when is it ok to kill a camped mob

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by psychowizzy, Oct 13, 2012.

  1. psychowizzy New Member

    When can i kill a camped mob ..say I wanted to kill tormax but someone is camping him ..I see him spawn. I wait,say 15 mins goes by and the person camping him still has not attacked him now wont answer a tell..when would it be ok to take the kill.
  2. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    If you want to be polite send a tell and see if he perks up. If not go for it.
  3. Tarrin Augur

    Waiting 15 minutes is more than enough.
    Sinestra likes this.
  4. Leerah Augur

    I've been thinking about this a lot lately. We want to allow people time to grab food and go to the bathroom. My standard is also 15 mins. unless the mob is beating on the guy who's there. This happened to me recently and he heard the audio trigger and woke up. I passed to him. He was there before me and was there all day. He went to the trouble of sleeping next to his computer. He got the Bow now and it's my turn next. If he had not woken up, I would have waiting till corpse was about to expire to loot it.

    So, yah. Everyone agree 15 mins afk is the limit?
    Sinestra likes this.
  5. WarSheol Augur

    15 minutes is way more than enough time. it is polite to send a tell if no answer within a minute then then go for it, as mentioned it belongs to who hits it first, if they really where camping it they would have attacked it. :cool:

    its not like you ran up right when it popped and took it from him while he was fighting it.
  6. sojuu Augur

    15 mins should be a good amount of time to wait. I understand sure maybe he went to the bathroom or went for a quick afk but if its been 15 mins your good to go on taking the mob. I don't agree with the first in combat rule soe recognizes, because it seems like its more of a way for them to track logs is only reason that is there. That is if they even wanted to take any action and now days they wouldnt. So I believe us as players need to have the common curtosy to respect each others camps. And sure some may have different ideas on what is someones camp and what isnt but thats just part of the game play and we need decide this one our own. I know I got a little side tracked but yea 15 mins should have been fine to move in for the kill.
    Leerah and Sinestra like this.
  7. Tobynn Augur

    15 minutes? You waited about 14 minutes too long, imo. If someone wants to AFK nearby a multi-day respawn, then they should expect to lose it when they ignore it. Sitting safely out of agro range so you can return to the keyboard for a visual now and again, that's the risk you run.

    Its not as if Tormax has a placeholder that repops every half hour and you just snuck in and swiped the namer while the person went afk a quick minute.
    Vuncar, Fortunbas and Voodoman like this.
  8. Taadieri Journeyman

    Personally, if I got to the spawn point of a mob I wanted (long respawn, not triggered) and the mob was not up yet and another toon was there already, I would send them a polite tell right then. I can frequently get info on when they expect the mob to spawn or get them to send me an in-game email after they kill it, so that I have a better idea of when to come back for the next spawn. I have made a few in-game friends over the years by bonding over long, boring camps sharing info on spawn times, etc.

    If they haven't responded within a few minutes and the mob spawns while I am still there, then I would send them another tell and then proceed to kill it. If the other person wakes up during the fight and is not a total jerk, I would usually group them and give them first choice of loot since they were there first, even though they were afk.

    If the mob is already up when I zone in, I have no way of knowing how long it has been up. So again, I would send a tell and then proceed to kill the mob if there is no response within a few minutes at most.

    If the mob in question has placholders and it appears likely the other person has been killing them to spawn it, I am going to be a lot more patient before stepping in and may just go away and come back later.
    Sinestra likes this.
  9. Crystilla Augur

    I've always waited a decent amount of time myself. Key thing is making sure to send several tells and I usually do tells and say so there's records in two places. It generally goes something like this.

    Zone in
    /ooc camp check
    Move to spot I want/need and see someone there
    /tell to player "cc please' (use that in case he has cc audio triggered instead of camp check)
    Wait a min or two
    Send a 2nd tell saying it looks like they have a (full) respawn and please respond so I know they're coming back from AFK soon to kill.
    Wait another min or two
    Send tell/say letting them know since mobs have been up for a while, if they aren't back in a couple more min, I'll go ahead and start my kills but will stop once they're back.
    If they still aren't back at that time, I'll tell/say starting killing, please let me know when you're back.

