he’s doing hard math!

    I’ve not really multi boxed before but am thinking about it this time, main is def gonna be a chanter (fav class) and I can’t decide btwn mage, Druid, or MAYBE shaman with him. I was originally thinking Druid for sow, ports (plat!!), and buffs, but I’ve been playing a mage the last couple of nights just to try and in-rusty myself a bit and I forgot how good their pets are (at least the first few lvls) and how hard they can pewpew. And mage would possibly a bit easier if people let me bring both to a group. Just can’t decide!! Servers need to get here now!! Lol
  11. Elite_raider Augur

    What snare item is that?
  12. Vindaven Augur

    Regent Symbol of Innoruuk. For Clerics and Shaman who worship the Prince of Hate, Innoruuk. 6 second cast Clinging Darkness. Known to get resisted easily, but with Malo it’s not so bad. Gives these classes without a snare... a snare... so that’s nice.

    Elite_raider likes this.