    All in all that's probably been close to 10 min or so from first contact to them until I might engage. I always wait at least double the 'med to full' time needed since many do AFK during that timeframe if they had wiped or something. But the other key thing is - if they come back, I do leave.
  10. doktartp Augur

    Track, send bard to spot, selo's around to see where the camp is. /say you know XYZ has been up for like 20 minutes, are yall working on it ?

    wait bout 5, start clearing area, if no response in that time, I relocate the named to my spot. They have until I loot to speak up, I have no problem evacing mid fight for a hunter person if i did not kill the PH.

    1 full spawn round is what i usually kill before i send bard over, so it varies by zone.
  11. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I generally wait at least an hour. People go on bio breaks, they can be fighting other mobs and miss a tell or whatever. Sometimes they have wiped on a mob and are quickly trying to regroup on it. Sometimes its group geared peeps with two named up and it takes then 5 minutes to kill the first one or whatever and they miss tells during the fight. In the end, it's a game and I can't ever see needing one particular named so much that I am not evening spawning that I have to rush someone.
  12. Crystilla Augur

    Yeah, for hunter stuff, if I see a named up and folks are killing, I'll leave and come back - or ask them politely if my group could join their group for Hunter update or kill and leave the corpse completely unchecked. I've never been turned down in those situations.
    Sinestra likes this.
  13. Leerah Augur

    We have some great people in this community!
  14. SOE-MOD-19 Journeyman

    I'm unlocking this thread because I believe the discussion of "Camped mobs" is an age-old question that should always be addressed. However, further trolling/name calling will result in a permanent lock.
    Sinestra likes this.
  15. Leerah Augur

    That kind of attitude is going to result in nobody on your server giving you any kind of consideration or breaks. Luckily, you're the exception.
    Sinestra likes this.
  16. Tobynn Augur

    Appreciate the stern moral admonition and forewarning of my inevitable ostracization. I didn't realize you were in the prophecy business; how quaint. Luckily, your predictions regarding my attitude are inconsequential.
    Vuncar likes this.
  17. Pizacatto - CT Augur

    For many, this is the answer. If they can't seem to get a group out there in 15 minutes, that's more than fair to engage and kill him. Without agro, it's an open mob, as EQ's official word is they do not recognize 'camping mobs'. You could take it, kill it, loot it and even if they petitioned, they'd get the answer there are no camps in the game. Your reputation may take a hit on your server, but that's something else entirely. Though EQ doesn't recognize camps, most of the players do, and some do religiously, until the mob they want is camped, then they switch positions pretty quick.
  18. Xnao Augur

    Camps are obsolete.
  19. Keshua Journeyman

    I know technically it isn't against the rules to take other people's mobs if they haven't engage it already. But come on, stuff happens and people have to afk sometimes. I know if I've been working a camp for hours and nothing spawns it gets frustrating. It gets even more frustrating if I take a 5-min bio and come back to a group killing the named I been working on all day. Especially with the spawn rate of VoA nameds.

    As far as multi-day spawns, if I have been sitting there watching my screen for hours on end and I leave for 2 mins, and come back to someone else standing over the corpse of the guy I been waiting on, I would be pretty frustrated too.

    If I want a named or mob or whatever and I see folks killing there, I engage them in conversation and try to figure out what they are after. Sometimes they are just questing. Other times they are just working on hunter achievements. when they are actually after the mob I want, I wish them good luck and go find something else to do until they finish up.

    You could just try to force your way into someone's camp (HoT Cy camps were horrible). You could ninja pull their nameds while they aren't looking. You can claim the sacred "SoE doesn't recognize camps" line. But people will hate you for it. And I wouldn't blame them.
    Leerah and Sinestra like this.
  20. Orablast Elder

    I personally don't think 15 minutes is long enough. I would say at least 1 hour, or just come back later.
    Sinestra likes this.
  21. Sinestra Augur

    I feel 15 minutes is long enough in most situations. If someone does it before that, I put them on a list. If you want to be respected in the game it starts with you respecting others. If you can't respect others then you do not deserve respect in return and have no right to complain when something bad happens to you.